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Things about Doom you just found out


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You can get xdelta from here, and then in the same directory, add the file you downloaded, the IWAD you should already have, and this handy .bat file I've attached, and then just run the .bat.





EDIT: Wait no, not the thing with no extension you downloaded, but ud-to-xbox.vcdiff from this part of the archive.

Edited by SiFi270

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4 hours ago, Hellbent said:

Can someone explain this image to me? Thanks! That there is a super secret level in Xbox Doom called Sewers. (cool!) 



It's actually not great.  Neither is the Doom II Xbox exclusive map.  They are both really old maps from the early 90s that someone at id was just like "Hey, grab some random vanilla compatible map from the internet and let's slap them in this Xbox version."

I have videos of them both on my YouTube with links to download them (the original PC versions) if you are interested.


Here is the link to the maps anyway: http://classicdoom.com/xboxspec.zip

(The originals, not ones ripped from the Xbox version)

Edited by guitardz

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I started playing the map. The opening room looked kinda cool but everything after that was pretty frickin' bad honestly, so I stopped playing it. But, I think it'd be fun to make a crispy doom project utilizing the e1m1 super-secret exit (at some point, not now as another classic doom project is trying to get underway presently). 

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Just now, Hellbent said:

I started playing the map. The opening room looked kinda cool but everything after that was pretty frickin' bad honestly...

Yea, Idk who at id thought these maps were good to use, the one for Doom II, Betray, as a little better than Sewers, but not by much.

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The novelty of those exclusive maps is they belong to mappers responsible for No Rest, their earliest known works, that they decided to package into the IWADs for fun. As a result now, they could be considered official IWAD maps in some circles, like Romero's E1M4B and E1M8B.

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40 minutes ago, Lila Feuer said:

The novelty of those exclusive maps is they belong to mappers responsible for No Rest, their earliest known works, that they decided to package into the IWADs for fun. As a result now, they could be considered official IWAD maps in some circles, like Romero's E1M4B and E1M8B.

That makes more sense then.  I looked at the text files on them and didn't recognize the authors.  If they were Nerve Software employees then they probably chose them, not id.

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They're definitely nothing special of course, but as Hellbent said, it would be cool to see these extra slots utilized to make more secret levels.

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They're kind of personal signatures for the developers of the Xbox port: they put their first-released amateur maps in their professional port as a way to show how they had progressed from a hobby to a job. So it makes sense as an Easter-egg, but it shouldn't be taken as more than that. It's kind of like how Randy Linden's love message to his wife can be seen in the SNES port if you noclip to see the full sky texture. It's on the level of an "I wuz here!" tag.


It's not by the mappers who made the maps in No Rest for the Living, though. Those are different people.

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Yesterday I found out there's more than two cyberdemons in episode 4. There's also one on E4M7, but nobody cares about that one.

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23 hours ago, Scypek2 said:

Yesterday I found out there's more than two cyberdemons in episode 4. There's also one on E4M7, but nobody cares about that one.

You should, it makes a particular point in the level into a rather nasty trap.

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1 hour ago, Dark Pulse said:

You should, it makes a particular point in the level into a rather nasty trap.

But he's so easy to kill since you get an invulnerability sphere and a BFG.

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3 hours ago, TakenStew22 said:

But he's so easy to kill since you get an invulnerability sphere and a BFG.

Shh, what they don't know will hurt them.

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I never got to notice him before because I never made noise in that area before. But on the latest playthrough I noticed it looks like it should be a teleport ambush, so I made some noise on purpose.

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That there is a really hard to find linedef on E4M4 that opens a secret door to the rocket launcher secret. Very devilish secret if there ever was one. 

Edited by Hellbent

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31 minutes ago, Hellbent said:

That there is a really hard to find linedef on E4M4 that opens a secret door to the rocket launcher secret. Very devilish secret if there ever was one. 


Try to grab the secret soulsphere in Wonderful Doom E4M4 without any help or guidance. 

Edited by galileo31dos01

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14 hours ago, Hellbent said:

That there is a really hard to find linedef on E4M4 that opens a secret door to the rocket launcher secret. Very devilish secret if there ever was one. 

Yeah, just went and checked to remind myself, that one was a bastard.

Also, forgetting that you have to type IDSPISPOPD instead of IDCLIP when playing Doom 1

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You keep hearing the sound of the switch activating at the start of The Courtyard is you shoot from inside the starting room.

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1 hour ago, seed said:

You keep hearing the sound of the switch activating at the start of The Courtyard is you shoot from inside the starting room.


The same thing happens in the cross-shaped room that holds some cacos. In fact, it's more likely to happen there than at the start of the map, since most players will have the common sense not to enter that area right away.

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I've long been aware of this extra secret room on E1M9 but I've never been in it and never knew it was accessible (and I still don't how to access it). But I've never seen that door open up at the end of the level like that. So it's pretty cool to see that it does in fact open even if I still don't know how or why it opened (is it a multi-player only type deal?) My suspicion is there are co-op only demons in that room and Romero some how got sound into that room and then the demons open the door from the inside.



Edited by Hellbent

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43 minutes ago, Hellbent said:

Bunch of interesting stuff about cheat codes


As an innocent elementary school kid, I logically deduced that ID(K)FA was prefix (+ Keys) + Full Ammo. 

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2 hours ago, Hellbent said:


I wasn't aware of some of the details surrounding Romero's head on a stick. Pretty funny!





2 hours ago, Hellbent said:


I've long been aware of this extra secret room on E1M9 but I've never been in it and never knew it was accessible (and I still don't how to access it). But I've never seen that door open up at the end of the level like that. So it's pretty cool to see that it does in fact open even if I still don't know how or why it opened (is it a multi-player only type deal?) My suspicion is there are co-op only demons in that room and Romero some how got sound into that room and then the demons open the door from the inside.





3 hours ago, Hellbent said:


Bunch of interesting stuff about cheat codes:





Have you seen this video? I think it might interest you.


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8 hours ago, Hellbent said:

I've long been aware of this extra secret room on E1M9 but I've never been in it and never knew it was accessible (and I still don't how to access it). But I've never seen that door open up at the end of the level like that. So it's pretty cool to see that it does in fact open even if I still don't know how or why it opened (is it a multi-player only type deal?) My suspicion is there are co-op only demons in that room and Romero some how got sound into that room and then the demons open the door from the inside.

Those invisibeasts are always released, but normally you drop down into the goo in the blue key room, pull a switch, go in a door opened with imps behind it, and come up in a lift to fight them. It looks odd in this video because the viewpoint character dies in the goo; the other player then pulls the switch, but by then the viewpoint character is back in the blue key room.

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1 minute ago, Rhebiz said:

I found out the dps of the SSG and the Rocket launcher are roughly the same.

Yeah, they usually kill the 300-1000 HP monsters in the same amount of hits regardless. Which is why the SSG is so damn powerful for sharing such a common ammo type.

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The RL has way more dps than the ssg... More than double it. It even wins in mean damage of performing one attack. The horrible attack rate of the ssg sends it behind all the powered weapons dps wise. (the only thins going for it are the stun chance, hitscan -doesn't matter because it sucks at long range- and burst)

Edited by Pegg

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