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Things about Doom you just found out


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On 10/22/2023 at 7:28 AM, Vanilla+Unicorn said:

In E3M4, there are two candelabras and blue bottles on the left, which indicate that you should walk here to allow you to press all three switches and to raise the floor under these crusher holes.




Strange though, I was playing this level few days ago, always not knowing how to not trigger the crushers yet, so I saved and tried going on the left side with the potions but triggered that one. As seen in the map, there is a corner that will trigger that is too close to wall. So, the strategy didn't work for me unless I stuck/slide myself to the wall. I ended up with going through the middle directly but as far away I can from both pits.



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I never thought I'd learn about Doom lore from figgin' Wikipedia, but yeah, three things I never heard of before - 

  1. It had the working title Green And Pissed (I believe that was Tom Hall's idea);
  2. They called their office "Suite 666", and apparently got influence from the sounds coming from the next-door dentist;
  3. and Lord Romero posed for a photo to show the cover artist (Don Punchatz) what pose Doomguy should have. 

No word on whether that photo still exists, though 

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2 hours ago, Optimus said:



Strange though, I was playing this level few days ago, always not knowing how to not trigger the crushers yet, so I saved and tried going on the left side with the potions but triggered that one. As seen in the map, there is a corner that will trigger that is too close to wall. So, the strategy didn't work for me unless I stuck/slide myself to the wall. I ended up with going through the middle directly but as far away I can from both pits.



It's interesting, I guess I should see this map in editor and test it more

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Obvious thing I never realized when playing monster condo (map27) in Doom 2.

I was backtracking to get stuff or search for things I missed and I noticed a strange opening in the very beginning area. I was like "Hell, I don't remember this opening, is it some creepy pasta-bizarro Doom or was it always there?". But it was always there, it's just that I would always get an invulerability and move forward and teleport to a different location. But the original path opened connected the starting dark area to those marble corridors you get to with the duplicated marble area.


To me, seeing that opening in the 2nd image, was like a creepy pasta, like a new corridor I haven't seen before. But it always was like this, because in 3rd image I get into the habit to grab the invu and move forward, which always teleports me in the second area of the map. Because I usually never need to go back to the first area, I have never seen that open like this. And travelling back from there to reach the marble areas (those that are duplicated like parallel reality, that have mancubi and secret revenants) was surprising experience.



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Missing texture on monster condo. Surprisingly saw that first as I was playing the Xbox360 Doom 2, then went on my PC to check again. But GZDoom probably corrects it, so screenshot is from Chocolate Doom.



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The switch sector that raises the floor to the blue armor in E3M3 is tagged as 8, the same way as the nearby lift, despite already being level with the floor.


I initially thought it was a simple mistake, but now that I think about it, the switch sector being hidden and only revealing when the nearby lift gets lowered would add an interesting bit of extra challenge to the otherwise overly generous blue armor. There's a suitable lower texture present there, too. I wonder if it's actually just a mistagging or an idea abandoned partway through.

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Ther backpack offsets are not centered and as a symmetry freak that annoys me. I'll make a little things centering mod once I learn how to.



Edited by DoomGappy

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On 11/18/2023 at 7:38 PM, Maximum Matt said:

When's HER biography gonna come out?


She doesn't need to write a book. She can tell you anything you want to know right there in the id software lobby and surprise you with even more you didn't know.


I've had a good chat with her a couple of times. Her wealth of knowledge on the history of id software is priceless and would equate to a book composed of thousands of pages. Personally, some inquiries should only be answered as a honor of speaking to her in person and then shared only thereafter. Books are great, but hearing it directly from herself as she reminisces through the years is a experience that should be reserved for that occasion. It means a lot to her to get to tell those things in person and she's equally excited to tell you as you are equally fascinated to hear it.


You'll always learn something new from Miss Donna. The "Oracle of id" if there ever was such. One of the friendliest folks you'll ever meet.

Edited by Buckshot

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The Burning Barrel found in the Doom 2 city levels, isn't even supposed to be a barrel, it's supposed to be a trash can, as hinted at by the asset's name!

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One thing I discovered was that you CAN get monsters like Mancubi and Arachnotrons to infight with each other if one of them blows up a barrel that harms the other monster.


They will be unable to inflict any damage to each other as they lack melee attacks, but will attack each other with their respective projectiles until you intervene.

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They shouldn't attack each other. One of them will target the other, but as they are unable to inflict damage, the other will not be triggered to retaliate. You'd need a setup with at least two barrels, and quite a bit of luck, to get a mutual slapfight.


Since in vanilla barrels assign guilt after they've processed damage (and potentially exploded), for a barrel to cause infighting means it needs to have been damaged first by one of the monsters, but survived this first attack, and been detonated after. So to get mutual infight, monster A needs to damage but not destroy barrel 1, monster B needs to damage but not destroy barrel 2, and then barrel 1 needs to explode hurting monster B while barrel 2 needs to explode hurting monster A.


In ZDoom it can be easier to pull off as barrels assign guilt before exploding, not after, so you don't need to have the barrels getting hit but surviving a first attack by the correct monster. Barrels don't have a lot of hit points (just 20), so they've got only 3/8th chance of surviving an arachnotron plasma ball (1d8 x5 dmg), and 2/8th chance of surviving a mancubus fire ball (1d8 x8 dmg).

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Just learned that one of the Doom novels justifies the swastika in the original version of E1M4 by explaining that demons use scary symbols to scare the humans.

Also, a character in one of the novels calls the monsters "creatures from the id".



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56 minutes ago, Maximum Matt said:

I also remember that one of the main characters exclaims "smashing pumpkins into small piles of putrid debris!!" for no real reason.  

Despite all the rage, he's nothing but a Taggart in a cage...or maybe it was Arlene...

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I found out about ZScript recently (been barely checking the modding stuff lately)

I thought DECORATE was still the used one, but it's deprecated apparently

Edited by The Doommer

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On 11/25/2023 at 1:05 PM, LadyMistDragon said:

Despite all the rage, he's nothing but a Taggart in a cage...or maybe it was Arlene...

Yeah, it was Arlene, after they killed a bunch of cacodemons (which are always referred to as "pumpkins".... the book DID suck, too)

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You can 'toggle' the revenant's missiles between 'homing' and 'not homing' by pressing escape (bringing up the menu) a lot of times, thereby changing the in-game tic from even to odd and thereby changing the missile's states.  Something so basic I should have noticed it by now but no, the mighty Decino and his awesome series of Doom videos still continues to teach me things about this game. 


Edited by Maximum Matt

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I was reading Doom wiki pages on some wads and realized I was getting many things wrong in terms of how much different people were involved in various projects.

  • Somehow all these years I thought that Tom Mustaine did half or at least third of both mapping and soundtrack for Evilution, but in reality he only did 3 maps and most of the soundtrack was written by other people. No idea why I got that impression. Maybe as a kid his name just sounded awesome to me so I mentally began associating Evilution with him?
  • I've learned that the renowed and respected TeamTNT mapper Jim Flynn... did absolutely zero maps for Evilution or Icarus.
  • Learned that Sunlust was made not by Ribbiks alone, there was another mapper. I think I actually used to know that back in the day, but as the time went people just kept saying "Ribbiks Ribbiks" that I got to associate it only with him.
  • Same thing with Ancient Aliens: skillsaw didn't make all maps for it; there were other people involved. But I and other people only remember skillsaw.

    This kinda shows just how easy it is to forget involvement of all but one person in projects, and create a cult of personality for someone without even realizing it. >.<
Edited by Li'l devil

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4 hours ago, Li'l devil said:

Jim Flynn... did absolutely zero maps for Evilution or Icarus.

But he DID do two maps for the Master Levels.... and is and all-round Doomlord.  

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I strongly believe, without evidence though, that Doomguy's gloves are indeed IRL surgical gloves.

They look way too similar.

Edited by Sonikkumania

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On 11/25/2023 at 3:08 AM, Maximum Matt said:

I also remember that one of the main characters exclaims "smashing pumpkins into small piles of putrid debris!!" for no real reason.  

It's a reference to the cheat code and a game someone suggested id should make. That game might very well exist in the Doom universe... https://doomwiki.org/wiki/SPISPOPD I doubt it would have been in the novel had not id immortalized the phrase with that cheat code.

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