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Things about Doom you just found out


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This weird tripled woodbeam in Plutonia MAP11: Hunted
Linedefs 606 (actual border) and 749 (probably accidental split linedef) respectively
(Please ignore the custom skybox, it's part of an experiment)
Red circle marks the position of it in the map

Edited by The_MártonJános

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59 minutes ago, Bedingungsl.Grundeinkommen said:

I never realized the Archvile can teleport? 

It doesn't have any special ability to teleport, all monsters can use teleport lines.

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This small ledge by John Romero so the button texture doesn't repeat all over the elevator. Really nice attention to detail. 



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Also this, I'd never thought that the cacodemon was a monster that existed already before Doom, but apparently it's been even quoted by Shakespeare himself.


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Well, the word 'cacodemon' simply means 'evil spirit' because the word demon itself did not have negative connotations in the old greek word daímōn, it simply meant 'spirit'. Even Socrates speaks of his daímōn. 

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The broken switches in the sky crusher room in E3M4 are actually supposed to do something, raise the floors underneath the crushers. They just don't work once the crushers get activated because only one sector height action can be applied to a sector at a time. Before, I just assumed they were deliberately non-functional switches as a weird Sandyism.

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The "Doom Music" compilation released by Bobby Prince in 1997 contains a significantly extended version of "Donna to the Rescue".

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I just learned that the chaingun isn't an actual chain gun. That term refers to how the gun cycles the action to load each bullet (not a gun guy so forgive me if my terminology is slightly off.) Rotary guns with multiple barrels are a separate category.

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The number 3 on the ARMS part of the status bar doesn't light up if you have just a super shotgun and not a regular shotgun.

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Chocolate DooM IS able to load maps beyond 32! 33, 34 and 35 all load but leaving any of them crashes with a "Bad V_DrawPatch" crash and loading maps beyond 35 causes a "Bad Music Number xx".

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correct me if im wrong, but i recently realized "GRAYTALL" is shorthand for "GRAY TEXTURES ALL," since it's a collection of all of the "GRAY" texture series patches. came to this conclusion after davidxnewton mentioned this about "COMPTALL" in one of his videos

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Vanilla Doom draws the multiplayer face backgrounds at the wrong height:



Notice how a row from the dark background is still visible at the bottom.


And that's on deathmatch. I also just found out that the situation is even worse in co-op, which shows ARMS instead of FRAGS, and the graphic overlaps with the face background and therefore has a column of dark background:


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unable to retreat after being forced into a square corner by 80 pinkies in a small room (map [snorter carthartis] by [a handsome fridge]), i got to kill 23 of them using berserk (only "weapon" i had at the time) by moving from side to side (instead of moving back and forth) to evade their bites, before being overwhelmed by them. did not know such technique could be used on pinkies before and with such numbers. nice :)

Edited by rita remton

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I’m still fascinated about the last map in episode 1 in DOOM 1.  The part where those two pink barons come out, sometimes I would just let them take me out.  The level is so epic and a good eye opener for introducing what’s in the game.

Edited by vanilla_d00m

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Not really relevant to Doom but rather Heretic, where there is a unique WAV file for information on the game which was found on the Alpha CD-ROM Bonus Pack published by Testdrive Corporation in 1995.

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Only just found out there was a hidden BFG behind the Spider Mastermind in E4M8. Great going after 22 years.

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13 hours ago, RICHIE B said:

Only just found out there was a hidden BFG behind the Spider Mastermind in E4M8. Great going after 22 years.

Did you also find the hidden teleporter right besides the entrance to that area?

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1 hour ago, The_MártonJános said:

Did you also find the hidden teleporter right besides the entrance to that area?

Yup, shortly before the BFG cabinet.


For 20 years I thought once you went in that room you weren't going back out.

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20 hours ago, RICHIE B said:

Yup, shortly before the BFG cabinet.


For 20 years I thought once you went in that room you weren't going back out.

I mean, you can still leave that room via the door? It's only the first room you can't re-enter - and lose access to a secret as well - once you get past the MARBFAC2 (Archvile relief) door.

Also, how the teleporter basically takes you to the wooden area where you get the yellow skullkey is another level of weird. E4 sure has its own highlights from start to finish.

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I can't even remember now... E1M6 always did my head in how the door to the final area would seal up so you can't get back out afterwards, and if you do sometimes it will close again so you're now locked out. Always bs imo.

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Also E1M6... while checking out Echidna guy's ^^ claim (which isn't true BTW, it's a thirty-second timed door), I realised that in this area, the shotgunners from down in that outside secret area with the soulsphere can work that lift platform and secret door and come in that way and ambush you if you aren't expecting them (like they did to me).  

(I guess I've played this level for so long "the right way" (i.e. get all the secrets as you move through the level) that I didn't think this was possible, that the soul sphere could be accessed in this way.  Of course it's only possible in UV, when all those gunners are down there, where they can trigger the door from that side.  And of course Lord Romero leaves a clue, you can see the soul sphere through another window, because he's a goddamn boss like that.)

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As posted in a different thread.  That you can literally Save and Reload on the Secret Teleporter to trigger the Pain Elemental Secret allowing 100% on DooM II's Industrial Zone.



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Don't laugh, but the switch below the stairs in e1m1 opens the outdoor area, not just the off-colored wall after the slime pit.

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@Plerb this is neat! Never would’ve spotted that myself, but it’s definitely the same. Also never put together the resemblance between GRAYDANG and those funky signs that both appear in the middle episode and both only appear in place in one level.


I just found out by way of @Foxpup in another thread that SWATER1-4 are unused animated flat definitions recognized by Doom—super useful thing I somehow never caught wind of. I’m now trying to find what those flats might have been meant for, feel like I remember seeing less convincingly animated liquid flats long ago but not sure if it’s those.

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On 6/2/2024 at 12:53 AM, Stupid Bunny said:

I’m now trying to find what those flats might have been meant for, feel like I remember seeing less convincingly animated liquid flats long ago but not sure if it’s those.


It sounds like they'd be used for Still Water and Flowing Water. FWATER does seem to flow diagonally, and is also slanted, compared to the pre-release nukage which is round and very static.

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