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Things about Doom you just found out


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Less of a thing I didn't know about Doom and more a thing I didn't know about MS-DOS: There's no scroll wheel in Vanilla Doom to switch from weapons, the only way to switch weapons is via the hotkeys


I've been pretty familiar with what you can and can't do in the original release's for a bit, (heck, being curious about how it really was like back in the good olde dos days after playing a bunch of GZDoom was half my motive for going deeper into my doom craze) but until I actually played thru the original DOS exe for the first time in a decade THIS YEAR I kinda just took for granted mouse scroll just because of how ubiquitous it is in every other fps following Doom

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Most of us didn’t even have scroll wheels until about 1997! It’s strange to think back on it, it seems such an obvious thing to have on a mouse that I can’t imagine it not being there

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4 hours ago, DavidN said:

Most of us didn’t even have scroll wheels until about 1997! It’s strange to think back on it, it seems such an obvious thing to have on a mouse that I can’t imagine it not being there

Yeah, I remember mice with 3rd button instead of wheel. All gray with that rubber ball inside. :D

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...And every now and again pulling that ball out of the mouse and cleaning the dust/lint off the rollers. For the full classic dooming experience.

Edited by Kyka

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3 minutes ago, Kyka said:

...And every now and again pulling that ball out of the mouse and cleaning the dust/lint off the rollers. For the full classic dooming experience.

My classic Doom experience was keyboard only, like Duke and even Quake. Hell I think Half Life was the 1st game played with mouse but we still had arrow keys customised in, lol.

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When I first played Doom I didn't even have a mouse. Got used to the default control scheme and ended up playing quake the same way for a long time until I figured out what mouselook was. The good old days.

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The achievement icon seen after beating the Fun levels in the Doom 64 rerelease (or as I like to call it, Doom 64 EX²: Destiny is Real and This was Kaiser's) shows a BFG Edition-style capsule on a berserk pack.


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On 10/2/2022 at 10:23 PM, peach freak said:

It appears the Icon of Sin in Map30 of Alien Vendetta is difficulty-adjusted in single player, the other day out of boredom I looked at the map in Doom Builder. There are two Romero heads behind the boss brain, one appears on Hard-only and the other appears on Easy/Medium-only. The one flagged for just Easy and Medium is a little bit closer to the wall in the back; this allows the Romero head to die in two hits on Easy/Medium as opposed to 3 on Hard, as it takes a bit more splash damage from the rockets. When I first saw these placements I was a bit confused, especially since neither of them were multiplayer-flagged (and most Map30 variants will put multiple Monster Spawners on Multiplayer so that multiple cubes are shot out at once).





This is interesting. Andy talked to me about this map the other day about the voice sample changes and other effect, effects and I added it to the doomwiki. He didn't mention this though, and it definitely belongs in the wiki.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In The Citadel (map19), in the red brick building with that room with the five teleporters? In HNTR skill level, one of them doesn't work.  


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The SSG has nearly 3x the damage of the normal shotgun, and only ... 38% higher attack speed? Resulting in 68 DPS for the normal shotty vs 147 with SSG according to doom2.net...


Kinda sad, because Doom 1 has really great weapon balance, like you actually have to think about preserving chaingun, plasma and rocket ammo for the right situations. 

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10 minutes ago, E1M10 said:

Kinda sad, because Doom 1 has really great weapon balance, like you actually have to think about preserving chaingun, plasma and rocket ammo for the right situations. 

Maybe the SSG is a little OP, but that's why we love it. If you name something "SUPER", it better stand to it's name.

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3 hours ago, E1M10 said:

The SSG has nearly 3x the damage of the normal shotgun, and only ... 38% higher attack speed? Resulting in 68 DPS for the normal shotty vs 147 with SSG according to doom2.net...


Kinda sad, because Doom 1 has really great weapon balance, like you actually have to think about preserving chaingun, plasma and rocket ammo for the right situations. 

SSG also has far less range. Doom's shotgun acts like a sniper lol. So yeah, SSG is way better overall but the normal shotty does have its uses especially if you want to just clear out a couple fodder and not waste 2 ammo.

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On 11/11/2022 at 6:27 PM, E1M10 said:

The SSG has nearly 3x the damage of the normal shotgun, and only ... 38% higher attack speed? Resulting in 68 DPS for the normal shotty vs 147 with SSG according to doom2.net...


Kinda sad, because Doom 1 has really great weapon balance, like you actually have to think about preserving chaingun, plasma and rocket ammo for the right situations. 

It's more like 66,2 DPS for the SG and 123 for the SSG, if we consider that all pellets hit for average damage. Still pretty OP though!

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In E1M3, all the poison pits that you can't climb up from have poison signs on the walls above.


I wonder if this is a thing in every other map as well?

Edited by TasAcri

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On 11/11/2022 at 8:27 PM, E1M10 said:

The SSG has nearly 3x the damage of the normal shotgun, and only ... 38% higher attack speed? Resulting in 68 DPS for the normal shotty vs 147 with SSG according to doom2.net...


Kinda sad, because Doom 1 has really great weapon balance, like you actually have to think about preserving chaingun, plasma and rocket ammo for the right situations. 


The SSG also uses 2 slugs. That means, it wastes ammo if you kill lower tier enemies that can be killed with a single normal shotgun shot. So the balance is still there.

The Normal shotgun is also better at sniping enemies from afar because it has smaller spread.

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Well, that’s one thing I forgot to mention. Not only does the SSG have over twice the DPS of the normal shotgun, it uses the most common and plentiful ammo type. Running out of shells is hardly a concern.


If you play the original DOOM on Nightmare, it will become very apparent just how good the weapon balance is in that game. Wasting too much rocket or chaingun ammo can easily get you killed, use of the shotgun at times is necessary for survival.


Of course, I realize it’s fun to blast away at demons with an OP shotgun... :)

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8 hours ago, TasAcri said:

The SSG also uses 2 slugs. That means, it wastes ammo if you kill lower tier enemies that can be killed with a single normal shotgun shot.

Ah, yes, the classic:

- see a lone imp on ground level

- switch from SSG to shotgun to save ammo

- fail to kill in one shot because wide spread/low damage/blockmapped

- existential crisis ensues

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21 hours ago, Doomy__Doom said:

Ah, yes, the classic:

- see a lone imp on ground level

- switch from SSG to shotgun to save ammo

- fail to kill in one shot because wide spread/low damage/blockmapped

- existential crisis ensues


In that case, I suggest switching to the fist or pistol. Feels a lot better. Same with cacodemons surviving two rocket/ssg hits and the like. Especially failing to kill an enemy with a shotgun and then finishing them off with a single unberserked punch feels cooler than an one-shot kill does to me.

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Yesterday I learned that the best strategy for dealing with Pain Elementals is NOT to take cover and shoot from afar, but just to run directly into them and fill with lead.


Every time I would play through Doom 2, I would stand away from the Pain Elemental, because whenever it sees me, it tries to spawn a lost soul, so hiding from its line of sight and then trying to hit it through the lost souls and destroy it before the room is clogged with flaming skulls. I recently found a wad that I was trying to make at the start of the year, and wanted to publish something from it, so I took my best map from it and then converted it to vanilla doom format. 

So in this map, you go through a narrow hallway to get to a small room with a red key, and then have to run back. I had a monster closet inside, and figured "I'll just put one Pain Elemental in here, that way you can either run like hell to get out, or try to fight against it to get the berserk pack and backpack behind it in the monster closet. I assembled everything, ran it in Chocolate Doom, and it seemed like a good encounter, so I saved it and shipped it.


I wasn't expecting so many people to play my wad just after 24 hours, let alone make videos playing through the levels. I was eager to watch every one of them, but I realized in every video, people just ran straight up to the Pain Elemental and shot at it until it exploded, the closet it was in was also small enough to make basically all of the lost souls that spawn from it after words just explode automatically. 


I booted up my own level to try this, and sure enough, if you just keep pressing your face against a pain elemental and don't stop holding down the fire button on your shotgun, they die with little to no effort. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On jeudi 17 novembre 2022 at 6:39 PM, Bitchass McGrass said:

Yesterday I learned that the best strategy for dealing with Pain Elementals is NOT to take cover and shoot from afar, but just to run directly into them and fill with lead.

It's even better if you have a chainsaw or berserk. Or just the regular punch if there's no other enemies around and you want to spend the time humiliating the big ugly meatball by slapping it until it explodes.


And yes, in Doom 64 as well as in some gameplay mods, this cheesing method is disabled by blast damage.

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Your 'momentum' is carried over between levels.  I was playing the first level of Fava Beans, and the exit switch is at the bottom of a staircase, so when I barrelled down at full speed and pressed it, the start of the second level my head did a little 'bob'.  

Well, I found it interesting, at least. 

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Doom's original pallette has 4 shades of purple, which are used only for Commander Keen's sprite. Mind that sprite is fullbright, so purple fading to dark is horrible (ID needed purple just for Keen, so they didn't care how will this color fade to dark if used for example, on wall textures).

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2 hours ago, Maximum Matt said:

Your 'momentum' is carried over between levels.  I was playing the first level of Fava Beans, and the exit switch is at the bottom of a staircase, so when I barrelled down at full speed and pressed it, the start of the second level my head did a little 'bob'.  

Well, I found it interesting, at least. 


Makes sense if the levels are narratively connected.

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I think I've discovered a rendering bug in Heretic. The issue is that the first pixel of each visplane is rendered twice in the function R_DrawSpan, which is heavily ASM optimized. Visually is difficult to see on a 320x200 screen, but when resolution is lower it becomes much more apparent (I discovered it while using this function in FastDoom's Potato mode at 80x200).


Take a look at the images:





What do you think? Has this already been discovered?

Edited by viti95

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On 12/8/2022 at 2:03 PM, riderr3 said:

Doom's original pallette has 4 shades of purple, which are used only for Commander Keen's sprite. Mind that sprite is fullbright, so purple fading to dark is horrible (ID needed purple just for Keen, so they didn't care how will this color fade to dark if used for example, on wall textures).

No. It is used for the partial invisibility powerup, lite-amp goggles, cacodemon projectiles and in at least one texture. It shows up in the middle of one the brownish tech ones if I'm not mistaken.

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Only recently I learned that there was a soulsphere on MAP11 (Circle of Death) hidden behind a fake wall near the archvile building.

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Just found out that the 8.6% of players got the unlocking Hectic achievement.

Surprising considering that is pretty easy to get. lol

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