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Things about Doom you just found out


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7 hours ago, BaileyTW said:

There's no waterfall texture in doom 1 or doom 2. Could have sworn there was, but nope that's from final doom.

Fun fact, TNT and Plutonia have (slightly) different waterfall textures.

On mercredi 17 février 2021 at 4:52 PM, Gez said:

The animations are hardcoded in vanilla. If WFALL works in Plutonia, it'll work in anything else. All you need to do is to have them defined in your TEXTURE1 lump.


WFALL is supported because it was originally planned to have a waterfall texture in Doom II. It didn't make the cut, but the texture in question was found in the released unused assets:



TNT and Plutonia both went with recolored bloodfall or slimefall, but TNT is brighter than Plutonia:



Perdition's Gate/Hell to Pay had its original take on the waterfall, which looks good IMO:



For fun I combined them all together:


Bonus with Heretic waterfall combined in too:


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Thanks for the knowledge. The big ole static textured waterfall was beginning to look weird. Also figured out afterwards cause I do some of the map testing through chocolate doom that even if I put the WFALL1 texture in I actually need to out 2 through 4 in I guess you can't cut the animation loop short.

Edited by BaileyTW

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  • 2 weeks later...

Crispy Doom actually supports ZDoom's 16 rotation naming scheme.


Addendum: While poking around the Crispy Doom source code I noticed a peculiar codepiece called r_swirl.c. It's the SMMU swirl, same one from the Eternity Engine. Geez, why did no one tell me about these?

Edited by dotQLL

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A very disturbing fact about Doom's development.


The 0.3 alpha of Doom was compiled on February 28th 1993, yes, the same day as the ATF's failed raid on the Branch Davidians compound in Waco, Texas, which was the start of the 51-day Waco Siege during February until April 1993.


Additional coincidences are even more sinister. The 0.4 alpha was compiled on April 2nd 1993, 18 days before the tear gas fire of the Mount Carmel Center. Similarly, the 0.5 alpha was compiled on May 22nd 1993, which was about a month and 33 days after the Waco siege concluded.


And heck, this event was occurring around the time id Software was developing Doom at their Mesquite office in Texas during that time.


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There is a very scary skeleton behind the Heresiarch in the ending screen of Heretic. Looks similar to the death symbol on the player hud. I swear I knew it was there all along and didn't miss it for 2 decades.

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Could that have actually been a wide screen version of the image added for modern source ports?

A google search of the heretic ending screen has that part cut off.


Edited by illYay1337

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11 hours ago, illYay1337 said:

Actually I think it was something done by Nash a while ago. I don't think I've ever seen the hanged corpse on the left either, it was just the heresiarch's majestic smile and the half torn disciple, more interesting widescreen upgrade than just increasing the size of the walls though.

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2 hours ago, HrnekBezucha said:

You can time your movement in damaging floor so you never get damaged by it. Something to do with the weapon sway, idk. That's pretty cool. 

The damage only happens at specific intervals, and the weapon bob uses the same period. That means that you can only take damage when your weapon is in a specific part of the bob animation.By timing it so that none/few of those parts of the cycle line up, you will take no/less damage. Ideally you want a damage 'point in time' be just before you leave a non-damaging floor and then start moving on the damaging floor and then just after you enter the next safe sector and can no longer take damage.

This explains why the exact same perfect movement can damage you sometimes and other times not. It depends on which "millisecond" (tic) you started moving. You only take damage when in a damaging floor sector and at the same height as the sector is. You do not take damage in the air, so the ideal time for a damage check will in most cases be just before the player lands into the damaging sector. That's how I remember it at least, and it seems plausible, so it's probably true. Maybe.

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8 minutes ago, zokum said:

The damage only happens at specific intervals, and the weapon bob uses the same period. That means that you can only take damage when your weapon is in a specific part of the bob animation.By timing it so that none/few of those parts of the cycle line up, you will take no/less damage. Ideally you want a damage 'point in time' be just before you leave a non-damaging floor and then start moving on the damaging floor and then just after you enter the next safe sector and can no longer take damage.

This explains why the exact same perfect movement can damage you sometimes and other times not. It depends on which "millisecond" (tic) you started moving. You only take damage when in a damaging floor sector and at the same height as the sector is. You do not take damage in the air, so the ideal time for a damage check will in most cases be just before the player lands into the damaging sector. That's how I remember it at least, and it seems plausible, so it's probably true. Maybe.

Love the endless little quirks in the game

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Some stuff about intermission graphics

Entryway's title graphic is the only title graphic in Doom II to have its top row of pixels cut off.


Ultimate Doom has red pixels in the following title graphics:


Phobos Anomaly

Containment Area

Tower of Babel

Unholy Cathedral



Plutonia uses an inverted W character as a stand-in for M. Weird how they didn't use the M from Dead Simple.

Well of Souls's title graphic has lopsided letters in the word Souls.

Impossible Mission has green and red pixels on the right side of its graphic.

Aztec's graphic has 1 column of pixels cut off its left.

TNT's title graphics seemingly have no errors. This is why TNT best IWAD end of discussion ;P

Edited by dotQLL

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On 1/13/2022 at 5:39 PM, BGrieber said:

I noticed the purple around a caco’s fireball and realized it’s one of four things with the color purple on it, the others being the invisibility sphere, the nightvision pickup, and Keen’s corpse


The chainsaw attack frames SAWG{A,B}0 each have one dark magenta pixel in the middle. Three spiderdemon frames SPID{A4A6,G5,H5} each have one dark magenta pixel on one of the back legs. Two WolfSS frames, SSWVB4 has one medium magenta pixel on the side of the uniform, and in SSWVF0 several medium magenta pixels appear on the legs as he begins to attack. As for textures, TEKWALL4 and CEMENT4 both have a single dark magenta pixel, and of course there are a few in FIREBLU. Finally, the game logo on the title screen has some dark magenta at the top. It also appears on M_DOOM in doom1, but was removed when that was edited for doom2.


None of the magenta pixels are the pure #FF00FF, that palette entry is unused.

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You can delete saves by pressing the "Del" key...

EDIT: In PrBoom+ and GZDoom at least. Just tested it in Chocolate Doom and it doesn't work there. Still, had no idea.

Edited by StrangerRanger

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There is a door in Doom 2's Map26 that leads you to the Mancubus with the rocket launcher very early. A door I (and probably others) never knew even was there.




That was your Doom 2 fun fact of the day.

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On 8/6/2017 at 12:38 PM, nxGangrel said:

This fucker.

face 1.png

face 2.png


On 8/6/2017 at 12:43 PM, nxGangrel said:


face wall.png

I've read this entire thread over the span of a few weeks (on and off) and this is still my favorite fact. Also, it's fun to see people you still see posting today start popping up through the pages.

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I'm not sure if this counts but I just realised that the little plasma firing spiders are called "Arachnotrons" - I'm playing Doom for like five years now and I always called them "Arachnatrons". Strange that I never noticed that little difference because I've seen that name written or heard it spoken so many times!

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On 2/19/2022 at 7:25 AM, Btyb88 said:

More of a "I just realized", you never TRULY get the full value of a megasphere.

Unless you were subject to voodoo magic and had 0% health :P

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1 hour ago, magicsofa said:

Unless you were subject to voodoo magic and had 0% health :P

I do love me some voodoo

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The cacodemons in 2016/Eternal actually have primordial pouches. I thought they were just bellies.

Edited by dotQLL

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How to make a sky transfer. I swear that **** took me FOREVER for some reason I can't figure out. 

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I'm a big dummy. I just realized that the greater the difference between the two extremes of light around a Sector Effect 8 (Light Glows) sector, the longer it takes to cycle. That's super obvious if you think about it, but I just never did.

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Figured out on accident not long ago that there's a door in the red key room of E4M1 that allows you to get out of the room, exiting out to the health bonuses. Seems that can be pretty useful. I've never heard anyone mention this in my whole life, never seen anyone talk about it. So I was pretty shocked when I opened it.doom01.png.c53eaccecb7a17f6ea2c26a77bbb68ae.pngdoom00.png.c55d9efae0944a05d18f938797f37b41.pngdoom02.png.ec5823235070a3e50de80f79d7f0985b.png

Edited by Impeller
Silly typing mistakes.

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I remember finding that one a while ago, I guess you gotta learn something new eventually replaying a favorite map over and over. It's funny that I occasionally discover a new little thing about one of the original levels after all these years.


Years ago I found that one switch in E1M1 that gets you out into the courtyard early, and was pretty blown away that I had missed such a big secret, seeing that entire wall open up as you get out there is also cool.

Recently I discovered a hidden medkit in TNT's Map 09, Stronghold (another favorite), never knew it was there, but it's real useful to know.

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Most everyone knows that no matter how high above or below you a switch is, if you're close enough to activate it horizontally, you can flip it. If you try to put in something to block the switch, that might not even work depending on how you set up your blocker. If there's only a gap of one texel difference, it doesn't matter if the switch is -1000 units down and the blocker's gap is +1000 units up, if there's even the slightest air gap, you can hit that switch.


But no matter how thin the blocker is, even just one texel thick, if that blocker has 0 units of space, that switch can never be hit no matter how many times you ram yourself into the blocker trying to get at the switch behind. This can be used to certain effect, such as if you have an invisible blocker with its floor raised to its ceiling, tied to a control sector with the adjacent sector with a ceiling height set to the floor, and set the blocker to raise to the lowest ceiling, you now have a switch which looks like you're close enough to activate it, but it can only be hit once something else removes the blocker. This can also work with switches inset into a wall, with some tweaks such as splitting the switch linedef and removing the action from the outer couple texels of the switch.


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On 12/5/2021 at 6:24 PM, Cell said:

If you raise the exit bridge in E2M2 the unconventional/speedrunner way (i.e. from the nukage ditch below) and then bypass the linedef which activates the nearby crushers like demonstrated in the following image:
Light green indicates the approximated position of said linedef. Also do this carefully because once you raise the bridge, that portion of nukage is inescapable.
... then you proceed to traverse the crushers, they will activate anyways, but now with slow damage instead.

It is worth noting that you must NOT cross the "light green" linedef even prior during your in-level time (and then stop it by crossing the linedef responsible for that action) else the crushers will be fast even after you pull this off. The same applies vice versa, if you perform the trick successfully, certain death awaits you under those giant wooden stumps no matter which linedef brings them into motion again.

Here's a demo I made, quite an awesome find. Can't believe I didn't know this before! 



Edited by MathsDevil
I attached the wrong file first time

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