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Things about Doom you just found out


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I learned that some of the mods here are buttheart about their multiple postcard monitors on their absolut hideously small desks. They must be waking up because someone is shooting wives with shotgun in neighbourhood. Absolut pitiful mods that cry rivers like 4 year old girl in flu.

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joe-ilya said:

I thought I was the first to do this; now I find out that Doom II Catacombs already did it, I didn't even know about this secret before!

Oh yeah, I only just found that secret too. :)

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SlackerD said:

I learned that some of the mods here are buttheart about their multiple postcard monitors on their absolut hideously small desks. They must be waking up because someone is shooting wives with shotgun in neighbourhood. Absolut pitiful mods that cry rivers like 4 year old girl in flu.

Username said:

Dear (died) Are you pooking?"

What I AM A MORON I AM A MORON you thinking if something close this stupid site,
It was big mistake that i regestered on this ball site.
All web masters have done good job (about design) And what are you all people doing on that site, ofcourse BALL sITe.

DOOM is not a game this is black disk with something eggs on pictures.
Doomers ball shit snakes.

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Flamewars don't belong to the things I want to find out about DOOM...

@ joe-ilya:

Strange choice of avatar in your HUD. The hero of the IT office, admin on steroids?

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Rolio to deep up holio, much pain AAAAAAH ! heh hehehe he. For doomworld cornholio had to long a rolioooo,
ro li oooooo. hehe hehehe...

Interesting picture from the next workstation. It makes me wonder how passionate they had to be to make
their dream game while using such horrible looking user interfaces.... (°_°)'

edit 01:
i am seriously starting to doubt this was the correct thread in the correct tab of the correct browser
to which i answered...

edit 02:

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LigH said:

@ joe-ilya:

Strange choice of avatar in your HUD. The hero of the IT office, admin on steroids?

It's from 32in24, it's in every of those.

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You can gib zombies (and maybe imps) with a shotgun if you reduce the delay between shots via dehacked (so you can fire the shotgun like a chaingun). I think you can still shoot enemies after they die before enter their frame with the FALL codepointer, which removes the solid flag of the thing, don't sure about this, but happens a couple of times while im toying with weapons frames.

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NokturnuS said:

You can gib zombies (and maybe imps) with a shotgun if you reduce the delay between shots via dehacked (so you can fire the shotgun like a chaingun). I think you can still shoot enemies after they die before enter their frame with the FALL codepointer, which removes the solid flag of the thing, don't sure about this, but happens a couple of times while im toying with weapons frames.

What port are you using to play? As far as I know, none of the things you mention should be possible. No matter how fast the shotgun fires, each pellet can do 15 damage at maximum. To gib an enemy, it would have to reduce his health below the negative value of his staring health, which is -20 for zombiemen and higher for other enemies. So it's impossible, unless you've also edited the enemies's health. Also, you can't shoot enemies after they die.

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scifista42 said:

What port are you using to play? As far as I know, none of the things you mention should be possible. No matter how fast the shotgun fires, each pellet can do 15 damage at maximum. To gib an enemy, it would have to reduce his health below the negative value of his staring health, which is -20 for zombiemen and higher for other enemies. So it's impossible, unless you've also edited the enemies's health. Also, you can't shoot enemies after they die.

I think is prboom+. When enemies die they don't inmediately lost their SOLID flag (don't know about the SHOOTABLE flag). In general, first death frame don't have pointers, next have the SCREAM pointer, and the next the FALL pointer. Each have a duration of 6 iirc. So is 12 tics before the monster lost its solid state. As i said, don't know if you can shoot 'em during this window. I try to upload a video or demo as soon as i can.

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NokturnuS said:

When enemies die they don't inmediately lost their SOLID flag (don't know about the SHOOTABLE flag). In general, first death frame don't have pointers, next have the SCREAM pointer, and the next the FALL pointer.

Okay, you're right here. But actually, as soon as a monster dies, its height is divided by 4 (source, confirmed). So that projectiles should be able to pass above the dead body in those 12-or-so tics before SOLID flag is removed. Also, SHOOTABLE flag is lost immediately, I believe, which should make hitscan weapons to immediately shoot through the body and not autoaim it anymore.

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NokturnuS said:

I think is prboom+.

Pretty much sure. SV_FASTWEAPONS *value from 1 to 255* in the ZDoom command line are an often used cheat during my gameplays, especially when I'm playing swarming/flooding jokemaps or simply lazy to play slaughtermaps properly (often pairs up with SV_INFINITEAMMO 1), but never ever experienced gibbing even Zombiemen with this method using the Shotgun. Meaning that this must be an undeveloped feature of having the SHOOTABLE tag left on a moment after than required to be removed.

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of the city levels in Doom II, MAP15 and MAP18 seem to be the only ones with GRASS textures predominantly in them (the green ones in MAP20 don't count as GRASS textures I think.)

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I've just discovered a new thing about Doomworld forums: When you click the blue number of replies next to a thread (while browsing "Doom General" or any subforum), it will open a new browser window and show you statistics of people who posted in the thread, sorted by number of their posts in that thread.

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I found out two things in Doom 64 that I found is interesting. One is that there are two more songs were used previously in Playstation Doom: "Spaces Between" is "Sanity's Edge" (AKA Map03: Toxin Refinery) and both "Bleep Spawn" and "Relentless Coil" are the same song and in return the same as "Corrupted Core" (AKA Map06: Central Processing).

The other thing was that when I ripped the midis from the Doom 64 IWAD for Doom 64 EX; I found out that nearly all the songs (except a select few) re-use patterns but with different instruments. When I realized that; I felt a bit disappointed since Aubrey Hodges made every song in Playstation Doom unique and different while in Doom 64, he kind of went lazy and make the tracks "seem" unique and different.

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This has almost certainly come up in the storied history of this thread, but I realized that Doom II, Plutonia, and TNT all use the same music track on MAP23.

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A little Q&A with John Romero you guys might find interesting.


Question 1: True aspect ratio of in-game world

Soda: While it's clear that the title screen art was designed for 5:6
aspect ratio pixels (320x200 on a 4:3 monitor), was the 3D world
actually meant to use 5:6 pixels or 1:1 pixels? Many comments over the
years and various elements in the game itself suggest the latter,
despite common conception being that it's the former in all cases.

In this thread, I've outlined 10 particular details of note that
suggest to me the world may have been designed with 1:1 in mind:

But, you and the other id crew would know best since you were all the
ones that actually made the game. What scale did you, Tom, Sandy and
the others have in mind when building levels in relation to horizontal
vs. vertical units?

Romero: It was most definitely 1:1 pixels.

Question 2: STARTAN's relation to Star Wars

Soda: Was the "STARTAN" series of textures named after Star Wars or Star
Struct? It seems to me that it was Star Wars, since the patch names in
the PC version were "STARW..." (though W could easily have meant
'wall') and the texture names in the Jaguar version were "STWAR." From
that, I get "Star War," which sounds a whole lot like Star Wars to me.
But again, only one of the original devs would know for sure.

Romero: Yes, it was a reference to Star Wars wall design. ;)


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Sodaholic said:

A little Q&A with John Romero you guys might find interesting.

Cool, thanks for posting. I guess all the ports need to add a "squished" mode for the 3D view now. :)

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mad props to John Romero for still answering emails about Doom 20+ years later. Seriously, what a cool guy.

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Eris Falling said:

Well this sure seems familiar...

Anyone who finished Doom 3 and didn't notice this, you are ammunition for my number one assertion why people didn't like the game. You rushed through and didn't pay attention. That tablet isn't even remotely hidden.

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Face23785 said:

Anyone who finished Doom 3 and didn't notice this, you are ammunition for my number one assertion why people didn't like the game. You rushed through and didn't pay attention. That tablet isn't even remotely hidden.

I didn't like the game, but I'm also mystified as to how so many people missed that. It's pretty centrally located in one of the later levels.

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