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Things about Doom you just found out


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BaronOfStuff said:

Better than a crash, but almost disappointing that it doesn't bomb out with some 'missing map' error instead.

Could've been a fantastic way of hiding extra levels

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Eris Falling said:

Could've been a fantastic way of hiding extra levels

Secret levels could definitely have been hidden like this, yes. Maps in slots 31 - 54 would probably have shown up during the level select cheat though.

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Not "just found out", but found out relatively late, that Breakdown was supposed to have that big ol' easter egg until Nintendo got all dickheaded.

For fuck's sake, Nintendo put out RAREWARE GAMES, and claims to hate easter eggs. (And Duke 64, for that matter, though a lot of those were removed.)

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This also makes me wonder, why the fuck they put a castle in the city levels? This map should have been placed in the slots of Map22, or Map24. [/B]

Sometimes castles pop up in unexpected places.

Rocky Horror, bitch.


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John Romero's episode 1 playthrough and commentary (it's on YouTube) had a bunch for me.

The more surprising ones were that the guns photographed for the game were toys from Toys-R-Us (only a few, sometimes mangled into different shapes to create different guns), and that John Romero had no idea about the 'head on the stick' until he NOCLIP'ed back there after the level was finished, and suddenly saw his own face. He then added the backwards message as a subtle "I found your little secret" to the designers.

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William Blazkowicz said:

That walls opening with monsters after passing a certain point is considered a scripted event.

Considered by who? I'd call it a linedef action, myself.

(ACS, Action Code Script, is a Hexen then ZDoom thing.)

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That's a confusion on the different possible meanings of "scripted".

"Player crosses invisible line, action happens" is the very definition of a scripted event. Whether it is implemented with scripting language scripts or with built-in functions does not matter.

Note that scripted events are not necessarily bad.

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I recently found out that you can trigger a bug in vanilla Doom, by starting a new game, and then pressing "escape" and "enter" repetitively.

It's similar to a bug that can be caused by opening the menu while changing the level with IDCLEV. Half of the screen is updated.

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You van still chainsaw Reverants and Mancubus' to get the Hell Launcher and Flame Cannon, in brutal DOOM v19, even though Sgt Mark disabled all other NPC body mutilation due to bug issues. That'll teach me to read the info text. And allow me to save on Rocket ammo to boot!

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Gez said:

"Player crosses invisible line, action happens" is the very definition of a scripted event.

Surely that cannot be the sense in which William Blazkowicz meant it, because that's entirely circular. With that definition, how could they discover that it is considered to be a scripted event? It couldn't _not_ be considered a scripted event.

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Gez said:

A new vanilla bug!

Technically, I found it in Choco, and thanks to Kyka, but I checked that vanilla had the same behavior.

This have happened to me in 2009, when - I emphasise - I didn't know shit about "general Doom etiquette" or what you call that thing I broke relentlessly via overwriting the map E4M1 in the original Ultimate Doom IWAD.

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scifista42 said:

Why do you guess so?

Well, for certain reason, I'm quite convinced that even on moons and/or in Hell, there are times of day. For me, it is almost natural that even other worlds have their sun set and then rise again as time passes by, and "fake night" (as the original source code doesn't render skytransfers) is easily obtained via making an outside sector 128 (or less) levels bright. But even with that, I've fallen in doubt concerning E2M7, since in another outside section (the one with the blue key), there is still enough brightness, whilst the secret area is obviously depicted as being in a "canyon" or sort of. So, I'm saying that instead, E3M5 is the one map that "takes place" at around "sunset".

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Sort of Doom-related, I recently found out that the In Pursuit of Greed-engine is based a pre-alpha version of the Doom-engine. Some of you perhaps already knew that, though I guess it isn't a very well-known fact since I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.

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Cire said:

Sort of Doom-related, I recently found out that the In Pursuit of Greed-engine is based a pre-alpha version of the Doom-engine. Some of you perhaps already knew that, though I guess it isn't a very well-known fact since I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.

Where did you hear this?

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damerell: I'm in contact with one of the original developer's of In Pursuit of Greed, and he told me so.

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It was a Softdisk game, wasn't it? It's possible they did get a pre-alpha engine from Carmack then.

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Yes, it was published by Softdisk. I don't know the exact details, but apparently, id had to give the pre-alpha engine code to Softdisk to avoid a lawsuit, and they in turn gave the code to the developer's. I suspect that it might be the same or at least a similar engine that also was the base for ShadowCaster, since those two game engines seem similar. The datafiles seems to be the same format also. Try comparing IPoG's .BLO file with SC's .DAT file. My pure speculation of course. I also asked him if he could and would be willing to release the source code, and he said I was welcome to have it if he could find it. I'll keep you updated if and when he finds it.

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If it is close to the Shadowcaster engine and he has the source code, I want it.

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No problem, Gez. If I get the code from him, I'll be sure to pass it on to you. He thinks he knows where it is, but he's having trouble accessing the server at the moment. He's working on it, and hopes to have it within this week.

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Yet a few more things I learned.

-It takes 4 consecutive Shotgun blasts for DoomGuy to make his 'angry'(or whatever it's called) face.

-Running right in a monsters face, shooting it, and then immediately running back is actually pretty effective.

-Any form of zombie or possessed marine in Doom 3 don't disintegrate.

-No Rest for the Living actually has pretty good level design.

-Arachnotrons shoot their Plasma Guns at a much slower rate than the player's.

-Fat Zombies' bellies are jiggly in Doom 3 (Yes, I know it sounds gross, but just thought I'd share it :P).

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William Blazkowicz said:

-No Rest for the Living actually has pretty good level design.

I agree up until MAP05, then it becomes all manners of butt fuck.

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Loved NoRestForTheLiving - I think I've played through it in one day. There are some visual things that I do not like but everything else is spot on for me. It's professional, concise and there's a vibe quite different from what amateurs put together.

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