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Things about Doom you just found out


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Yeah, Underhalls was butchered in version 1.8 when id altered it for some reason, which is where all those unfixed issues originate from in 1.9, like some barrels and the infamous Sergeant stuck into the wall. It's also when the IWAD mysteriously lost quite a bit of weight, if I recall correctly. I don't understand what they wanted to achieve by fixing what wasn't broken in 1.8...


There are glitches in the other maps too. This is why I personally consider 1.666 and 1.7 to be the best versions of Doom 2, although 1.666 has some easy to spot HOMs in places, such as The Courtyard. 1.8 broke more things than it fixed, and were never fully patched, not even in the re-releases which have it altered even further, such as the Xbox one, where it has a super secret exit that leads to MAP33 Betray.

Edited by seed

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If you outrun your own rocket, and then save and load your game, you can actually direct impact yourself with your own rocket. Depending on the map, you could also theoretically hit yourself with plasma or your own BFG ball as well.

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...so yeah, I just found out that the Berserk power-up lasts for the whole level and not just during the red screen. I've been playing Doom for over 20 years and I feel like my whole life has been a lie.

Edited by Knee Deep In The Fan

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Just found out today that on the title screen for D2 you can bring up the menu by pressing any key, but it only makes the "button press" sound when you press ESC.  

This, of course, completely changes the way I look at Doom and gaming in general

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On 8/15/2020 at 4:26 AM, wrkq said:

According to TCRF, yeah, MAP01 and MAP02 were royally screwed in patch 1.8, and not completely un-screwed by 1.9.


Shows how human memory is unreliable - I thought it was messsed up earlier, same time as they removed the silver bars.

Hang on, the silver bars aren't in underhalls? I remember passing opening them one time as I was playing through doom 2.

Edit, I just checked and turns out I had a wad of doom 2 version 1.666.

Edited by Pinhead Daniel
Fixed a mistake

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2 minutes ago, Pinhead Daniel said:

Hang on, the silver bars aren't in underhalls? I remember passing opening them one time as I was playing through doom 2. 


The silver bars were there in 1.666.


They have been removed in first patch (1.7), because apparently they confused many players (they don't seem like something you open with spacebar, more like something you need a switch for).


Which in turn is now many years later confusing players who remember how it looked in 1.666 but have been replaying 1.9 or such in the modern era.

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This Video is the sequel of the famous extremely slow Monsters Glitch:



Edited by HitBoi64

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On 8/20/2020 at 7:09 AM, Wagi said:

If you outrun your own rocket, and then save and load your game, you can actually direct impact yourself with your own rocket. Depending on the map, you could also theoretically hit yourself with plasma or your own BFG ball as well.


Cool. Just tested it by making a long corridor, a teleport behind me that teleports me on the other side.

It doesn't work on GZDoom but works perfectly in Chocolate Doom.

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I recently found out that MAP27 of TNT Evilution has a visplane overflow in a fairly easy to access location, just near the arachnotron cages. (All the more reason to hate Mount Pain, ehh? XD)

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I completed ULTIMATE DOOM, DOOM II, FINAL DOOM because I figured out how awsome E1M1 in OPL3 sounds. I'm shure if i didn't hear E1M1 in OPL3 synth emulation I would have just stayed with ULTIMATE DOOM EP1 completed and leave it that way.


This was many months ago, I don't remember but all i know was that it was enough for me to register to ths site (thats quality piece of music by bobby prince right there)





Edited by vanilla_d00m

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On 8/23/2020 at 3:08 PM, wrkq said:


The silver bars were there in 1.666.


They have been removed in first patch (1.7), because apparently they confused many players (they don't seem like something you open with spacebar, more like something you need a switch for).


Which in turn is now many years later confusing players who remember how it looked in 1.666 but have been replaying 1.9 or such in the modern era.


Funny how that was the one aspect of Doom 2 that id considered too obtuse for players to solve.

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On 8/22/2020 at 12:10 AM, plums said:

I feel like this is a rite of passage for everyone that plays Doom.

It actually last for much, much longer. About 4 whole years.

You can find the source on the DMW magazine.


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On ‎8‎/‎25‎/‎2020 at 4:49 AM, Optimus said:


Cool. Just tested it by making a long corridor, a teleport behind me that teleports me on the other side.

It doesn't work on GZDoom but works perfectly in Chocolate Doom.

On ‎8‎/‎20‎/‎2020 at 12:09 AM, Wagi said:

If you outrun your own rocket, and then save and load your game, you can actually direct impact yourself with your own rocket. Depending on the map, you could also theoretically hit yourself with plasma or your own BFG ball as well.


I believe in Vanilla Doom, saving doesn't save the owner of any active projectiles, so when you reload the saved game, it won't remember who originally fired the projectile, so it essentially becomes "unowned" at that point. There is a similar thing in deathmatch, where if you shoot a rocket and die, the rocket will still be in your name until you respawn, so if the rocket hits and kills someone else you'll get credit for a frag as long as you remain dead, but if you decide to respawn while the rocket is still travelling and the rocket winds up killing someone, then the rocket is unowned and you'll get no frag.


I think this applies to enemy projectiles too. If an enemy fires a projectile, and then you decide to save your game while the projectile is travelling, if you reload the saved game, the enemy projectile won't have an owner at that point, so if it hits another monster after reloading a saved game, the monster that got hit won't turn around and start fighting back at the monster who actually fired the projectile.


EDIT: I did test the second statement in E3M1. Played the opening part on Hurt Me Plenty (so I only need to kill off one of two Imps at the beginning and will only need to content with one Cacodemon and not two after opening the first door). I was able to save the game while a Cacodemon fired a fireball at me, with an Imp in between. When the Imp got hit, he turned around and started attacking the Cacodemon, but when I reloaded the saved game, the Imp didn't turn around to fight the Cacodemon after getting hit from its fireball.

Edited by peach freak

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6 hours ago, RjY said:

The line-of-sight check required for radius damage is reversed. Sight is checked from the player to the explosion, not the other way round.

One would expect a bomb to affect any actor exposed to it. In fact, the affected actor's "eyes" (defined as a point three quarters of its height above its base) must be able to see the explosion. A creature whose legs are fully visible to the blast will survive as long as its eyes are covered.



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Probably because of doors

Same thing with sound. A sector canal by the floor won't transfer sound to wake up monsters, while one up in the ceiling will.

Edited by kristus

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2 minutes ago, kristus said:

Probably because of doors

Same thing with sound. A sector canal by the floor won't transfer sound to wake up monsters, while one up in the ceiling will. 


Um, I'm pretty sure that's not true... e.g. southwest corner of Doom 2 MAP16 uses a sound tunnel camouflaged as a water/nukage flow channel.

(with clever symmetric opening in the other end of the pool for "realism" reasons, at that.)


6 hours ago, Vermil said:

If I don't see it, it's not illegal. 

The barrels share mindset of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.
"You can't see me, so I can't hurt you".

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26 minutes ago, kristus said:

Same thing with sound. A sector canal by the floor won't transfer sound to wake up monsters, while one up in the ceiling will.

That's not the case. Sound propagation doesn't care about line of sight at all, it only checks/is stopped by sound blocking lines and 0 height sectors. It's a very basic flooding algorithm that traverses though the lines of sectors to other connected sectors.

Edited by Edward850

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I suppose this finally answers the question of why cool guys don't look at explosions. It's for their own safety


(okay I know the line of sight check doesn't consider FOV but it makes perfect sense now anyways)

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there's two versions of the DOOM comic! I've been reading a copy of the original from a scan, but the ID Anthology version looks nicer, and is the one on Doomworld

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On 8/20/2020 at 7:27 PM, pc234 said:




That's a very cool bug. I went to see what may be the cause. The first hint for the cause of the bug in the video is that the player was using the plasma gun to hit lost souls outside of the map. This made the lost souls glide far away from the map. I thought they removed the range checks because the blockmap is an array of a limited size with enough 128x128 blocks to cover the map area with a rectangle. If you write outside of this array, the game's memory gets corrupted. The PS1 version is based of Jaguar Doom, so I compared it to vanilla Doom. 


The blockmap range checks are still in Jaguar Doom, except one. The one in P_UnsetThingPosition is missing. It may have been removed by the developers thinking this check was unnecessary. The thing is, this function is still called even if the "thing" didn't get its position set into the blockmap. 


Comparison: vanilla Doom vs Jaguar Doom


You can see the check blockx>=0 && blockx < bmapwidth && blocky>=0 && blocky <bmapheight was removed. If I remove this check from Chocolate-Doom, I will get results similar to what can be seen in the video if a monster escapes the map and moves a bit too far away. 




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19 minutes ago, axdoomer said:




that actually looks super cool. I wish there was a mod that made the game look like this. 

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