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Things about Doom you just found out


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Doom Legacy has a pretty good jump sound, jives well with Doomguy's other sounds imo.

InsanityBringer said:

I recall that the default editor numbers are blocked from working in Doom 1, so a DEHACKED patch will need to replace them.

I tried copying a burning barrel from a doom2 map and placing it in a udoom map and it worked without dehacked modification. Not sure about any other objects though

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Doomkid said:

Doom Legacy has a pretty good jump sound, jives well with Doomguy's other sounds imo.

I knew of that one (coming off of SRB2 at the time I started getting into Doom, Legacy was the first source port I used - at least, until I learned of ZDoom), but it always sounded like a different guy to me.

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Perhaps the 'dsoof' sound reversed could work even better with some slight trimming and editing. Once my PC finishes reinstalling Windows I'll take a craic at it.

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Doomkid said:

I tried copying a burning barrel from a doom2 map and placing it in a udoom map and it worked without dehacked modification.

Only monsters require such a DEHACKED modification to be usable. Non-monsters are usable as they are, at least in the sense that the engine can spawn them as map objects.

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The arch-vile says << Why? >>, when killed, because he is a healer and he thinks that he is just doing good for his fellow demons. That's sad!!! I saw this in Doom wiki being said by Bobby Prince. It was pretty interesting.

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ShotgunDemolition said:

The arch-vile says << Why? >>, when killed, because he is a healer and he thinks that he is just doing good for his fellow demons. That's sad!!! I saw this in Doom wiki being said by Bobby Prince. It was pretty interesting.

I always imagined it to say "Yeah boboy" when killed, and the mancubus to say "Rock a mile bro" when shooting.

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ShotgunDemolition said:

The arch-vile says << Why? >>, when killed

I wonder why he's confused, those fucking flame attacks are both viscous and deliberate. Fuck that guy and his friends.

Side note, I didn't know about e3m9 at all. If I had ever found the secret level, I guess I quit because I thought it was a repeat of e3m1. Very cool level, very nice detail, even if the door traks go up and down strangely.

Edit: literally just discovered that the Tower of Babel gets built as you progress through Ep 2. Really neat detail!

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I've just found out that in vanilla Doom all stairs can crush you to death! Of course it requires a contrived setup where stairs go straight to the ceiling. But if it happens, they're the kind of crushers which let you escape, unlike the E2M4 crushing floor! And I suspect, from looking at some code, that id didn't really intend all this.

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printz said:

I've just found out that in vanilla Doom all stairs can crush you to death! Of course it requires a contrived setup where stairs go straight to the ceiling. But if it happens, they're the kind of crushers which let you escape, unlike the E2M4 crushing floor! And I suspect, from looking at some code, that id didn't really intend all this.

The stair crushing is clearly a result of an uninitialized variable, most likely caused by adding the crushing option after the stair code was long finished.

Of course you also can get lucky and have the one value in there that does not crush.

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Sick Bow said:

I wonder why he's confused, those fucking flame attacks are both viscous and deliberate. Fuck that guy and his friends.

Why? Just like any good healer, he's trying to cauterize the wound, which in this case happens to be Doomguy (a wound on the body of Hell, obviously).

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By wallrunning I mean getting 1.5x/2x speed while touching a wall. I always thought it's required (along with 24+/32+ speed, of course) to skip linedefs when going north/east, so I'm not sure how to call this.

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is only few days i discowered that the rabbit in the end of doom 1 is actually doomguy pet daisy o:0 so what if actually doom 2 (story) is about revenge for daisy?

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Jimmy said:

This alpha version of the NUKAGE flat(s):

Can be seen in the background of the NUKAGE flat they ended up using:

The overlay is simply a green version of FWATER1 laid on top of the alpha NUKAGE flat. I can't be certain if all three iterations of the alpha flat were used as a different underlay for each flat (I don't think so, I reckon only NUKAGE2 was used), but I was able to recreate the eventual flat using this method. (Four frames in this version instead of three.)


This converts to the Doom palette pretty faithfully to the original.

I was reviewing this thread for some interesting facts I may have missed, apparently I had already discovered this years ago (on pg 12) and completely forgot about it.


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Mr. Trotl said:

is only few days i discowered that the rabbit in the end of doom 1 is actually doomguy pet daisy o:0 so what if actually doom 2 (story) is about revenge for daisy?

doom 2 is about the doomguy saving the remaining humans and stopping the demonic invasion, not about him carrying daisy's name through the ages

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roadworx said:

doom 2 is about the doomguy saving the remaining humans and stopping the demonic invasion, not about him carrying daisy's name through the ages

i know doom story very well, it was just first things which comes to my mind when i read about that xD xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, particularly not Doom, but Doomworld.

For quite a long time, I was subscribed to every little change happening surrounding my posts in these Forums, and an automated letter was sent to my address with the author signed simply as 'Nobody'.

For years, I thought it was funny because it's an automated letter.
But later, I came accross the realisation.

It might have been that 'Nobody'...

... who told me about id.

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*Heavy footsteps reminiscent of those from a giant cybernetic goat demon*

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Shadow Hog said:

Already heard that proposal years ago. Wasn't sure if it was Xaser, Memfis or Maes who'd suggested it, though.

Doomguy's pain sound is a dump in reverse. Fact.

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Doomkid said:

I tried copying a burning barrel from a doom2 map and placing it in a udoom map and it worked without dehacked modification. Not sure about any other objects though

Yeah, it's silly that modern editors hide it from the user, the burning barrel works just fine in Doom 1. WinDEU did show it, that's how I learned of its existence. Its only drawback is the bad sprite work, which can't easily be fixed in vanilla Doom (requires DeuSF or Dehacked). But even so, you can very well use it if you only expose the flame, and the weird twitching barrel is concealed.

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Memfis said:

Wow! Is there anything else that also works in Doom 1?

It's possible to use the SSG code pointer (and possibly those of other Doom 2 monster's attacks) in Ultimate Doom/Doom v1.9 through DEHackED. The catch is that for using the SSG you'll have to sacrifice one weapon slot. This is done in Quest For The Necronomicon.

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Memfis said:

Wow! Is there anything else that also works in Doom 1?

Without any PWAD-provided DEHACKED or sprites, just Arachnotron and Mancubus projectiles and monster spawn cubes. You need PWAD-provided DEHACKED and/or sprites for the monsters or spawners that can fire them, though.

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Sometimes lost souls bump their head so hard on a tile, they forget that doomguy exists and they just stare at the tile they just bumped onto.

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That's actually all the time, due to the fact that the lost soul reuses the code for projectiles and clears its target when it charges to prevent going right through it. It's just that vanilla Doom mechanics cause player sound to occur permanently within a sector, so if you fire a gun once, any monster that enters it without already being awakened will awaken and target you. And lost souls don't usually end up in a sector that the player hasn't already made a sound in, so they typically reawaken immediately upon falling asleep again.

Which ... might be the reason for their lack of see sound, thinking about it.

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