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Things about Doom you just found out


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joe-ilya said:

Oh yeah?


The picture wont show, but I googled the address, even though I know very well how the old Pantera logo looks like.

If that logo looks like the Doom logo, or vice verca, then hundred of billions of other logos also looks like it.

Try again, boy.

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"Image hosted by Tripod" ... you may have to upload it to another image hoster which allows deeplinking.

And well, this style of heavy metal logos was probably just "in". Was there an artist who could claim a copyright on such a style in general?!

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darkreaver said:

The picture wont show, but I googled the address, even though I know very well how the old Pantera logo looks like.

If that logo looks like the Doom logo, or vice verca, then hundred of billions of other logos also looks like it.

Then the logo has no inspiration if so.

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_bruce_ said:

The Doom logo is such a treat - great color and detail.
Legend has it that James Hat"feel" urged the id people to craft their logo in the spirit of Medallica's or be victims of a terrorist beer fart out of nowhere.

This sounds totally legit. The DOOM logo looks like a less over-exagerrated version of the 3D text on M.O.P., it never really struck me until now.

I thought Pantera's old logos were like happy jungle cats and typical 80's glam metal imagery and stuff, until they got Phil in / grew balls - is that right?

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Funny, in this quoted image (don't quote images, d*a*) I can see the Pantera logo ... but it looks so ... draft ... is it really an official logo, like, used on a cover?!

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Well, it's come up before, but that Nightmare! isn't just -fast plus -respawn plus no-cheats.

(I remember when 1.2 came out and we briefly tried a deathmatch on Nightmare! mode before realising that we would have to be very lucky to score any frags before being eaten alive after respawns with 50 bullets and the popgun.)

Oh, and as mentioned elsethread, that there is yet another ambush at the end of MAP29. None of the other words I have to say about that are printable.

ETA: just now, I've always believed (as since, 1.2) on -fast fireballs come in three times as fast, and pinkies move three times as fast. The truth is more prosaic; pinkbeasts are doubled, imp and tomato fireballs 50% as fast, barons 33%.

... but this does explain my long-running belief that on -fast a tomato was more dangerous. I thought it was because its attack animation is shorter - and it is to a degree, barons telegraph their attacks - but it's also because they get more of a boost.

At least I was right to "dodge when you see the tomato's eye flash; there's no time to dodge the fireball in the air."

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Just discovered that you can ride a mastermind and it won't hit you, in fact you can choose it where to fire lol

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I found out that a sector keeps it's lighting effects even if the LowerToLowestTxTy action is used on it: useful for vanilla maps.

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Alteus said:

Just discovered that you can ride a mastermind and it won't hit you, in fact you can choose it where to fire lol

This is a hilariously brilliant effect of not having the "actors infinitely tall" flag set - me and friends trolled each other big time back in the old days. Riding monsters wasn't possible until source ports came along!

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Doomkid92 said:

This is a hilariously brilliant effect of not having the "actors infinitely tall" flag set - me and friends trolled each other big time back in the old days. Riding monsters wasn't possible until source ports came along!

Yeah, it renders NUTS.wad actually playing fun until the Invinciblity sphere wears off :^)

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Fellowzdoomer said:


At the start, I realized the switch to the right closes the door
I always wondered what that did.

What switch?

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joe-ilya said:

There's a BFG9000 near the bloodfall pillar in the blueskulldoor arena in MAP25 in DOOM2 that isn't tagged at all.

Yeah, instead, you get a secret score for an empty alcove.

Fellowzdoomer said:


At the start, I realized the switch to the right closes the door
I always wondered what that did.

Don't tell me how f*cking surprised I was when I've finally found out about the mechanism of that switch in MAP21 of DOOM2, which actually lowered the Megasphere. An ugly map with some shining moments.

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Fellowzdoomer said:

That switch.

DERP... when you said E3M1, I had in mind E3M3 for some reason...

BTW, what's up with the textures in your shot?

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Cell said:
Yeah, instead, you get a secret score for an empty alcove.

When I was a little kid and had LOTS of trouble beating Doom2 on HMP, I noticed the secret door and got excited since I had less than 10 health.. Opened it up and the damn thing was empty. I remember that dissappointment still, for whatever reason.

Slight redemption when I relaised years later that there are 2 cell packs in multiplayer, but still, weird choice for a secret.

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I just found out today that the star-shaped monster teleport in Ultimate Doom E1M9 is linked to a small side room that has the Pinky Demons/Imps in it that warp into the room after you grab the goodies on the star. The things you find with the magic of IDDT!

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About music tracks trivia, I just found out none of the music of official classic Doom IWADs is written in B-flat key.
It's the only key not be used.

---[In C key]---
Doom E1M8, Doom E2M2, Doom Victory Music, Doom2 Map02, Doom2 Map03

---[In C-sharp key]---
Doom E1M9, Doom2 Map23, TNT map14

---[In D key]---
Doom E1M5, Doom E2M4, Doom E2M7, Doom E3M8, Doom2 Map09, TNT map01, TNT map02,
TNT map08, TNT map20, TNT map22

---[In D-sharp key]---
Doom E1M3, Doom E2M6, Doom2 Map06, Doom2 Map07, Doom2 Map25

---[In E key]---
Doom E1M1, Doom E1M6, Doom E2M1, Doom E2M3, Doom E3M1, Doom E3M2,
Doom Intermission Music, Doom Endgame Music, Doom2 Map01, TNT map05,
TNT map06, TNT map10, TNT map16, TNT Endgame Music

---[In F key]---
Doom E3M3, Doom2 Map05, Doom2 Map18

---[In F-sharp key]---
Doom E1M2, Doom E1M4, Doom2 Map04, TNT map07

---[In G key]---
Doom2 Map08, TNT map04

---[In G-sharp key]---
Doom E1M7, Doom2 Map20

---[In A key]---
Doom E2M8, Doom2 Map30, TNT map11, TNT map31, TNT Intermission Music

---[In B-flat key]---

---[In B key]---
Doom2 Map10, Doom2 Map28, Doom2 Map31, Doom2 Map32,
Doom2 Endgame Music, Doom2 Intermission Music

Ehhhh......maybe someone has found this trivia already ?

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massacrebosco said:

About music tracks trivia, I just found out none of the music of official classic Doom IWADs is written in B-flat key.
It's the only key not be used.

Interesting! I don't know how I never caught on to this, but I guess I never really paid that much attention to it. B flat major was always the scale we always practiced in band class, so I always think of B flat as like a "home" note, even though C major is much more common.

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Fellowzdoomer said:

That switch.

I'm quite sure it closes the door when you open it. At least, I think that's what it does.

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