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Things about Doom you just found out


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  On 9/16/2016 at 8:49 PM, Gez said:

The lost soul limit is only for pain elementals attempting to spit more of them. It doesn't apply to lost souls that are placed in the map directly.

In other words, in your 121 lost souls map, a pain elemental would be unable to spawn more of them until at least 101 lost souls have been killed.


Yep, but a room halfway through the level has a few PEs in, who currently won't work with the limit in place.

However, I'm thinking it won't be an issue, as the map is so huge it requires extended node-builders anyway, which limits it to just source-ports who by default (I believe) have this limit removed.

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Yes. For ZDoom you can put the appropriate keyword in ZMAPINFO to make sure that the lost soul limit is disabled (it's disabled by default but a user might have set a compatibility profile with it enabled); for PrBoom+ you'll just have to tell people to use the Boom complevel instead of a Doom one.

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Oddly enough I remembered it in the same way and until now I always though there was the sky in that areas.

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Say whaaaaat?! Maybe it had a sky in the shareware but not the registered? Someone needs to get to the bottom (or should that be top?) of this.

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Or maybe it's because there's sky in the earlier nukage areas. You go into the maze, see nukage on floor, assume sky above, but not bother to pay any attention to it, because you shoot badguys. While you're playing, do you even notice how many nukage rooms are actually in the maze?

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I've just realised that BIGDOOR6's size is 128x112, not 128x128 like most other big doors (not counting the one with UAC logo, which is 128x96). That's pretty cool.

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I did a quick test, and was really surprised that even the original DOS version of Boom can vertically tile textures with non-power-of-2 heights. I'm pretty sure that ZDoom (which is based on Boom!) didn't do it until one of the latest versions released only a couple years ago. The latest official version of Zandronum still doesn't do it.

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  On 9/18/2016 at 6:11 PM, scifista42 said:

ZDoom (which is based on Boom!)



ZDoom was never based on Boom. There are some bits of code from Boom in ZDoom, but they were added piecemeal as needed for compatibility or when they fixed a bug that hadn't yet been independently fixed in ZDoom. Many Boom features have never been present in any version of ZDoom.

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OK, I was wrong. By the way, I remember seeing a picture several years ago, with a graph showing the hierarchy of Doom source ports as they were based on each other, but I can't find the picture either on doomwiki or by googling now, does anybody know where it is? I hope I haven't misremembered / confused it with something else once again and that the picture really exists.

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  On 9/18/2016 at 7:29 PM, scifista42 said:

OK, I was wrong. By the way, I remember seeing a picture several years ago, with a graph showing the hierarchy of Doom source ports as they were based on each other, but I can't find the picture either on doomwiki or by googling now, does anybody know where it is? I hope I haven't misremembered / confused it with something else once again and that the picture really exists.


This one?

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  On 9/18/2016 at 7:43 PM, Jaws In Space said:

  On 9/18/2016 at 7:47 PM, scifista42 said:

Thanks. I thought it was a newer picture, but it's possible that this is in fact it, I'm not sure.


Zandronum is not in the picture, so this picture wasn't updated for a long time. I can't even see Chocolate-Doom.

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i found this out a while ago, but neglected to post it

i have no idea if this is PrBoom+ only or .zip only but you can play doom demos from within a zip, which is very nice and easy and time-saving :)

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  On 9/18/2016 at 1:49 PM, scifista42 said:

Shareware Doom 1.0 doesn't have a sky there either.


Well that's some amateur hour stuff right there. If any game shipped nowadays with an oversight like that, it'd get crucified in reviews.

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just played shareware 1.0 and found a couple of strange things:
there is no idfa cheat
you can't bind left shift
pinkies can gib zombies! although, this is probably exists in all versions

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  On 9/20/2016 at 4:18 AM, Job said:

Well that's some amateur hour stuff right there. If any game shipped nowadays with an oversight like that, it'd get crucified in reviews.


crucified for what? look at the screenshot above, it has a ceiling

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  On 9/20/2016 at 11:27 AM, ABRACADABRA said:

pinkies can gib zombies! although, this is probably exists in all versions


Yes. Pinkies can gib Zombiemen and Shotgunguys in all versions, and even Imps and Lost Souls can gib Zombiemen in all versions.

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  On 9/20/2016 at 11:28 AM, ABRACADABRA said:

crucified for what? look at the screenshot above, it has a ceiling


Never mind. That's what I get for late posting. I misunderstood the nature of the discussion.

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  On 9/20/2016 at 11:53 AM, scifista42 said:

Yes. Pinkies can gib Zombiemen and Shotgunguys in all versions, and even Imps and Lost Souls can gib Zombiemen in all versions.


It's pretty funny watching a bigger demon get pissed about getting shot so it turns around and turns the human into giblets with just one scratch. Saw it between a Shotgun Sargent and a Baron of Hell. Guess they're the demon versions of One Punch Man.

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