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Things about Doom you just found out


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8 hours ago, Matthias said:

Well I remember when I way young, I use Wadauthor editor to make vanilla maps and there wasn't any "donut" function.


But when I use Doom 1 map format, there was. And it was also used in the E2L2 with a chaingun.


Not sure if it's different in other editors or something.

It's still present in Doom 2 AFAIK, just might not be used in the IWAD.  I just loaded up a Doom (Doom 2): Doom Format map in GZDBBF (damn we need a better name for it already!) to check and Action 9 is present and correct.

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In a demo from the Doom 1.6 Shareware where John Romero plays cooperative with someone, you can see a rare bug where a demon gets a direct hit from a rocket and takes no damage at all. 


23 hours ago, axdoom1 said:

I just found out that PrBoom Plus (latest version has worse wallrunning than vanilla Doom. You can wallrun in both direction against a wall that's straight on the Y axis or X axis. In vanilla Doom, you could only wallrun toward the negative direction of the axis. 


I forgot to say you can even wallrun against some diagonal walls in vanilla. Since Doom's P_SlideMove is buggy, you bump erratically against most diagonal walls when you try to slide along them, like if the wall was made of small orthogonal walls, so it remains rare because it's not really noticeable since it only works at specific angles. 



IIRC, I was able to fix orthogonal wallrunning by removing the check for things that move too fast in P_XYMovement, but it made the player glide smoothly against diagonal walls, so diagonal wallrunning became more noticeable as it worked everywhere. The bug is in P_SlideMove, it moves the player twice for some reason. 

Edited by axdoom1
forgot something

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3 hours ago, Alfonzo said:

Prboom's DSGIBDTH will only trigger if the player is facing west at the moment of gibbage.

Self-gibbing with a rocket launcher perhaps? I seem to recall there's an actual purpose to the code, like checking if the victim was attacked from behind or something, with a strange side effect you described. I don't remember the specifics.


On 21.03.2017 at 11:54 AM, Matthias said:

There is no "donut" effect in Doom 2 unlike Doom 1.

There can't be any D1-exclusive effects. The two games literally share the exe. It was likely a mistake in the editor's D2 action list.

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doom.wad 1.9 and 1.9ud contain many duplicate entries:

DPBAREXP appears 2 times
DPBDCLS appears 2 times
DPBDOPN appears 2 times
DPBGACT appears 2 times
DPBGDTH1 appears 2 times
DPBGDTH2 appears 2 times
DPBGSIT1 appears 2 times
DPBGSIT2 appears 2 times
DPBRSDTH appears 2 times
DPBRSSIT appears 2 times
DPCLAW appears 2 times
DPDMACT appears 2 times
DPDMPAIN appears 2 times
DPDORCLS appears 2 times
DPDOROPN appears 2 times
DPFIRSHT appears 2 times
DPFIRXPL appears 2 times
DPGETPOW appears 2 times
DPITEMUP appears 2 times
DPITMBK appears 2 times
DPNOWAY appears 2 times
DPOOF appears 2 times
DPPDIEHI appears 2 times
DPPISTOL appears 2 times
DPPLDETH appears 2 times
DPPLPAIN appears 2 times
DPPODTH1 appears 2 times
DPPODTH2 appears 2 times
DPPODTH3 appears 2 times
DPPOPAIN appears 2 times
DPPOSACT appears 2 times
DPPOSIT1 appears 2 times
DPPOSIT2 appears 2 times
DPPOSIT3 appears 2 times
DPPSTART appears 2 times
DPPSTOP appears 2 times
DPPUNCH appears 2 times
DPRLAUNC appears 2 times
DPRXPLOD appears 2 times
DPSAWFUL appears 2 times
DPSAWHIT appears 2 times
DPSAWIDL appears 2 times
DPSAWUP appears 2 times
DPSGCOCK appears 2 times
DPSGTATK appears 2 times
DPSGTDTH appears 2 times
DPSGTSIT appears 2 times
DPSHOTGN appears 2 times
DPSLOP appears 2 times
DPSTNMOV appears 2 times
DPSWTCHN appears 2 times
DPSWTCHX appears 2 times
DPTELEPT appears 2 times
DPTINK appears 2 times
DPWPNUP appears 2 times
DSBAREXP appears 2 times
DSBDCLS appears 2 times
DSBDOPN appears 2 times
DSBGACT appears 2 times
DSBGDTH1 appears 2 times
DSBGDTH2 appears 2 times
DSBGSIT1 appears 2 times
DSBGSIT2 appears 2 times
DSBRSDTH appears 2 times
DSBRSSIT appears 2 times
DSCLAW appears 2 times
DSDMACT appears 2 times
DSDMPAIN appears 2 times
DSDORCLS appears 2 times
DSDOROPN appears 2 times
DSFIRSHT appears 2 times
DSFIRXPL appears 2 times
DSGETPOW appears 2 times
DSITEMUP appears 2 times
DSITMBK appears 2 times
DSNOWAY appears 2 times
DSOOF appears 2 times
DSPDIEHI appears 2 times
DSPISTOL appears 2 times
DSPLDETH appears 2 times
DSPLPAIN appears 2 times
DSPODTH1 appears 2 times
DSPODTH2 appears 2 times
DSPODTH3 appears 2 times
DSPOPAIN appears 2 times
DSPOSACT appears 2 times
DSPOSIT1 appears 2 times
DSPOSIT2 appears 2 times
DSPOSIT3 appears 2 times
DSPSTART appears 2 times
DSPSTOP appears 2 times
DSPUNCH appears 2 times
DSRLAUNC appears 2 times
DSRXPLOD appears 2 times
DSSAWFUL appears 2 times
DSSAWHIT appears 2 times
DSSAWIDL appears 2 times
DSSAWUP appears 2 times
DSSGCOCK appears 2 times
DSSGTATK appears 2 times
DSSGTDTH appears 2 times
DSSGTSIT appears 2 times
DSSHOTGN appears 2 times
DSSLOP appears 2 times
DSSTNMOV appears 2 times
DSSWTCHN appears 2 times
DSSWTCHX appears 2 times
DSTELEPT appears 2 times
DSTINK appears 2 times
DSWPNUP appears 2 times
D_E1M1 appears 2 times
D_E1M2 appears 2 times
D_E1M3 appears 2 times
D_E1M4 appears 2 times
D_E1M5 appears 2 times
D_E1M6 appears 2 times
D_E1M7 appears 2 times
D_E1M8 appears 2 times
D_E1M9 appears 2 times
D_INTER appears 2 times
D_INTRO appears 2 times
D_INTROA appears 2 times
D_VICTOR appears 2 times
SW18_7 appears 2 times

doom1.wad only contains the 2nd SW18_7.

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I was checking through circa-1994 era magazine scans for Doom 2 articles and found one pre-release piece that featured screenshots of Sandy Petersen's original MAP07. This seems to be the first (and only?) public glimpse of the level before it was scrapped and completely replaced by American McGee's version, at least until Romero's asset releases in 2015.






For whatever reason, there are some obvious discrepancies in the status bar.

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On 3/21/2017 at 5:33 PM, axdoom1 said:

I forgot to say you can even wallrun against some diagonal walls in vanilla. Since Doom's P_SlideMove is buggy, you bump erratically against most diagonal walls when you try to slide along them, like if the wall was made of small orthogonal walls, so it remains rare because it's not really noticeable since it only works at specific angles. 

When I was writing up my Doom movement bible this was the one thing I was not able to sufficiently research (not without a LOT of effort). Wall running on a diagonal wall involves an entirely different mechanism than "normal" wall running and it's far more finicky - it relies on the same overestimation of slide movement used in void glides, and the rounding of angles so the game never tries to place the player inside a wall. Since it involves several different calculations piling on top of each other there was no easy way to systematically test it that I could find.


One good demonstration spot is this wall in Map16:




Straferun south along that angled wall and you will pretty consistently see a speed boost comparable to a "normal" wallrun. Also since you are going south it can't be the same mechanism as the normal wallrun since you don't get the doubled movement calculations from a southward run.

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29 minutes ago, Revenant100 said:

For whatever reason, there are some obvious discrepancies in the status bar.

Are you talking about the weird color shift, or the fact that the player is holding the shotgun despite not actually having the shotgun (0 shells, the "3" is not lit up)?

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45 minutes ago, Revenant100 said:

I was checking through circa-1994 era magazine scans for Doom 2 articles and found one pre-release piece that featured screenshots of Sandy Petersen's original MAP07. This seems to be the first (and only?) public glimpse of the level before it was scrapped and completely replaced by American McGee's version, at least until Romero's asset releases in 2015.






For whatever reason, there are some obvious discrepancies in the status bar.

I believe the reason is that these screenshots were taken while cheating (no red flash despite both screens showing the player getting hurt). They didn't want to show the cheat in action so they pasted status bars from different screenshots.

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There is never a red tint on the screen when taking screenshots with -devparm which is how I imagine they did it back then. Also on the back of the Doom 2 box the player is obviously cheating in several of the screenshots so it doesn't seem like they were particularly concerned with it.

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There are differences between a prerelease article and a retail box, though. Maybe it's the magazine that didn't want cheated screenshots or whatever. Who knows? I doubt anyone who was involved in this particular case would remember.

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6 hours ago, 38_ViTa_38 said:

doom.wad 1.9 and 1.9ud contain many duplicate entries

Indeed, it was noted in M.Fell's Unofficial Doom Specs (essential reading for the technically-minded and all would-be mappers!) Appendix A-3: DOOM.WAD Changes and Errors.


There are some imperfections in the DOOM.WAD file. All versions up to 1.666 have the SW18_7 lump included twice. Versions before 1.666 have the COMP03_8 lump twice. And with version 1.666 somebody really messed up, because every single DP* and DS* and D_* lump that's in the shareware DOOM1.WAD is in the registered DOOM.WAD twice. The error doesn't adversely affect play in any way, but it does take up an unnecessary 800k on the hard drive.


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Maybe I've noticed this before (but forgot and now noticed again)... with pc speaker sounds, OOF and NOWAY make different sounds, and the SKLDTH is duplicated from the other monster death bleeps.

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The Plutonia big skull switch texture is actually made from IoS spawn cube.

Or maybe it was originally a texture, not a sprite.

Edited by riderr3

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12 minutes ago, riderr3 said:

The Plutonia big skull switch texture is actually made from IoS spawn cube.

Or maybe it was originally a texture, not a sprite.


Not the switch, but the brown door with a skull (A-BROWN4) does use a sprite (specifically BOSFA0).


The skull switches (SW1SKULL/SW2SKULL) use patches (same name); though these patches were obviously based on the sprite; just clumsily rescaled (you can see the pixels have been doubled in height, and doubled or tripled in width) and, for SW2SKULL, with a really amateur red "glow" added to the eyes. TV did a good job cleaning them up and making them less embarrassing to look at in Plutonia 2.

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1 hour ago, TwinBeast said:

Maybe I've noticed this before (but forgot and now noticed again)... with pc speaker sounds, OOF and NOWAY make different sounds, and the SKLDTH is duplicated from the other monster death bleeps.

til you can play doom with pc speakers

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23 minutes ago, Gez said:

TV did a good job cleaning them up and making them less embarrassing to look at in Plutonia 2.

I remember them still being pretty blurry there, but at least they looked like some effort was put into them.

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57 minutes ago, Da Werecat said:

I remember them still being pretty blurry there, but at least they looked like some effort was put into them.

PSX Final Doom have more clear and sinister skull, they had to take him from there.

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Hmm I just listened to some Himalayan throat music & now I suddenly want to aggressively align SP_ROCK & coat my buildings with FIREBLU.

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3 minutes ago, ShotgunDemolition said:

Slough of Despair from E3 in Doom 1 looks like a hand. I was surprised.

Have you ever looked at the map of Zedek's Tomb before opening the first door at the end of the long hallway?

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Today I learned that you can create slopes in DB by simply selecting the vertex in Visual Mode and rolling the mouse wheel.


I had been defining them manually with an direction angle, a height offset and a slope degree, and minutely iterating between the three to reach the right overall look.  It took about ten minutes per slope to get right, and all this time I could have just clicked and scrolled?


God. Damn. It.

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1 hour ago, Bauul said:

Today I learned that you can create slopes in DB by simply selecting the vertex in Visual Mode and rolling the mouse wheel.

Only works with triangular sectors; though you can always cut a more complex shape in two and put a Plane_Copy on the dividing line.

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The French version of Doom has a 'WIOBJ' lump that displays the word 'obj.', which is used for the same purpose as 'WIOSTI' which displays 'objets'. It's because when Doom was translated, the word 'items' took more space in French so they had to shorten it for the multiplayer intermission screen. This is exclusive to the French version. The source code has a comment that says "Yuck" just before it checks which lump to choose. 



Edited by axdoomer

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On 3/29/2017 at 8:19 PM, Bauul said:

Today I learned that you can create slopes in DB by simply selecting the vertex in Visual Mode and rolling the mouse wheel.


I had been defining them manually with an direction angle, a height offset and a slope degree, and minutely iterating between the three to reach the right overall look.  It took about ten minutes per slope to get right, and all this time I could have just clicked and scrolled?


God. Damn. It.

well, you can also drag textures and pull them :)

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On 3/29/2017 at 1:13 PM, Gez said:

Only works with triangular sectors; though you can always cut a more complex shape in two and put a Plane_Copy on the dividing line.

Yeah, it's a shame you can't (for example) select two vertices at the edge of a 4 sided shame and scroll them both up in tandem to create the slope, but given slopes created with this method can also be flipped and rotated (while ones where you manually define the angle can't) it's still all in all a much, much more efficient approach to take.

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