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Could this one be right... Just found out messing with weapons replacement sprites: Two pistol animation frames in doom2.wad never actually get played in the game? PISGD0 and PISGE0.

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I might be naive but Doom64 uses almost no damaging floors throughout the entire game. I was just watching a speed run of Doom64 and I didn't see a single puddle of nukage until Blood Keep. Was interesting to see it get used so sparingly seeing as though doom64 uses the other environmental hazards and more really well.

Ultimate Doom on the other hand, has nukage, blood or lava in just about every single level except E2M8 and E3M8 I think.

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Soundblock said:

Could this one be right... Just found out messing with weapons replacement sprites: Two pistol animation frames in doom2.wad never actually get played in the game? PISGD0 and PISGE0.

There's also BFGGC0, a redundant BFG sprite.

40oz said:

Ultimate Doom on the other hand, has nukage, blood or lava in just about every single level except E2M8 and E3M8 I think.

Interesting, when you realize it. Almost all D1 levels have at least one sector with a liquid. Could it be an unofficial agreement of the mappers back then? Like: "Liquids are cool, let's smuggle them into all levels!" Sandy Petersen used liquids even on ceilings. :)

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Fellowzdoomer said:

Episode 1 only has one teleporter


E1M5 - a random pentagram teleporter
E1M8 - final teleporter
E1M9 - RL trap teleporter (only usable by the monsters)

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...and E1M5 is one of my favorite levels and I never knew that! I'm gonna IDCLIP that level inside and out!

Also just realized:

-Heretics E1M2 doesn't look good when converted tdoom e1m2
-The music for Heretic E1M2 fits Doon E1M2 quite good
-The enemy with the least sprites is the lost soul (not counting Commander Keen)
-There is no BFALL in Ultimate Doom

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The sounds OOF (falling from a height of ~64 units or more) and NOWAY (pressing USE on a wall that doesn't do anything) are different when using the PC Speaker, even though with digital audio they're the same.

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scifista42 said:

E1M5 - a random pentagram teleporter

I don't believe that one existed in the original release though (i.e it was added in a patch).

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Vermil said:

I don't believe that one existed in the original release though (i.e it was added in a patch).

Nor do I, and the Wiki says not in Doom 1.0.

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scifista42 said:

Interesting, when you realize it. Almost all D1 levels have at least one sector with a liquid. Could it be an unofficial agreement of the mappers back then? Like: "Liquids are cool, let's smuggle them into all levels!" Sandy Petersen used liquids even on ceilings. :)

Heh, I hope not. Non swimmable, splashing, submersible liquid with only four frames of animation couldn't have been that cool. Doom64's liquids have amazing animations in comparison.

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40oz said:

I might be naive but Doom64 uses almost no damaging floors throughout the entire game. I was just watching a speed run of Doom64 and I didn't see a single puddle of nukage until Blood Keep. Was interesting to see it get used so sparingly seeing as though doom64 uses the other environmental hazards and more really well.

A speedrun really wouldn't give an accurate impression of how many damaging floors there are. There's various reasons for that but one of them is Doom 64's use of color. In many cases a damaging pit will have a red or green glow as a warning, but you won't see the nukage/blood/lava floor unless you fall in. Unlike regular Doom they didn't always have to actually show the damaging texture to give a warning.

Doom 64 doesn't have as much damaging floor use as the original Doom (and that makes sense, really. A longer level set like Doom 64 would likely get kind of redundant using nukage/lava that much, vs shorter level sets), but there are some places where it makes a crucial impact on gameplay for a normal/first time playthrough. Right at the end of level 9 for example, if you fall off the stairs on your way to the exit teleport, that's it. No way out. Fortunately there's only one other place in the game with no way out if I remember right.

There's also a certain place in Unholy Temple where probably 50% of people either die or barely survive if they fall in on a first time playthrough. And that's a significant way into the longest level in the game. Damaging floors don't seem like much of an obstacle in a speedrun but it's very different playing the game normally.

Fellowzdoomer said:

Also, there is no doom level that has a Z in it.

I wonder if there's any other unused letters. X?

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Doom: no Js, Qs, or Zs. One X (Toxin Refinery).

Doom 2: no Js, Qs, or Xs. One Z (Industrial Zone). Also only one K (Tricks and Traps).

Plutonia: No Js, Qs, Vs, or Xs. One Z (Aztek).

TNT uses every letter at least once!

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plums said:

TNT uses every letter at least once!

And I suppose the so-long unused Q is given away in MAP02 already (used in MAP24's name, too).

(Also, 2299 is a multiple of 11's square, 121. An irrelevant fact which had to be spoken right here and right now.)

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More letter analysis:

No Xs
One J (E5M8: Field of Judgement - the last real map!)
One Z (E3M4: The Azure Fortress)
Whole lotta Qs (E3M9: The Aquifer, E4M1: Catafalque, E5M3: Quay)

No Js, Qs, Xs
One Z (Zedek's Tomb)

Hexen Deathkings:
No Js, Xs, Zs
One Q (Locus Requiescat)

No Js, Qs, Zs
One K (MAP09: Castle: Programmer's Keep)
One X (MAP19: Fortress: Security Complex)

No big surprise to anyone that plays Scrabble I guess.

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Only if you are lucky. In other cases, it will get aggressive against your avatar and possibly kill him... ;)

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There's an inaccessible grass area in Level 18 (probably my favourite level!) of Plutonia. It serves only as a filler for the windows.

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I just found out that DOOM.wad has some kind of fully grey stalagmite thingy in the sprite files, why can't I use that shit in game?

For reference: SMT2A0


joe-ilya said:

Or just go here and stop shit-posting... (at least once in your life)

No offense, but that was one of the most ironic things you have ever said.

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Guest Unregistered account

It's ok, Joe-ilya.

Nah, I play with a HUD, Fellowzdoomer. I NEVER play without one - either with the classic one or, if with a Source port, the fullscreen one that actually has stats.

Whenever I'm taking screenshots (for Doomworld or something) I (usually) try to get a bigger picture. Most people banish the HUD altogether for this.

EDIT: I have to say, I do like seeing the entire weapon.

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