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Things about Doom you just found out


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Seemingly it's "fast water" and "splashing water", the SWATER flats are in the press release beta, but they're also in Romero's art dump:


Edited by SaladBadger

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These little cages in Deimos labs still befuddle me. What was Sandy trying to do?




Looking in the editor, it seems like they are intended to be traps where the monsters can't get out of, unless you pass the lines in the center of the ring, which raises the floor by 24 pixels and makes them accessible. 




But if that's the case, why is the same action repeated in front of the door?


I think it's to prevent the player from softlocking himself, but this has the unintended consequence of the floor being raised by 48 pixels when the player crosses both lines. One of the weirdest little rooms in Doom for me.

Edited by DoomGappy

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Also, Sandy made crosses with the lights in E2M7: Spawning Vats. At least I imagine this is something he would do. 


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On 5/30/2024 at 6:32 AM, Maximum Matt said:

(...) I realised that in this area, the shotgunners from down in that outside secret area with the soulsphere can work that lift platform and secret door and come in that way and ambush you if you aren't expecting them (like they did to me). [...]

I particularly find it hilarious how Romero thought of locking the alternate route to the yellow key with the blue card - behind the lowering portion of the wall in the toxic pit - however, you can access the final rooms without the yellow key anyways, through the curvaceous tunnel on the other side of the same toxic pit (still requiring the blue key, as far as I'm aware) only this time you're softlocking yourself beyond the yellow door triplets.

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7 hours ago, octosquidfunni said:

There is a weird invisible building in the pic at the end of Episode 3


I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks that's a building too!

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10 hours ago, octosquidfunni said:

There is a weird invisible building in the pic at the end of Episode 3 [snip]

It's a glass skyscraper reflecting the sky, à la the Shard etc. I mean, look how its image reflects off the sky appearing at the right of the picture, from where we can assume the Sun is

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On 6/7/2024 at 10:35 AM, Wahrnehmungskrieg said:

It's a glass skyscraper reflecting the sky, à la the Shard etc. I mean, look how its image reflects off the sky appearing at the right of the picture, from where we can assume the Sun is

Also, the sky in the right side of the scrolling image - with the peaceful bunny, where it starts from - is the same Episode 4 uses later.

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On 6/7/2024 at 3:35 AM, Wahrnehmungskrieg said:

It's a glass skyscraper reflecting the sky, à la the Shard etc. I mean, look how its image reflects off the sky appearing at the right of the picture, from where we can assume the Sun is

Wouldn't there be separators between sheets of glass? It would be weird to have each side just be a single gigantic sheet of glass.

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5 hours ago, octosquidfunni said:

Wouldn't there be separators between sheets of glass? It would be weird to have each side just be a single gigantic sheet of glass.

The other buildings shouldn't be featureless brown slabs either (unless they're 33 Thomas Street), but they only have so many pixels and colors to work with.

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17 hours ago, Shepardus said:

The other buildings shouldn't be featureless brown slabs either (unless they're 33 Thomas Street), but they only have so many pixels and colors to work with.


Yes, but those featureless brown slabs are accurate to their appearance in Doom ||, but the glass skyscrapers in Doom || are completely different from the building to the left in E3's endpic.


Doom 2 Glass skyscraper in MAP12 (Downtown)



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45 minutes ago, octosquidfunni said:


Yes, but those featureless brown slabs are accurate to their appearance in Doom ||, but the glass skyscrapers in Doom || are completely different from the building to the left in E3's endpic.


Doom 2 Glass skyscraper in MAP12 (Downtown)



That's not glass, that's just some weird, dark tile thing

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Maybe we don't see the single pane glass building during gameplay because there was only one and it was levelled before we get to it..

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I got this door stuck like this in the Refueling Base. Don't know what exactly I did, but apparently from this side there's a blue door open once action and on the other side there's a regular door open repeat action. If I use the secret teleport again, it's possible to get locked to the other side. The next use action on the other side will close the door, then trying to open it, will open it up 1-2 units. If the door is closed from the other side and save & load the game, then it will start working normally again.

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