SleepyVelvet Posted August 9, 2014 Only recently have I realized that the spiderdemons have arms. They aren't just brains mounted on legs, they actually have arms. Also, when you have the BFG out, try to see the face that spans over the top of the BFG. there's eyes, a nose, a moustache and a mouth. Also the hair is the black-gray muzzle. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Platinum Shell Posted August 9, 2014 One thing about Doom I've always remembered but was puzzled by was the extra damage the BFG could do when you touch a monster while the tracers hit it. I don't recall reading it up on the wiki (but it did explain how tracers work, as that puzzled me.) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
joe-ilya Posted August 9, 2014 You cannot eat in vanilla doom, only drink health bonuses, touch spheres and use the needles in the health packs. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TwinBeast Posted August 9, 2014 Cell said: Eh?... Oh... erm... okay, I guess. Expand Doomguy makes noway sound when using a wall without any action. Doomguy makes oof sound when using a key door/switch without the key. Doomguy makes oof sound when landing hard. But both noway and oof are the same sound, which is also the same sound as that skldth. So, you could have a different sound for landing, but then it also gets used in key door/switch humping without the key. With the foot step type landing sound, it will be like kicking the door when you don't have the key. Though I suppose it kinda makes sense to kick the door then. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fellowzdoomer Posted August 9, 2014 NoisyVelvet said: Only recently have I realized that the spiderdemons have arms. They aren't just brains mounted on legs, they actually have arms. Also, when you have the BFG out, try to see the face that spans over the top of the BFG. there's eyes, a nose, a moustache and a mouth. Also the hair is the black-gray muzzle. Expand EDIT: I zoomed in on the picture... does he have balls near his eyes? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
axdoomer Posted August 12, 2014 I've just found a bug I've never seen before in Vanilla Doom. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cosmicsquish Posted August 12, 2014 Hi. New here. So, I always thought invulnerable and god-mode were the same thing, except for the white screen. Just noticed this: In god mode I can rocket and push my way through a narrow space crowded with revs no problem. With the invulnerable they push me around and I can't seem to get through. This is Sunder on zdoom, which I started with iddqd to have a look and now I'm trying to play it like a grown-up. Fail LOL! Also - just found out that doom went open source. (I've been out of it for a looong while.) I've loved this thread and all the stuff you all have figured out. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fellowzdoomer Posted August 12, 2014 In chocolate doom once you have the chainsaw you can't switch back to the fist. I remember being able to do this in vanilla doom... Also, idchoppers gives you invulnerability for a split second. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
myk Posted August 12, 2014 Quote Fellowzdoomer said: I remember being able to do this in vanilla doom... Expand You can if you have picked up the berserk pack on that level. Chocolate deals with it in the same way. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The_MártonJános Posted August 13, 2014 Jimi said: Doomguy makes noway sound when using a wall without any action. Doomguy makes oof sound when using a key door/switch without the key. Doomguy makes oof sound when landing hard. But both noway and oof are the same sound, which is also the same sound as that skldth. So, you could have a different sound for landing, but then it also gets used in key door/switch humping without the key. With the foot step type landing sound, it will be like kicking the door when you don't have the key. Though I suppose it kinda makes sense to kick the door then. Expand I wasn't pointing out that, man. :D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cosmicsquish Posted August 13, 2014 Regarding iddqd vs invulnerable, just found a post that gives the full script for damage. It includes "thrust" as well as damage. Context of the thread is which way the baddies fall when they die. But I'm guessing thrust controls how marine guy gets pushed around too. GOD and INVUL exit the script at the same place: after thrust is calculated, before damage. So maybe the difference, if there is one, is in the melee attack script. Or maybe I just get scared when I'm not in God mode and don't push as well... but I swear, it really is harder to get through the crowd without god mode! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The_MártonJános Posted August 13, 2014 The major difference is that you're not bound to access the E3M6 secret exit in God Mode, because the rocket blow's force is reduced drastically. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Foxpup Posted August 13, 2014 The knockback reduction in god mode is specific to ZDoom. In vanilla, god mode and invulnerability behave identically in all respects (except the end of E1M8 won't disable invulnerability if you have it, only god mode). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cosmicsquish Posted August 13, 2014 Awesome. Thanks, Foxpup! Good to know I wasn't imagining it. *off I go to figure out how to cross that ledge without god mode* 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Krazov Posted August 13, 2014 cosmicsquish said: *off I go to figure out how to cross that ledge without god mode* Expand Wasn't a straferun an answer? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The_MártonJános Posted August 13, 2014 Krazov said: Wasn't a straferun an answer? Expand Well, there were a YouTuber who could do it, but that's barely manageable, because it needs prior "Doom physics calculation" or how shall I put it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Foxpup Posted August 13, 2014 cosmicsquish said: *off I go to figure out how to cross that ledge without god mode* Expand You do realise that invulnerability is also available as a separate cheat code, right? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fellowzdoomer Posted August 13, 2014 Reveal hidden contents PSSST! Its IDDQD! Also type in TNTEM! Totally legit. EDIT: I Just realized that DoomWorld changed the apperance of the spoiler tag! Cool! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cosmicsquish Posted August 13, 2014 I'm talking about 0:37 of this demo. The cheat code for INVUL is not needed, and strafrun doesn't apply. (As an aside, I didn't know about SR40 etc when I played in the 90s. I'm loving it!) Thing is, obvi I can get through this first big room with IDDQD, but without it I get stuck in two places, one being this damned ledge. Unlike what Okupluk and others have managed, I get knocked off every time, even with INVUL. But not with IDDQD, was the thing I found odd... (If this is turning into a hijack, please let me know, delete the post, send to hell, etc. I really like how the mods run a tight ship here, unlike other sites I know. Don't want to rock the boat. Or get losered. :) ) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Phml Posted August 13, 2014 Staying on that ledge can be tricky. You do have to move and shoot in a rather specific way to avoid knocking yourself off, you want to keep moving forward and quickly adjust yourself as needed after rocket shots so you're on the right side like Okuplok, but not so much you get stuck into the detail and lose precious invulnerability time. Ideally you want to shoot revenants in front of you in a straight line, so the knockback doesn't push you to the sides. That being said the whole part is entirely optional. Leaving revenants alive can be a problem during the later part in which you climb those other stairs with imps and cacos, but it's not impossible by any means, the ceilings are low and there's pillars for revenant fireballs to crash. You could also start with the HK part rather than the revs. They're much easier to deal with, and once you've cleared them out you can shoot revenants from the HK platform. Especially easy if you're using mouselook, but it's doable even if you don't; provided you're playing in Boom or vanilla compatibility, rocket missiles are infinitely tall and so a missile explosion on a wall will hit those revenants even though they're sitting much lower. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cosmicsquish Posted August 13, 2014 Infight can't clear these revs anytime soon, not where they are. PLenty of infighting elsewhere! @Phml: Thanks for the tips. I will try to learn the rocket quickstep, but for now mapping out a different path is the way. I can't straferun and dodge like Oku anyway, so I can't follow his path for long! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dmplayer5 Posted August 16, 2014 This is a great thread and I wanted to add my own contribution to keep it going: On DOOM2 map 16 the sky will change depending on what the previous level was. If you come from map 15 it's the normal city sky. But if you came from either of the secret Wolfenstein maps, it has the hell sky from the last 1/3 of the game. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Foxpup Posted August 16, 2014 dmplayer5 said: On DOOM2 map 16 the sky will change depending on what the previous level was. Expand This isn't specific to MAP16. No matter which map you're playing, the sky never changes, and depends on what the starting level was. If you manage to play through the entire game without saves, the later levels will still use the brown sky from the first levels. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cosmicsquish Posted August 16, 2014 Quote Foxpup said: /wiki/Sky_never_changes_in_Doom_II]never[/url] changes, and depends on what the starting level was. If you manage to play through the entire game without saves, the later levels will still use the brown sky from the first levels. [/B] Expand Stuff like this is why this game is so interesting. You can *see* the code in action, and understand why stuff happens. I made it through E1 without saving today (because I have a bug where I can't save E1). E2 is more interesting. E2M4 has this fun thing: I lured the first baron, the one guarding the lift to the blue key, back to the crusher trap to the right of the main hall. Took lots of patience and wasted time and lost health, but fun to see him getting all squished. (The "squish" in my screen name refers to me getting killed as I often do. Someday it'll be all about monsters going out that way rather than me.) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Krazov Posted August 16, 2014 I thought Spider Mastermind had shorter hands. I have now Krang from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes" in my mind's eyes. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
joe-ilya Posted August 16, 2014 Krazov said: I thought Spider Mastermind had shorter hands. I have now Krang from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes" in my mind's eyes. Expand Good find 0_O 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Marnetmar Posted August 17, 2014 Krazov said: I thought Spider Mastermind had shorter hands. I have now Krang from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes" in my mind's eyes. Expand How does anyone not see Krang or Mother Brain when it comes to the Mastermind? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Guest Unregistered account Posted August 21, 2014 In Level 4: The Focus, the closing and opening window sectors at the start have their "floor" lowered so that the window closes all the way, because they're actually crushers and crushers only lower to 8 units above the floor before rising again. If you peer in closely, you can see the floor beneath, past the HOM effect. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LockeRequiem Posted August 21, 2014 Huh. In ZDoom, turns out that there's a class called "BetaSkull" which is just a lost soul that was from the Beta Doom versions... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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