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Things about Doom you just found out


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  Scypek2 said:

Also in wolf levels, not only textures are from mac, but also some secrets (secret in dog room, no secret after Hans).


Is "secret in dog room" the Doom-textured room to the east of the map? I can't find any information on it.

And what's the secret after Hans?

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  40oz said:

what is the overlay on top of Doom 2's ROCK5 that makes it look so different? It kinda looks like Doom's nukage flat blown up and used as a transparent layer. The same effect is used on the SLIME15 flat too


I thought ROCK5 was just a recolor of ROCK4 up until today

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I found this out a while back and it's likely quite well known, but it is regardless a "Thing about Doom I found out:"

In Nightmare! mode, monsters spawned by the Icon of Sin respawn at coordinates 0,0, which would only make sense seeing as they have to do so somewhere. I discovered this after the rockets that I was firing through a narrow opening unfit for monstrous habitation started detonating prematurely.

Any excuse to innuendo, captain.

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1. Yeah, it's exactly here in mac too, but it's not doomish of course.
2. It's behind the flag in the Hans room and features only little closet with 1up. Pretty weird, because it's at the end of the episode so it's only needed to fulfill secret/item percentage. What's even more weird, it's removed in mac doom where it would make more sense (after killing boss you're seamlessly continuing to the next levels).

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  Scypek2 said:

2. It's behind the flag in the Hans room and features only little closet with 1up. Pretty weird, because it's at the end of the episode so it's only needed to fulfill secret/item percentage. What's even more weird, it's removed in mac doom where it would make more sense (after killing boss you're seamlessly continuing to the next levels).


Never knew about that one. I never was good at finding secrets, though.

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The Archvile's attack does significantly less damage if your right next to a wall.

The way the attack works spawns an explosion right in the center below the player's feet; if there is not enough room for the splash damage to come out, it's simply wasted. So, depending on how much wall your covered by, the amount of damage dealt varies. determine how much damage you take.

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The Archvile's attack does significantly less damage if your right next to a wall.

The way the attack works spawns an explosion right in the center below the player's feet; if there is not enough room for the splash damage to come out, it's simply wasted. So, depending on how much wall your covered by, the amount of damage dealt varies. determine how much damage you take.


This is really interesting. I have noticed that sometimes I will only take a fraction of the usual damage from an arch's attack. But I haven't taken notice whether I was near a wall or not. I will in future.

I imagine this tactic will work less well with cyberdemon rockets. o_0

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That should be a Doom tactic, I thought sometimes I'd take less damage if I stood perfectly still when an Archvile did its thing as I seemed to suffer more when moving when the explosion went off.

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  Cyanosis said:

That should be a Doom tactic, I thought sometimes I'd take less damage if I stood perfectly still when an Archvile did its thing as I seemed to suffer more when moving when the explosion went off.


Also not likely to catch on as a means of dealing with cyberdemon attacks.

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Alien vendetta not only doesn't use light amphication gogles, but also disables it in a DEH patch.

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Scypek2 said:
Alien vendetta not only doesn't use light amphication gogles, but also disables it in a DEH patch.


That's false.

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So, what it does? I was trying to get the item via idbehold, but nothing happened. Then I runned it again, without DEH, and it worked again.

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Maybe AV.deh changes the cheat codes?


You can pick up backpacks even when you have full ammo. o_O

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That's not the case either.

AV.DEH (24. Dec 2002, 7403 B) only changes texts.

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  Memfis said:

You can pick up backpacks even when you have full ammo. o_O


If you couldn't, you'd feel very stupid when you have 200 bullets, 50 shells, 50 rockets, 300 cells, and are failing to pick a backpack up.

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Maybe Memfis means: Even if you have full ammo including the doubled capacity of a first backpack, you can still pickup a second backpack, so it disappears?

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Doom has a hidden easter egg nobody has figured out yet because its not explicit in the code: All the damage done to doomguy was devised so that getting 69 health is very common to reference the simultaneous oral sex position.

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According to the AV.TXT file, the only thing they couldn't change in DeHackEd were the par times, so you have to use the AV.EXE if you want those. The AV.DEH just changes the level names (in automap), the end-of-episode texts, and a small paragraph that's printed when the Doom engine is initializing.

Btw, how did they manage to edit the EXE for custom par times? If it's just a simple search & replace, then it should be possible to modify the DeHackEd tool to edit those as well?

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Linedef special 17 clears the sector special of each sector it touches. In particular this can wipe unvisited secret areas and prevent 100% secrets.

The reason is the effect is controlled by a function named P_SpawnStrobeFlash which assumes once the flashing light thinker is spawned the sector is no longer special. It seems this function was written under the assumption that it was only used for spawning flashing lights at the start of the level.

Discovered while playing Hellfire: Reborn map04 - I lost two out of ten secrets this way (linedef 4198, sectors 571, 580)

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  hex11 said:

Btw, how did they manage to edit the EXE for custom par times? If it's just a simple search & replace, then it should be possible to modify the DeHackEd tool to edit those as well?


Yes, thay are in an array that's easy to find with a hex editor if you know the dimensions. AV guys really should have released Dehacked 3.2 with this capability, given that Boom supports changing par times. I edited my copy of av.deh to expand all contractions and to add par times (in BEX format).

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