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Things about Doom you just found out


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I guess this isn't anything I JUST found out but it always surprises me how quickly Doom and the sequels and ports were all made. For such a masterpiece of a game to have several maps thrown together a day to get it pushed out the door really just blows my mind. I really have to believe a lot of what makes Doom such a great game was just dumb luck. I think Carmack was the only real perfectionist and after his work was done he just wanted to start selling the game.

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Marnetmar said:

That's another level, the CPU boss. This is the CPU map on those screenshots and mentioned by DooM_RO, I'm pretty sure about it (the part on the left is the computer part), or am I wrong? Anyway, it looks different too.

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DooM_RO said:

P.S The level in the screenshots is called Central Processing, and it has roughly the same level layout as the original.


Marnetmar said:

Well that more so reminds me of Command Control.

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scifista42 said:

That's another level, the CPU boss. This is the CPU map on those screenshots and mentioned by DooM_RO, I'm pretty sure about it (the part on the left is the computer part), or am I wrong? Anyway, it looks different too.

Yep, that's the one.

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scifista42 said:

Doom E1M6.

I did think it so, I was just pointing out that the term "Central Processing" doesn't name exactly one map in the entire "Doom Universe". Even if it was quite too obvious this time.

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Cell said:

Well that more so reminds me of Command Control.

I was gonna say the same thing actually. If only it were as open-ended as Command Control though :(

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Marnetmar said:

I was gonna say the same thing actually. If only it were as open-ended as Command Control though :(

One of the areas is completely optional. Besides it is a boss map, all boss maps in Doom games are linear.

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I realized that the doom 2 beta arachnotrons acted like a spider mastermind and that mancubai shot baron balls.

I also realized that we're running out of things to realize :-p

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During a Nightmare! run of Ultimate Doom for the Xbox 360 (leader board ranks brah) I just found out how insanely dickish the secret exit of E2M5 is.

Jesus fucking Batman Christ that is seriously fucking awful, next to insta death.

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Fellowzdoomer said:

I also realized that we're running out of things to realize :-p

You might be surprised on this one.

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Fellowzdoomer said:

look in the auto map and choose your words wisely...

I don't think he was talking about finding the secret exit, but the difficulty of it on Nightmare. When you teleport into the first room after going up the stairs and through the fake wall, you are immediately surrounded by Lost Souls, who will attack you instantly and at a very fast speed. This area has little to no wiggle room too, so you need to get lucky Plasma spamming the place or something.

When I did my Nightmare runs that was probably the most difficult part of E2 for me (the other part getting to the exit after getting the Yellow Key in E2M6, because of all the Demons released. I then figured out a Berserked Fist took care of that problem).

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In Heretic, the player cannot be crushed into the gibs sprite by door or crusher. You can only be gibbed by a monster or other player.

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mrthejoshmon said:

During a Nightmare! run of Ultimate Doom for the Xbox 360 (leader board ranks brah) I just found out how insanely dickish the secret exit of E2M5 is.

The levels weren't designed for Nightmare mode, so there's no particular care to avoid near-deathtraps. On -fast I try to immediately teleport back out... and then not stand in front of the fake wall being repeatedly smacked in the face by Lost Souls.

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I just now found out that on easy skill your given double the ammo from ammo boxes and shotgun shells and stuff. Just tested my map extensively on all skills and was wondering how i keep having so much ammo on easy skill and then i discovered that.

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Solid Snake said:

I just now found out that on easy skill your given double the ammo from ammo boxes and shotgun shells and stuff. Just tested my map extensively on all skills and was wondering how i keep having so much ammo on easy skill and then i discovered that.

The main reason I don't play on ITYTD. I become frustrated easily when I waste ammo, and 40 shells in one box (which gives 80% capacity of a shotgun whilst not carrying a backpack) is just redundant.

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Solid Snake said:

I just now found out that on easy skill your given double the ammo from ammo boxes and shotgun shells and stuff. Just tested my map extensively on all skills and was wondering how i keep having so much ammo on easy skill and then i discovered that.

This also happens on nightmare.

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Fuck, and i just now found out that on hey not too rough your not given double the ammo but since db only has easy medium and hard flag i have to leave all that extra ammo in for itytd.

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Solid Snake said:

Fuck, and i just now found out that on hey not too rough your not given double the ammo but since db only has easy medium and hard flag i have to leave all that extra ammo in for itytd.

Don't blame Doom Builder for what is Doom's design.

Also the lowest skill setting doubles ammo because it's for people who'll miss most of their shots. You're not supposed to build a map so that ammo is tight on ITYTD. Ammo should be plentiful on that setting.

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The Imp is the only classic DooM enemy that you use "an" before it. ( "I shot an Imp", for example.) Yes. I just found this out a few days ago. Also, enemies can open doors. And the backpack in the DooM II map, "Dead Simple", is a bunch of backpacks in the same exact spot.

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William Blazkowicz said:

And the backpack in the DooM II map, "Dead Simple", is a bunch of backpacks in the same exact spot.

The exact reason why I fear picking up a Box of Rocket thing in AV or HR2 when I have like 91 rockets. It often happens to round up to 100, which results in a nerve-breaking feel of waste once one's sensitive enough towards it.

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Cell said:

Funny thing that back in 2009 I thought "Deaf" is an alternate of a difficulty beyond "Hard".
Even if I knew perfectly what it stands for (unable to hear).

Funny thing Is that it could be a skill level, where doomguy doesn't hear (no demon noises) .

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