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Things about Doom you just found out


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4 minutes ago, Maximum Matt said:

That huge furry ass brings back memories....


Do we want to know?


pics or it didn't happen

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44 minutes ago, Maximum Matt said:

Usually unloading dozens of nails into it while yelling like Rambo


Ohh, kinky. And they call me fixated....

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1 hour ago, Maximum Matt said:

That huge furry ass brings back memories....

It's been well established by Adrian himself that the Shambler does not have fur:



American McGee and John Romero have stated otherwise, but clearly the word of Jules is king over them.

Edited by Revenant100

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On vendredi 21 juin 2019 at 7:06 AM, TheUltimateDoomer666 said:

You can look up and down in vanilla Heretic, though.

Yes but technically no, you're still looking horizontally, it's just that you move the viewport up. This article explains it in details and with a picture: Y-shearing.

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I remember seeing artwork of a shambler in a magazine talking about the N64 version of the game and it was all skin.

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7 hours ago, DELUXE said:

Important update on monster anatomy. I apologize for the misinfo, and regret to inform that the Shambler does not share the same textures that the Cyberdemon does. In fact, there is no rump on the poor creature whatsoever! This friendly Shambler from Scourge of Armagon turned his back on me to take care of some Vores, and that's when I noticed my error. Given that I said the original picture was from 4chan, the uploader of the image may have given his Shambler a personal buttock lift to satiate his own Lovecraftian fantasies.


No! What a disappointment!  At least 'satiate his own Lovecraftian fantasies' gave me a chuckle to soothe the blow.

Edited by holaareola

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8 hours ago, DELUXE said:

In fact, there is no rump on the poor creature whatsoever!

So, if the poor creature can never really evacuate, that'd explain both its bulk and its demeanor.

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I only just learned about the MAP07 special flags for Mancubodes and Arachnotrons. 

Edited by OrbitalSpaceGarbage

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12 hours ago, DELUXE said:

Important update on monster anatomy. I apologize for the misinfo, and regret to inform that the Shambler does not share the same textures that the Cyberdemon does. In fact, there is no rump on the poor creature whatsoever! This friendly Shambler from Scourge of Armagon turned his back on me to take care of some Vores, and that's when I noticed my error. Given that I said the original picture was from 4chan, the uploader of the image may have given his Shambler a personal buttock lift to satiate his own Lovecraftian fantasies.



I always wondered... Given shamblers are quite furry and shoot lightning... Are they canonically shuffling their feet to build up a static charge?

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13 hours ago, Maximum Matt said:

And I just found out the proper plural for Mancubus. 

I could be wrong but I think the plural for Mancubus is Mancubi.

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1 minute ago, Andromeda said:

I could be wrong but I think the plural for Mancubus is Mancubi.



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It depends on whether the word mancubus comes from Latin or Greek.  Take octopus for example.  Octopus come to English from Greek, not Latin, so if you don't want to use the perfectly-acceptable English pluralization octopuses, you should use the Greek octopodes, not the Latin octopi.

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2 hours ago, Empyre said:

It depends on whether the word mancubus comes from Latin or Greek.  Take octopus for example.  Octopus come to English from Greek, not Latin, so if you don't want to use the perfectly-acceptable English pluralization octopuses, you should use the Greek octopodes, not the Latin octopi.


Yeah, but it would further depend on the Greek declension. The octopus thing is actually -πους in the nominative singular and -ποδες in the plural, hence the "proper" English plural. But plenty of Greek "-us" words, which are really -ος words, have a plural of -οι, which corresponds to -i.


In any case, if it has to do with incubus, that would seem to suggest Latin. And Latin -us words can occasionally do funky things (opus -> opera), but incubus is not one of them.

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Just found out how to fix this bug (Arch-Vile fire spawned at the wrong location) in vanilla Doom by patching the opcodes in the executable. I may create a thread about it on Sunday or Monday and explain how it was done.


It's amazing the things that can be done at 3:30AM while being sleep depraved.


EDIT: I'm writing an article about this on Medium, but I'm too busy to finish it this week.

Edited by axdoomer

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22 minutes ago, axdoomer said:

Just found out how to fix this bug (Arch-Vile fire spawned at the wrong location) in vanilla Doom by patching the opcodes in the executable. I may create a thread about it on Sunday or Monday and explain how it was done.


It's amazing the things that can be done at 3:30AM while being sleep depraved.


But is it demo compatible :p ?


I just so happened to run into this issue while browsing the Github of Choco and Crispy last night, and if I'm not mistaken this was one of the main concerns of fixing this bug.

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hrm, well, this wasn't world shattering, but I learned the hard way that Doom 1 doesn't have a lot of the more useful gore decorations, like the small pool of just blood or the brain with spinal column. A little annoying...

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11 hours ago, seed said:


But is it demo compatible :p ?


I just so happened to run into this issue while browsing the Github of Choco and Crispy last night, and if I'm not mistaken this was one of the main concerns of fixing this bug.

Yes it is. The 'fire' thing in Doom lets other things pass through it, I haven't found a single case where it could cause a demo or multiplayer to desync.

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2 hours ago, SaladBadger said:

hrm, well, this wasn't world shattering, but I learned the hard way that Doom 1 doesn't have a lot of the more useful gore decorations, like the small pool of just blood or the brain with spinal column. A little annoying...

If you provide the sprites, they should work.


It's only the monsters that are filtered out when the level is loaded. Everything else works, at least in so far as spawning is concerned. And for monsters, you can cheat, using dehacked to change their editor number, since the filtering is done based on numbers. Give them a number outside of 64-69, 71,  84, 88, 89 and it'll work. (Disclaimer: Megasphere and SSG can spawn, but they remain unusable. Megasphere cannot be picked up, SSG cannot be picked up or selected. No dehacked cheesing possible for those.)

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ah, that's nice. It might make zenimax a little sad but I might just end up bringing over those sprites, since they'd be really convenient to have in some setups I'm working on right now.

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On 6/29/2019 at 11:57 PM, Gez said:

 SSG cannot be picked up or selected. No dehacked cheesing possible for those.)


Uhh,...some Doom mods, most notably Quest For The Necronomicon actually do use the SSG's codepointers, and replace one of the weapons with it (calling it a "blunderbuss"), so the SSG is still usage in some fashion. The problem is that this eats up one weapon slot, if done in DEHACKED and you wish for it to be selectable.


I suspect that if a SSG was spawned and picked up in Doom, the player would probably switch to it automatically upon pickup, or maybe even upon another weapon's ammo type exhaustion, but it would not be possible to switch between it and the SG. Needless to say, you need the unified v1.9 Doom executable for any of this to even remotely work.

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I was referring to simple ways to bypass the existing gamemode != commercial barriers. Yeah, you can change another weapon to use the SSG code, but it'll be another weapon, not the SSG.


Megasphere check : here

Shotgun check: here and there


After checking, SSG can actually be picked up, it just can't be selected. It looks like it'll still auto-select when picked up the first time, though, so as long as you pick up all the other weapons first and then never switch away nor run out of ammo, you can use the SSG in Ultimate Doom.

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9 minutes ago, Gez said:

so as long as you pick up all the other weapons first and then never switch away nor run out of ammo, you can use the SSG in Ultimate Doom.


What if you never pick up the regular shotty? ;-)

Edit: NM, it seems the (gamemode == commercial) check will prevent from switching to it via direct selection even if it's the only weapon you have picked.

Edited by Maes

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