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Things about Doom you just found out


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I've just found out realized that Baron's / Hell Knight's melee attack and Revenant's missile can gib even Chaingunners.

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Da Werecat said:

Or rather non-128.

I think a lot of engines since Boom can tile such textures vertically. Horizontal tiling is more problematic.

I added code into KBDoom to allow non-128 horizontal tiling, to support DV.wad map 4. When you go into the "mouth", there's a wall in the back with a black background, and the 7 deadly sins written in 7 concentric circles on it. Without the custom tiling code, that wall is rendered incorrectly. I sent a fix to Entryway, and he incorporated it into PrBoom+. I was shocked that this had not been done before.

Something like this, in R_GetColumn():

  col = ((unsigned)col) % texturewidthmask[tex];
It's a tiny bit slower, since it uses division vs. AND, but you can tile textures of any width now. Note: It's not really worth it to dynamically test if you can use AND vs. MOD - that's actually slower than just using the MOD.

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The pro Doom monster strats should be required viewing, the pain blocking is one of the tricks it reveals.

(Also it's the source of the "agitating skeleton" meme name for revenants.)

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The Cyberdemon battle in DOOM '16...

It was fucking tits. Best DOOM boss ever yet.

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scifista42 said:

I've just found out realized that Baron's / Hell Knight's melee attack and Revenant's missile can gib even Chaingunners.

Revenant's missile yes. Cow's melee attack no.

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Looper said:

Revenant's missile yes. Cow's melee attack no.

uhhhhh actually, with 80 HP max damage, both should be able to gib a chaingunner. Interestingly, HK/Barons and Revenants have swapped max damage stats on their Melee/Ranged attacks: 80/64 for HK/Barons and 64/80 for Revenants.


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Vanilla doom can't raise two seperate staircases in one action line, the initial sectors either have to be joined or you could just put two separate action lines.

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Memfis said:

What happens if you try, does it only raise the staircase that begins with the lowest linedef number or something?

Joe-ilya means that if you make a single one linedef with "stair raise" action affect 2 different sectors with the same tag, only one sector will actually be affected.

Here is a test map (that took me literally less than 1 minute to make) that shows it:


In vanilla / Chocolate Doom / PrBoom-plus -complevel 2, only the right staircase raises, and in other ports / complevels, both staircases raise.

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Put a mechanical lock in on the trigger for the secondary staircase and put the needed second stair-builder line anywhere :)

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I just found out how much of a pain in the arse vanilla mapping is thanks to Visplane Overflows. I knew everyone placed prominence on that particular bug, now I know why.

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Dragonfly said:

I just found out how much of a pain in the arse vanilla mapping is

I agree, it's way too restrictive. I recently tried to add a pile of small crates (the ones with CRATINY textures) on my Vanilla map as a decoration, and it glitched:

Well, according to wiki you can't tile vertically textures that are not 128 units high, so these crates had to be changed to larger ones.
On the other hand, those Vanilla restrictions make mapping more, um.. challenging?

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Yeah, the increase in the challenge makes you ask yourself 'What do I REALLY want to achieve here?' vs "What can I ram into this part of the map?".

As for the suggestion of adding an extra texture, sure, you could do that, but as a extra component of this added challenge some of us like to use stock textures only. :P

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Dragonfly said:

Yeah, the increase in the challenge makes you ask yourself 'What do I REALLY want to achieve here?' vs "What can I ram into this part of the map?".

As for the suggestion of adding an extra texture, sure, you could do that, but as a extra component of this added challenge some of us like to use stock textures only. :P

You don't have to add any new textures, all you do is merge the texture to be taller. (Look at SWXWDMET from DOOM II for example, it's made out of three textures, the WOODMET texture, the EXITSIGN blocks and the blue/red key texture)

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^ Sure, it doesn't involve adding any custom graphic into the wad, but it still requires modifying TEXTURE1, so I guess it might count as a non-stock texture.

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rdwpa said:


It's an inside joke. There even was an entire "uhh, actually" thread somewhere, where people posted and the debunked common misconceptions and erroneous facts about Doom ;-)

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Dragonfly said:

Yeah, the increase in the challenge makes you ask yourself 'What do I REALLY want to achieve here?' vs "What can I ram into this part of the map?".

As for the suggestion of adding an extra texture, sure, you could do that, but as a extra component of this added challenge some of us like to use stock textures only. :P

In Vanilla, you gotta change your mapping process to fit the mold. I focus on getting the functional layout done first, work on gameplay, then pump in as much detail as the game will allow after you've made the map fun to reduce the risk of making compromises. In many cases its much harder to fix a broken map than it is to start a new one and the results sometimes aren't even worth it.

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Definitely good advice, 40oz. I think the remaining areas of my map will be mapped out in a basic form and just gradually fleshed out thereafter. I think there's one area in my map with a HOM thanks to the SEGS limit already, and I wasn't even finished touching it up, heh.

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Thanks to some Doom 2016 demon narration samples included in a remix, I have just discovered that Repercussions of Evil is actually officially canon. I mean:

The priests brought down the temple upon the Doom Slayer, and in his defeat entombed him in the cursed sarcophagus.

But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.

Same plot. It's official, the Doom Slayer is John Stalvern.

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