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Things about Doom you just found out


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Shadow Hog said:

Also not Doom related, but unless Darkplaces royally screwed up the implementation of Megahealth, it would appear grabbing more than one in Quake is actually disadvantageous.

It's not a DarkPlaces-exclusive issue, unfortunately.

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4shockblast said:

*Picture of a texture*

The Plutonia 2 intermission picture looks like a duck.
(The two holes are eyes, and the diamond is an open beak)

Now you're going to always see the picture of this duck each time you look a the intermission screen.

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I used to think that Plutonia was awesome. Great set of levels from some of the most talented mappers around. Awesome gameplay. A very high quality megawad.

But now the truth has been uncovered. The intermission screen has the image of something vaguely resembling a duck.

Plutonia 2 is ruined. Best remove it from the archives before it contaminates other wads.

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Memfis said:

fuck fuck fuck no megasphere in doom 1

Stack on the same place:

  • Two soulspheres
  • One blue armor
Guaranteed to give you 200% health/200% armor regardless of the player's starting health and armor.

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Doominator2 said:

I just realized the spider demon and arachnotron have tiny stubby muscular arms!

And the spiderdemon seems to flip you off when you kill it.

Also I just found out the big red inverted cross at the beginning of E2M1 can hurt you if you stand underneath it. Never noticed that before.

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129thVisplane said:

Also I just found out the big red inverted cross at the beginning of E2M1 can hurt you if you stand underneath it. Never noticed that before.

Hard to believe anyone couldn't, I knew that from the very beginning.

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I only just realised that there's a BFG in Skulltag's D2DM8.
It requires EXPERT timing to get, though...

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joe-ilya said:


...That was a mistake... X(

The forum won't let me delete it(?).

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Gez said:

Stack on the same place:

  • Two soulspheres
  • One blue armor
Guaranteed to give you 200% health/200% armor regardless of the player's starting health and armor.

But that would look weird at a distance I think.

Would be neat to stack it into a player's teleport destination, though.

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I found it hard to run past there without taking damage so I knew about it from when I first played Doom. But that was on the SNES version. Either it's easier on PC or I was just too young when I played it on SNES.

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Avoozl said:

Hard to believe anyone couldn't, I knew that from the very beginning.

I had no idea until now.

Pretty crappy level, tho. Probably my least favorite one in UD.

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EvilNed said:

Pretty crappy level, tho. Probably my least favorite one in UD.

Get out of my forum.

Thing about Doom I just found out? That the 3DO version's soundtrack is actually pretty awesome.

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While damage distribution between health and armor is 50/50 when being equipped with a blue armor, it is not accurate when shot by sergeants. Each pellet is counted independently, a sergeant can shoot the player inflicting 30 hp damage and it's -16% health, -14% armor, or 18 hp damage: -10% health, -8% armor. (Every 15 hp or 5 hp pellet has that 8/7 or 3/2 uneven distribution and they can be accumulated)

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I always thought an Arch-Vile is the only one who can move fire onto someone else if he shoots him, I found out it happens to the hell knights too: I was playing "Back to Saturn X" MAP14, I was fighting with a hell knight and there was an imp behind so the imp eventually shot him while he was charging his attack on me and for the last second it came from his back and then I realized he killed the imp, and it looked ridicilously...Damn, I don't know what to say, wierd.

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