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Things about Doom you just found out


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  On 2/1/2019 at 5:01 PM, Fonze said:

I miss when this thread didn't list off stuff I could find on the wiki...


Well, here's a Doom fact I couldn't find on the Doom Wiki that you probably didn't know: In the Doom universe, it is a canonical fact that all STDs and AIDS have been cured.*




*According to the Doom novels, of course.

Edited by Revenant100

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Simple thing I should know but not sure, and asking if anyone knows?

Do ball projectiles (from imps, barons, etc) also have varying damage based on how far from the center they hit you? Sometimes I get hit by some Baron projectile and don't seem to have lost as much energy or the screen doesn't turn as much red (in both cases same kind or no armor). Are the monster projectiles and attack actually randomized damage as with the player attacks? I never thought about that and I play Doom for years and even looked at the code.

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projectile damage is randomized:



so you can be hit very hard (x8 damage), or very lightly (x1 damage). it is a pure luck.


and no, it absolutely ignores the exact hitpoint. just a random damage. and it is not a splash damage too, it just hits you when it touches you.

Edited by ketmar

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I stumbled upon this today in Map 29 The Living End. All of the teleporters at the bottom have untextured sides. Are there more of these?29HOM.JPG.e09fa4c3aad299e72165b89106503c77.JPG

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I had always assumed that the size of the blood splat spawned in Doom was random. Not so! It actually crudely reflects the damage inflicted, as per A_SpawnBlood in p_mobj.c:

if (damage <= 12 && damage >= 9)
	P_SetMobjState (th,S_BLOOD2);
else if (damage < 9)
	P_SetMobjState (th,S_BLOOD3);


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  On 2/1/2019 at 11:08 PM, Gez said:

The secret tunnel is opened when you cross the pedestal with the invulnerability sphere guarded by (up to) three cacos, on the eastern side of the big lava lake in the center of the map.


And to open that passage, you need to activate the switch that's on a small island in the south of said lake, with a radsuit and some cell packs. Jump from the fortress in the main island.


thanks there! then I was probably missing a passage.


I always came across the secret tunnel by playing the map in a certain way, so I wasn't even aware that tunnel needed to be unlocked.

when I went for it during those quickplays it got me dazed..

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  On 2/6/2019 at 7:54 PM, SirJuicyLemon said:

I never knew that in the 3DO version of the game apparently there's an animation on the HUD of the Doomguy's face exploding when the player dies.



(6:05 you can see the face exploding after receiving an Imp's fireball which drained his life)


I believe it's also in the Jaguar and PSX ports.

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In This Page, If You Search Doom, Appear A Copy Of Doom, Literally Is Doom But With New Sprites And New Levelsimage.png.ed65596e67291df6a8f4469a9f3f993e.png



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Oh yeah, the Super Zombie/Sergeant Shooters. OBLIGE maps.


If you download the SWF files, you can extract their content with 7zip and then in one of the data blobs you'll find a WAD.

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Yeah. Don't expect the download links to work because this thread is seven years old, but:



Open SWF file with 7Zip, extract the largest data blobs. Open data blob file in hex editor (I recommend HxD), delete all the bytes that are before "PWAD", save. You now have a working wad file you can open in SLADE.

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  On 2/9/2019 at 9:35 AM, D1m3 said:

You actually can gib zombie with chainsaw in Sega 32x port

Skip to 3:48



I just found out Doom music can sound really terrible. Seriously, it almost makes my ears bleed!

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  On 2/9/2019 at 3:10 PM, Rathori said:

I just found out Doom music can sound really terrible. Seriously, it almost makes my ears bleed!



  On 2/9/2019 at 3:26 PM, TakenStew22 said:

Sega 32X Doom is what happens when you port Doom on a toilet.



Ah, but that's not all folks:



There's also the music bug on TNT's MAP13, someone posted that somewhere around here but I can't find the damn post.

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  On 2/9/2019 at 3:51 PM, seed said:



Ah, but that's not all folks:



There's also the music bug on TNT's MAP13, someone posted that somewhere around here but I can't find the damn post.


Huh, the glitch makes it seem more atmospheric without all the other sounds. Still one of my favourite tracks in all of TNT.

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  On 2/9/2019 at 3:51 PM, seed said:



Ah, but that's not all folks:



There's also the music bug on TNT's MAP13, someone posted that somewhere around here but I can't find the damn post.


I actually kinda like this version

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On the subject of TNT Map02, this is less of a "I just found this out" and more of a "the thought hadn't occurred to me", but in the secret room with the Super Shotgun and the Soulsphere, there are those raised platforms that the Barons of Hell and Hell Knights are stuck on. One of the platforms contains the SSG. There are switches along the perimeter of the room that open up teleporters where you can then teleport to those platforms (the only exception is the SSG platform, that one is brought down like a lift). The last few times I've played through this level, the thought had occurred to me that I could just teleport onto those platforms and telefrag the Barons of Hell and Hell Knights, rather than fighting them individually. Saves a lot of time and ammo doing so.

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They're not though. Any hitscan enemy will attack their own kind too. And there are very specific instances, where a Cacodemon (and presumably any melee+missile monster) can attack itself.

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TNT Map23


When you get the Blue Key, if you follow the nearby slime trail to the slime fall at the end and walk towards it, you'll teleport back to near the beginning of the map, pretty close to the blue exit door. Found this out when I shot a Lost Soul and it flew backwards towards the slime fall before teleporting away. Saves you the time of having to work your way up and out of that area.

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  On 2/11/2019 at 4:14 AM, Rhebiz said:

@kristus Count me wrong then. I guess that I was wrong is something about doo I just found out.


More interesting (by virtue of being true) is that Pain Elementals never get intentionally attacked in in-fighting (the other monsters get annoyed with the Lost Souls that they spit out, not with the PE), but seek vengeance themselves - so if you can get something to hit a Pain Elemental by accident, you can then go and hide and see if the PE polishes it off. (It might not - eg a cyber or mancubus might kill the PE accidentally while fighting the Lost Souls).

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KeenDie can be activated multiple times per map, once per monster-type, so long as you close the tag 666 doors after they open. This could allow for some pretty cool stuff with boom scripting.



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I've always thought that the Ophidians in Heretic wear visored helmets, like Hexen's Centaurs. Apparently they don't, and they have creepy menacing faces. However, you can only see their mouths in the "front walking" sprite, and their "front attacking" sprite even looks like they have only one eye (here's the spritesheet) so it's no wonder I've been misdirected for so long.

Edited by JudgeDeadd

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What? They clearly have two eyes and a big mouth with a long forked tongue.


But it's true the gaping mouth isn't shown on the side angles.

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