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Things about Doom you just found out


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I believe that height limit only has influence on whether a floor starts/ends moving or not. Change of sector effects to unknown ones happen due to actual unhandled overflows, like when you call an action to move floors and change their textures and effects on too many floors at once.

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I've just found out that if you hit 206 posts your title changes to Bony Member and that it's a reference to human body having 206 bones. That's interesting.

Hectic right now has this title.

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Azuruish said:

If you hit 666 post you will get 'Evil member'.

It is so unfortunate that i lost a chance to get this one.. because people with custom titles can't get special titles like Evil Member and, in fact, they can't even get Loser title..

Upd: i also just found out that there's a hidden text below your avatar that tells your post count, but you have to highlight it with the mouse. Damn, there're so many thing i didn't know until recently..

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ChekaAgent said:

It is so unfortunate that i lost a chance to get this one.. because people with custom titles can't get special titles like Evil Member and, in fact, they can't even get Loser title..

Upd: i also just found out that there's a hidden text below your avatar that tells your post count, but you have to highlight it with the mouse. Damn, there're so many thing i didn't know until recently..

It would be great if we could keep this thread to "Things about Doom you just found out" and not things about Doomworld you just found out.

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I just found out that linedefs have facing directions. No wonder why my doors didn't work properly.

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I cant post a picture of it from my phone, but last week i just realized that the nazis in the secret levels have a strap on their shoulder.

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Voros said:

I just found out that linedefs have facing directions. No wonder why my doors didn't work properly.

Yeah, for some reason it's not possible to "use" Linedef effects from backside, AFAIK it's a limitation, UDMF allows using from backside .

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

AFAIK it's a limitation,

I believe it's deliberate. Imagine a switch on a 2-sided linedef that can be accessed from both the front side and the back side. The switch texture is only on the front side, though. It would be illogical (and potentially even game-breaking) if the player could press it from the back side too.

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Agreed, it makes perfect sense. Consider a switch on a pillar. It would be daft to be able to activate it from the wrong side of the pillar. (Almost as daft as being able to raise the E2M2 platform from the blood pit, or open the secret exit corridor from the lava floor in MAP15.)

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Just to be clear, these switches and pilars, they're only consisted of one linedef? Cause only then you could activate it from the wrong side. I doubt you can get behind a switch and activate it from there, unless its just one linedef (and that wont look very nice with the map).

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Voros said:

Just to be clear, these switches and pilars, they're only consisted of one linedef? Cause only then you could activate it from the wrong side. I doubt you can get behind a switch and activate it from there, unless its just one linedef (and that wont look very nice with the map).

You can get behind a pillar with a switch on one side quite easily e.g. the one on MAP15, from the same platform.

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Making switches one-side only totally makes sense to me. Walkovers on the other hand can be triggered from both sides, which also makes sense. What puzzles me is, why they felt the need to do an exception to the rule with teleporters. I can't think of any vanilla map where this behavior made a difference at all.
Even worse, one-time teleporters can be used up without being triggered when walked over from the wrong side.

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LogicDeLuxe said:

What puzzles me is, why they felt the need to do an exception to the rule with teleporters. I can't think of any vanilla map where this behavior made a difference at all.

Look at the typical two-way teleporter setup: a teleport destination in the middle of a 64x64 square, all lines forming the square are teleport lines. What happens if teleporters walkover worked both ways? As you exit teleport pad A, the teleporter line that you cross in order to move from inside the pad to outside the pad kicks in, and teleports you to teleport pad B. Then as you try to exit teleport pad B, the teleport line that you cross kicks in and sends you to teleport pad A. Then as you exit teleport pad A...

Yeah there's a pretty good reason for teleporters to be front-side only.

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This teleporter in Plutonia MAP02. Mind=blown.

Also that this switch ledge has slime as floor in Plutonia MAP04.

(Findings were recorded on 15 July 2015, but only this time I posted it due to... well... reasons.)

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Gez said:

Yeah there's a pretty good reason for teleporters to be front-side only.

Indeed, I didn't thought of bidirectional teleporters. I got that now.
One-time teleporters shouldn't be used up when walked from the back side, though.

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LogicDeLuxe said:

Indeed, I didn't thought of bidirectional teleporters. I got that now.
One-time teleporters shouldn't be used up when walked from the back side, though.

Fixed in Boom and its daughters, FWIW - and probably in most source ports these days.

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LogicDeLuxe said:

Indeed, I didn't thought of bidirectional teleporters. I got that now.

Also gimmicks like in Doom 2 MAP08 (the shotgun + Imp room), MAP18 (the Plasmagun room) and MAP19 (the Soulsphere little room) depend on one-sided activation of teleport lines.

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Guessing it's for the forum staff to discuss things like bans/loserings and changes to the forum software/hardware.

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Speaking of teleporters, I find it amusing when you have those teleporters that teleport you to a completely different area of the map and, when you're trying to get off the ledge it's got you on, it proceeds to teleport you to a completely different area again and it does that a few times until you're back where you're started. Anyone else?

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