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Things about Doom you just found out


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10 minutes ago, Maximum Matt said:

And the Icon-Of-Sin-launching-a-spawn-cube sound.  


I will never not hear that when I hear that.

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4 hours ago, Marlamir said:

Don't forget about zombie sounds, this shit is in a lot of sci-fi movies


Such as? It's fitting, I learned something else about Doom today.


I mean, I already knew it uses sounds from everywhere but didn't know some are present in various movies too, particularly the zombie sounds.

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Speaking of stock sounds used in Doom and elsewhere, World of Warcraft (pre-Cata at least, idk about retail) has tigers/big cats making pinky demon sounds and stags making imp sounds. I didn't find that out just now though.

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9 hours ago, Marlamir said:

Don't forget about zombie sounds, this shit is in a lot of sci-fi movies


The door opening sound is in a shit ton of movies! 

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22 hours ago, Maximum Matt said:

And the Icon-Of-Sin-launching-a-spawn-cube sound.  

I remember i heard that sound in one episode of x-files but i think that was allready mentioned somewhere on this forum.


20 hours ago, seed said:


Such as? It's fitting, I learned something else about Doom today.


I mean, I already knew it uses sounds from everywhere but didn't know some are present in various movies too, particularly the zombie sounds.

You will hear that mostly on low budget-B movies which i watching more than i should. The more obvious movie where i heard that is some hungary(i think) sci-fi movie from 2004, if i only remember name of the movie :/

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I just found out the Arachnotron plasma sprites are actually in Ultimate Doom, just unused.  I guess just leftover from the alpha builds.

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5 minutes ago, silentzorah said:

I just found out the Arachnotron plasma sprites are actually in Ultimate Doom, just unused.  I guess just leftover from the alpha builds.


Not sure.


I remember reading something relatively recent saying that they actually planned to include Doom 2's enemies in the original, but never got to it due to time constraints.

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Arch-vile, mancubus, revenant were planned from the beginning but not finished in time.

Chaingunner, pain elemental, arachnotron, and especially Hell knight were added because they were simple editing jobs resource-wise and could fit some unfilled niches.

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Fascinating. So in this regard I suppose one could say PSX Doom is somewhat closer to id's intention, even though it doesn't feature the AV as they could not do him justice.


Despite this, there still were enemies who were going to show up in Doom 2 only. Hm. But I wonder about the SSG, if that one was meant to only be introduced in Doom 2 or it's something else they had to scrap in the original.

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This isn't so much something I learned, but something I realized. Two of the three Doom bosses were given weaker variants in Doom II. The Baron of Hell got the Hell Knight and the Spider Mastermind got the Arachnotron. Yet the Cyberdemon doesn't. This kinda saddens me.

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4 minutes ago, LadyVader1138 said:

This isn't so much something I learned, but something I realized. Two of the three Doom bosses were given weaker variants in Doom II. The Baron of Hell got the Hell Knight and the Spider Mastermind got the Arachnotron. Yet the Cyberdemon doesn't. This kinda saddens me.

Eh weve made replacements:


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14 hours ago, LadyVader1138 said:

This isn't so much something I learned, but something I realized. Two of the three Doom bosses were given weaker variants in Doom II. The Baron of Hell got the Hell Knight and the Spider Mastermind got the Arachnotron. Yet the Cyberdemon doesn't. This kinda saddens me.

The cyberdemon is a demon with huge guts and an arm cannon that fires volleys of three rockets.

The mancubus is a demon with huge guts and two arm cannons that fires volleys of three pairs of fireballs.

Edited by Gez

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5 hours ago, Gez said:

The cyberdemon is a demon with huge guts and an arm cannon that fires volleys of three rockets.

The mancubus is a demon with huge guts and two arm cannons that fires volleys of three pairs of fireballs.

Maybe she was talking about how they look in appearance. 

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7 hours ago, Gez said:

The cyberdemon is a demon with huge guts and an arm cannon that fires volleys of three rockets.

The mancubus is a demon with huge guts and two arm cannons that fires volleys of three pairs of fireballs.


1 hour ago, Rhebiz said:

Maybe she was talking about how they look in appearance. 

Not just appearance as they don't even have the same feel.

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In the Xbox version of Ultimate Doom, the NIИ secret in E4M1 is inaccessible, which also prevents the barons guarding it from noticing you and having any chance to be killed. My run of that level was going so well (you know, by E4M1 standards) and now I have to start over. >:(

Edited by SiFi270

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3 hours ago, SiFi270 said:

In the Xbox version of Ultimate Doom, the NIИ secret in E4M1 is inaccessible, which also prevents the barons guarding it from noticing you and having any chance to be killed.

Which Xbox version? This will need to be verified. 

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3 hours ago, doomerguy06 said:

is wad 6 mods rigt place????

I think what your saying is if this is the right thread to look for wads and it is. 


6 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

yes i no it mod with 6 wad yes

i like doom it is godo andfun

waht isy ou sayinh????

I doesn t undersand

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Thanks to me just screwing around with various ZDoom commands, I learned that if you were able to get in front of a rocket you fired, it will not hit you and will just keep on going its merry way. I am going to try this with Chocolate Doom, E2M2, and the turbo parameter to see if I can recreate it there.

UPDATE: Yeah, rockets just plain ignore you. The only thing they can hurt you with is splash damage.

Edited by LadyVader1138

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2 hours ago, LadyVader1138 said:

Thanks to me just screwing around with various ZDoom commands, I learned that if you were able to get in front of a rocket you fired, it will not hit you and will just keep on going its merry way. I am going to try this with Chocolate Doom, E2M2, and the turbo parameter to see if I can recreate it there.

UPDATE: Yeah, rockets just plain ignore you. The only thing they can hurt you with is splash damage.

How come this fairs differently than firing rockets at a voodoo doll? Sincere question.

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The thing itself is different. When you or a monster fires a projectile, it doesn't appear in front of you/it, it actually appears in the hitbox.

Projectiles have a "check" of sorts, kind of like an ownership flag, that prevents it from impacting the actor that fired it (because it would just explode as soon as it was created), which is why, when you outrun your own projectiles and stand in their path, they go through you, and when you make a rev missile go toward the revenant that fired it, it goes through him, etc.

Voodoo dolls are treated as separate objects by the engine, so they don't "own" any projectile you shoot at them, just like monsters don't "own" any projectile you shoot at them and vice versa.

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Same thing happens if you play a multiplayer game. Fire projectiles. Dies, respawns and then get in the way of the projectiles you yourself shot. They will hit you like any other entity.


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