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Things about Doom you just found out


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The Guy Hands of classic doomguy is still working in id software, in fact him and donna jackson are few old employee who still working id software.

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  On 9/11/2022 at 5:40 AM, sectrslayr said:

Why did ID implement it that way? Why not just stop sound immediately? Carmack wanted to go fast. Why the extra loops here? I guess Doomworld collectively knows this somehow...


As I recall, it was to avoid awkward situations where there’s monsters that are clearly visible and obviously within earshot that completely don’t react to gunfire.

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  On 9/11/2022 at 5:40 AM, sectrslayr said:

Why did ID implement it that way? Why not just stop sound immediately? Carmack wanted to go fast. Why the extra loops here? I guess Doomworld collectively knows this somehow...


This has been debated quite a few time, best explanation I can bring is that it gives better control of incidental combats to the map maker.


For example, look at MAP01: Entryway.


Note how if you stay in the start area (light green) and shoot the zombiemen, enemies will come from the first corridor (light pink) but not from the second corridor (purple) and beyond. However if you enter the light pink corridor and fight, then enemies will come from the second corridor, but those in the big room will not be woken up.


If you remove the sound blocking line, your first fight would wake everyone in the map except the monsters in the computer room (behind a door) and in the secret switch closet (also behind a door). Notably, the imps in the secret courtyard would be woken up through the window.


Another thing you can notice is that they've put sound blocking lines in the middle of the second corridor, but they're busted and useless because the nodebuilder merged both halves of this corridor. Since sound travel through a sector's boundaries, a blocking line in the middle of a sector will have no effect -- the lines "beyond" it still belong to the same sector... This kind of problem is caused by the fact that the map editor they used had no real concept of sectors, it only knew lines and things.

Edited by Gez

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Behold, DOORTRAK is used as texture border.
I wonder if it was remains of door which was get removed somehow. Or perhaps its just a texture border.

Edited by Rycuz

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  On 9/11/2022 at 2:09 PM, Rycuz said:

I wonder if it was remains of door which was get removed somehow.


Yes! In early versions of E1M1, the green armor tower was a hidden area and there was a secret door there. That can be seen in A Visit to id Software. The green armor is in front of the secret door, and in the tower you instead find a shotgun.


See from 9:41 onwards.

Edited by Gez

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That's really interesting, and I see why they would have changed it - I like that they tended to make some secret areas elaborate like that instead of just cupboards to the side of a corridor, but when you start off the game you really want to show everything you can do. In other E1 maps this would likely have remained a secret, but having a big set of stairs flanked by huge pillars right out in the open at the start of the game immediately tells the player this is a huge leap from Wolfenstein 3D!

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  On 9/11/2022 at 1:47 PM, Gez said:

Another thing you can notice is that they've put sound blocking lines in the middle of the second corridor, but they're busted and useless because the nodebuilder merged both halves of this corridor. Since sound travel through a sector's boundaries, a blocking line in the middle of a sector will have no effect -- the lines "beyond" it still belong to the same sector... This kind of problem is caused by the fact that the map editor they used had no real concept of sectors, it only knew lines and things.


Awesome. It’s there in the source code but I just realized it because of your explanation. 👍

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E1M8 originally had an extra computer map in the star room with the barons in versions 1.2 and earlier, making 100% items impossible.

This was fixed in 1.4 beta for shareware and 1.666 for registered replacing it with a shotgun.

Funny enough they commit the same mistake in Doom 2 Map 27 Monster Condo, still with no fix to this very day.



Btw 1.4 was also the first version with the hidden switch behind a wall in one of the baron rooms that lowers the elevator if you want to go back to the very beginning of the level.

Edited by Alfonso

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  On 9/11/2022 at 2:47 PM, Gez said:

Yes! In early versions of E1M1, the green armor tower was a hidden area and there was a secret door there. That can be seen in A Visit to id Software. The green armor is in front of the secret door, and in the tower you instead find a shotgun.


See from 9:41 onwards.


That's pretty interesting.

Now the Soul-Sphere secret in E1m1 sub-section of Doom Zero map 08 makes even more sense!

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Had to mention this related thing despite not being an technical about the game, but anyways, a shareware MS-DOS game frok 1995 called Airlift Rescue actually stole the top half of the Fire Barrel graphics as well as Episode 3's "THE END" graphics.


It appears that nobody ever noticed that in a obscure shareware PC game.

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  On 9/16/2022 at 4:49 AM, Wadmodder Shalton said:

Had to mention this related thing despite not being an technical about the game, but anyways, a shareware MS-DOS game frok 1995 called Airlift Rescue actually stole the top half of the Fire Barrel graphics as well as Episode 3's "THE END" graphics.


It appears that nobody ever noticed that in a obscure shareware PC game.


That's funny. Capstone also had a habit of ripping off Doom sounds. For example they stole the "ummmph" sound for their Zorro game:


I know it's a stock sound but it's been edited the same way as in Doom so I'm pretty sure they just ripped it.

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I found this in the sky while testing my mod with doom 2... Abandoned mines if I recall correctly...




Here's a better look without the mod...



Edited by DELTA256

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As a part of my project I want to recreate the full list of textures from the first episode, so-called TEXTURE1 that id software used for shareware version. Interestingly, I started work on gray textures (gray4-7, graytall and switch version) but then I found out that these textures are not present on any level. After a short investigation in Doom Builder it turned out that these textures are a remnant of some earlier versions of the levels. They are used only as the invisible bakc-sides of linedefs. Therefore there is no reason why they should be included in shareware.


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  On 9/16/2022 at 11:15 AM, Gez said:

It's an old GZDoom bug, sometimes for some reason the map projects a hole in the skybox.



No, ID actually cocked up this part of the sky as the ceiling as a metal texture:


Kinda funny, though that makes me wonder if this room was meant to have a metal roof originally?

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While playing around with -solo-net, I learned with the extra light-amplification goggles that most of this room in MAP05 is a support texture. Looks like a flood-fill gone wrong. (screenshot taken without -solo-net so I could cheat and actually take the picture.)

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Maybe other Doom maps do this and I'm just catching onto it now, but the amount of tiny details put into the Alien Vendetta maps is really good. For example, here's a secret Soulsphere in Map23, when you pick up the Soulsphere, you walk over these lines that make the secret area a little darker, as the Soulsphere that was emitting light is no longer in the room.




EDIT: Another example of this is in Map20, the pyramid, in that southern hallway, you walk into it for the first time and it raises the bars behind you, trapping you in and forcing you to go through the hell-themed part of the pyramid. There is another walkover line that lowers the brightness behind the bars, as they would now cast shadows.


On the northern hallway, as you walk up to it, the bars will lower and allow you to leave, at the same time, you also walk across a line that raises the brightness behind the bars as they would no longer cast a shadow.



Edited by peach freak

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I just found out they used Doom 2 PSX as a BG for this old video game television news part program:

E: the description claims it's PSX but looks more PC to me.

Edited by Sonikkumania

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  On 9/21/2022 at 1:45 PM, Sonikkumania said:

E: the description claims it's PSX but looks more PC to me.


I don't understand or even recognize the language so I don't know what she's saying, but I suppose (just a guess) that it's talking about games coming to the PlayStation, not games that were already, at the time it was filmed, available on PlayStation. So they would have used PC Doom footage to illustrate what Doom is like.


Anyway, it is PC Doom. It's PC sounds, not PSX sounds; PC textures not PSX textures (there are some noteworthy texture changes, like the screens in the blue-carpet room of MAP01 displaying static instead of being turned off); and PC lighting, not PSX colored lighting.

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There are 4 episodes in ultimate doom, 9 levels each including the secret levels, so 9x4 is 36... 36 MAPS!.


That's 4 more levels than doom 2!


I actually knew about this for a small while, but I thought you guys might like to know.

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Not In-game related but I discovered recently that Dragonfly and I used the same font for our WAD releases lol



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  On 9/25/2022 at 1:44 PM, Avix said:

This wall at the start of MAP10 can open to reveal a shotgun.wX0nbY2.png


I once had an epic last stand on that secret room. Gamemode Survival, me remaining alone getting wrecked by packs of zombies and other pricks .. but it took them until the last shell lol.

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It appears the Icon of Sin in Map30 of Alien Vendetta is difficulty-adjusted in single player, the other day out of boredom I looked at the map in Doom Builder. There are two Romero heads behind the boss brain, one appears on Hard-only and the other appears on Easy/Medium-only. The one flagged for just Easy and Medium is a little bit closer to the wall in the back; this allows the Romero head to die in two hits on Easy/Medium as opposed to 3 on Hard, as it takes a bit more splash damage from the rockets. When I first saw these placements I was a bit confused, especially since neither of them were multiplayer-flagged (and most Map30 variants will put multiple Monster Spawners on Multiplayer so that multiple cubes are shot out at once).





Edited by peach freak

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