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Things about Doom you just found out


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Speaking of MAP03, when you play on UV, the monster closet trap near the start contains a lot of Shotgunners... and one Zombieman. One weak guy among many stronger ones. I suspect that if this happened in a modern map, people would feel like it's either a bug or a kind of trolling the player.

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A sergeant's shotgun only fires 3 pellets. I thought it shot 7 like the player's shotgun. I just found out 10 minutes ago while I was searching Doom's source code.


I feel like I should have figured this out years ago. I mean, I've been playing Doom since more than 10 years and I learned such a simple thing like this today?

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That's quite interesting. Shotgunners are already a PITA, but to think they only fire 3 pellets and yet cause so much damage. Making it 7 would probably double the damage at the very least, meaning more HP lost :(

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I just learned two things last night:

  1. Revenant fireballs don't fly parallel to the ground, but slightly downward. (Assuming the player and revenant are on the same floor, of course.) I knew they started somewhat elevated, but I guess I never thought about their traveling downward toward the player...
  2. The monster target threshold is set whenever a monster chooses a new target, and not just when they take damage from something. Unless there's a significant AI difference between [G]ZDoom and PrBoom.... I don't think I've ever had this happen before:
    1. Wake up cyberdemon
    2. Lead cyberdemon into mancubus fireballs
    3. Cyberdemon kills one mancubus, then fires at me
    4. Cyberdemon continues firing at me, despite further damage taken from mancubi
    5. Cyberdemon is finally persuaded to kill one more mancubus before turning on me again

Infighting feels so inefficient now. :-(



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Depends on the format of what you are playing. 2 for vanilla or limit-removing Doom 2, 3 for likewise Doom 1, 4 for Final Doom, 9 for Boom, and 11 for MBF will cover just about everything. 

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Today, after more than 20 years of Dooming, I discovered a secret chainsaw in E1M7. Quite shocked to find something new in E1.

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Well, I am a defective detective, so I am not up to the task. I am just throwing the question out into the void to see if someone else will answer.

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6 hours ago, zokum said:

The face stuff is probably a colorized black and white pencil drawing

According to Romero, this is incorrect. Romero stated that the SP_FACE1 texture was drawn directly in Deluxe Paint II by Kevin Cloud. He doesn't suggest any face models were used, just as Cloud had not when drawing the status bar face.

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On 8/6/2017 at 1:43 PM, nxGangGirl said:


face wall.png

You know, that's actually some demented scary shit right there. I'd love to see someone animate a few frames - that'd be awesome. It'd be nice if you could shoot them, and put them out of their misery.

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There's an animated face wall in Shadowcaster. Totally different graphic style, but it freaked me out the first time I saw it!

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On MAP11: 'O' of Destruction! in Doom 2, going to where the Imp attacks behind a fake wall will get you a soulsphere for an extra 100% HP boost. Don't know why I know this just now because it sure helped my playthroughs of the map.

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- It is possible to beat MAP11 of Doom 2 in less than a minute. You can jump across to the platform and wall hug, and even activate the switch from below that lowers the platform barrier.

- In E4M5 of Ultimate Doom you can jump straight through the window to the exit.

- In E3M6 it is possible to activate the secret exit switch from the outside the compblue structure by pressing on the outer wall next to the switch but slightly in front.

- In MAP19 one of the walls in the Imp Cages sidedef is flipped the wrong way. Also in MAP19, you don't need all 3 keys to exit.

- In MAP18 of Plutonia you can get a Visplane Overflow standing on the far right of sector 87-88-89 and looking NW. Only happens in Vanilla, not Doom 95 (which has a higher VP limit)

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I'm messing with Doom Builder 2 for the first time and I just found out there's a Commander Keen "enemy" you can kill.

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