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Things about Doom you just found out


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Crunchynut44 said:

Your chaingun uses the same sound sample as the pistol but the chaingunners use the shotgun firing sample. I don't know how I haven't noticed this before.

I know right, I was always jealous of that.

Why do chaingunners get the beefy shotgun sound for their chaingun and mine gets the little pistol pew-pew. NOT FAIR

Also, level 10 in doom 2 refueling base has an unofficial secret shotgun room directly right of the starting point

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There are some wads that make the player's chaingun sound the same as the chaingunners'. Mostly it's just annoying because in multiplayer you get scared when you hear it, then you turn around and realize that it's just your friend using the chaingun. Happens all the time. So IMO it's a good thing that it sounds different when the monsters use it.

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HXCpr0n said:

Also, level 10 in doom 2 refueling base has an unofficial secret shotgun room directly right of the starting point

and it has door texture misaligned from the inside. I wonder, is there any project that aims to fix that kind of mapping errors, like untagged secrets, lines, misaligned textures and especially untagged items for lower difficulties. there is also many items that is untagged completely and do not appear at any difficulty level nor in dm

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GreenWar Level 13 has a Plasma Rifle lift which is untextured on the far side (presumably an oversight). However, it does let you see through to the other side, meaning you could possibly spy on your opponent.

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vdgg said:

GATE3 flat (red teleporter pad) has a few odd, ugly, black pixels:(dodgy link)

Hey, uh, the image-hosting website you linked to allowed to me to view the image for about three seconds before redirecting me to a site where a popup said "WARNING! YOUR LAPTOP/PC HAS BECOME INFECTED WITH A VIRUS FROM BROWSING ADULT SITES INSTOL ARR PAKIGE 2 REMOOF IDT!!!" etc. etc. It also caused my phone to emit a constant vibrate, which scared the shit out of me.

Maybe switch to IMGur next time, huh?

As for those black pixels, I can't tell which ones you're talking about. Those ones along the rivets on the metal border? The darker brown ones at the edges of the pentagram?

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One pentagram edge. I checked Vrack3 thinking that maybe such a perfectionist as Fredrik would have fixed the flat himself, but no... So I'm not that dumb. But it looks very ugly to me.

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I've realized that chaingun in real life is not a machine gun with multiple barrels, but it just has a single barrel.

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While playing ChocoDoom i've realised that in-game you can't turn autorun on/off (it can only be turned on/off in the setup menu) and that Shift key does nothing if autorun is enabled (so you can't walk slowly if autorun is on).
I also found out that (atleast for me) playing without HUD is just better and if i need to see the stats, i can just quickly bring the automap screen.

antares031 said:

I've realized that chaingun in real life is not a machine gun with multiple barrels, but it just has a single barrel.

Yea, the correct definition of Doom's chaingun would be gatling gun. I don't know why they named it chaingun, because gatling gun sounds cooler, imo.

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After all this time, I just noticed that 'sound tunnel' in Map 01: Entryway. It connects that tiny caged room with the imp, and the secret room with two more imps. It's in the final area with the exit and the window that looks out into the courtyard.

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I found out that out of all the Doom maps that were started by Tom Hall, E2M1: Deimos Anomaly is the only map that isn't based on any of the accessible levels of the alpha versions. It's possible that it could have been based on the spinning title screen of the 0.5 version, but that's debatable, even though it used the same texture selection as E1M12 (E1M8: Phobos Anomaly in the final version).

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In Tricks & Traps, the sides of the doorway for the yellow key door aren't perpendicular to the door, unlike the other 7 doors including the red key one.

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Yeah, that was probably done to make alligning DOORYEL2 easier. The red door doesn't have the same border because it isn't placed at a 45° angle to the room.

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I just realized there is a small hole in MAP01 of Doom 2, in the hidden monster containing two imps and a stimpack. Apparently, the same is in the room next to the exit (the one that has the Imp that can't get out)
I checked with IDDT and it shows that they are both from the same sector.

What is this for?

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I found that playing with -complevel 4 you can't choose your fist if you have chainsaw until you picked up berserker. Quite frustrating.
I hate one shit in Boom - if your weapon is out of ammo - it will switch automatically to weapon that doomguy wants, no that i want. That thing doesn't bothering in -complevel 2 and if out of ammo for BFG for example - you can easily switch to rocketlauncher, not to plasmagun or SSG.

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Voros said:

What is this for?

For propagating sound into the room with the two imps, so that they would wake up and walk out of the room in reaction to the player shooting nearby.

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In E4M8 (i think), there is a section in water, with pillars with bonuses. Well, these pillars can be LOWERED. I always tried straferunning from the top of one to another. Wow.

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kuchitsu said:

There are some wads that make the player's chaingun sound the same as the chaingunners'. Mostly it's just annoying because in multiplayer you get scared when you hear it, then you turn around and realize that it's just your friend using the chaingun. Happens all the time. So IMO it's a good thing that it sounds different when the monsters use it.

I agree. The shotgun sound is derivative from the barrel/rocket explosion. The super shotgun sound is derivative from the shotgun sound, and when that sound effect is used it affects the pistol too, which sounds retarded. That makes six (6) weapons that all use relatively the same sound. I really enjoy the default pistol/chaingun sound. Combine it with perkristians high res sfx and a good subwoofer and your chaingun sounds like thunder. I love it.

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Doom 2 has horrifically bad texture work in its second half with HOMs out the ass, pegged textures everywhere and an odd bug that makes the ceiling green when you wear a radsuit on Map21, likely an OpenGL bug.

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Yeah you can easily miss them on software rendering. Like that missing texture on map28. It took me a while to notice there was something wrong.

Doom in OpenGL tends to "ruin" some tricks like the deep water effect on Alien Vendetta map01 because of this. Not that something can be done about it anyway, I guess.

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Kira said:

Yeah you can easily miss them on software rendering. Like that missing texture on map28. It took me a while to notice there was something wrong.

Now I know it's there, the missing texture in the entrance to the room o'barons in E3M9 (linedef 445, sidedef 548) bugs me every time.

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HXCpr0n said:

Why do chaingunners get the beefy shotgun sound for their chaingun and mine gets the little pistol pew-pew. NOT FAIR

Now that's some manly insecurity.

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So I was playing around in GZDB, the doomguy is 32 wide and 56 tall.

You can place him in a 32 wide and 56 tall tunnel, and he can get out of it, but it seems virtually impossible to get back into a 32 wide tunnel. 33 yes, 32 not so much.

56 ceiling height is fine though.

What's up with that?

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I believe it's a combination of not being able to look directly into any cardinal direction and the inaccuracies of the sine tables used by the engine. (I'm no programmer, but I think I've seen this explained as such before)

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ptoing said:

So I was playing around in GZDB, the doomguy is 32 wide and 56 tall.

You can place him in a 32 wide and 56 tall tunnel, and he can get out of it, but it seems virtually impossible to get back into a 32 wide tunnel. 33 yes, 32 not so much.

56 ceiling height is fine though.

What's up with that?

See this

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ptoing said:

So I was playing around in GZDB, the doomguy is 32 wide and 56 tall.

You can place him in a 32 wide and 56 tall tunnel, and he can get out of it, but it seems virtually impossible to get back into a 32 wide tunnel. 33 yes, 32 not so much.

56 ceiling height is fine though.

What's up with that?

Read up on glides. (There's no DoomWiki page, ugh.) The player can move through 32-width areas under very specific conditions, and it's easy to reproduce those conditions by simply placing the player directly in one, which is what you've done. But getting back in requires the player to do that on his or her own, which requires that they know how to glide.

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