Se7enDeadlySins Posted March 7, 2002 Recently, a woman was raped by a black man at a bus stop in the Baltimore, MD area. A police officer sent a memo out to all other officer's in the area that they should be on the look out and stop any SUSPECTED black males. He was later forced to resign just because he used "black male". I personally think it's bullshit. I mean come on, what else is he supposed to do? Say, "Be on the lookout for someone with a very dark tan."? It was a black male that did the crime, yet the officer can't use that in a message to other's without getting creamed. Rape is rape. What do you think? 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted March 7, 2002 Thats lame. What if you needed to say 'The suspect has previously been arrested for Blackmail.' What about that? 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted March 7, 2002 I continue to be confused about what the political correct term for ..uh.. someone who originated from Africa. Some people say that it's insulting to call them 'negros', some say that 'blacks' is insulting and I was recently told that the term 'Afro American', which I until then had thought to be the most politically correct term, was insulting AS WELL! Now, I wanna know: How do you refer to these people without getting a mob of angry people at your heels in the USA nowadays? 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted March 7, 2002 I continue to be confused about what the political correct term for ..uh.. someone who originated from Africa. Some people say that it's insulting to call them 'negros', some say that 'blacks' is insulting and I was recently told that the term 'Afro American', which I until then had thought to be the most politically correct term, was insulting AS WELL! Now, I wanna know: How do you refer to these people without getting a mob of angry people at your heels in the USA nowadays?You don't refer to them. You just don't consider them as a group. Pretend you're color blind. If everyone around you is white, you wouldn't call anyone "white", would you? You just call them "people". Or something like that. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted March 7, 2002 That wouldn't work, as indicated above - the best way to describe the rapist in the abovementioned incident is to refer to him as 'black'. Personally, I'm beginning to think that it's really fux0ered up that you can't even call this "racial group" 'black'. I refer to myself as 'white' and have no problem with that, so why should it be regarded as an insult to be called 'black'? 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted March 7, 2002 agreed. Are there any black people here to comment? I've had two black girlfriends and many black friends. None of them ever minded being referred to as black. I think some people are just being gay for the sake of being gay. 0 Share this post Link to post
Psyonisis Posted March 8, 2002 Well I don't get this. Black people have very dark skin. White people have very light skin. Oriental people have tanned skin. These are large identifiers... so if an oriental man was a suspect, the report should say that he is oriental. Stating his race goes under the same category as identifying features, like facial markings or hair. 0 Share this post Link to post
Se7enDeadlySins Posted March 8, 2002 Personally, I think all these civil rights groups at one time had a good purpose. Now however, I think their running out of thing's to bitch about now that they have all their basic rights, so they have to nit pick so they don't get bored. None of my 'black' friends take insult to it, I think they need to come up with protection for people against excessive political bickering. People need to wake up to common sense. I wonder what those that bitch about everything would think if the police just stopped doing their jobs. Then what happens when someone comes and rapes their wife or children? Murders the husband? Oh well, we can't release a discription of the man because it might offend other people. Burry the corpse and get on with your life. After all personal pain and tragity doesn't matter anymore, only politics does. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted March 8, 2002 Black people are a rarity in my country so I don't have any experience whatsoever on how to refer to them. 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted March 9, 2002 Black people are a rarity in my country so I don't have any experience whatsoever on how to refer to them. Don't take this the wrong way but you Danes, the Germans in a different way the Swedes, all have an almost immature amount of world experience it seems to me. People say the British are insular but we have every race under the Sun represented in our country. I think that's why you never see any comedians from the low countries... :) 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted March 9, 2002 Don't take this the wrong way but you Danes, the Germans in a different way the Swedes, all have an almost immature amount of world experience it seems to me. How did you know that I'm a Dane? I'm curious: In what way do the Danes, Swedes and Germans have an immature world experience?People say the British are insular but we have every race under the Sun represented in our country. Eh? Who says that you Brits are insular? That's BS (that you should be insular - not that you have every race under the sun)! 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted March 9, 2002 When British police are looking for someone they refer to "ic1"= white "ic2"=black "ic3"=asian ic=international colour I think 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted March 9, 2002 When British police are looking for someone they refer to "ic1"= white "ic2"=black "ic3"=asian ic=international colour I think So, whenever I am going to refer to "african-looking" people I should say 'the ic2s'? ;-) 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted March 9, 2002 When British police are looking for someone they refer to "ic1"= white "ic2"=black "ic3"=asian ic=international colour I thinkWhat would Tiger Woods be qualified as? icPi? ic log 3? 0 Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted March 9, 2002 I continue to be confused about what the political correct term for ..uh.. someone who originated from Africa. Some people say that it's insulting to call them 'negros', some say that 'blacks' is insulting and I was recently told that the term 'Afro American', which I until then had thought to be the most politically correct term, was insulting AS WELL! Now, I wanna know: How do you refer to these people without getting a mob of angry people at your heels in the USA nowadays? Africans. I wish more people would just refer to me as that 0 Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted March 9, 2002 agreed. Are there any black people here to comment? I've had two black girlfriends and many black friends. None of them ever minded being referred to as black. I think some people are just being gay for the sake of being gay. Teh terms white and black are offensive because "white" is associated with good, "light" God and justice, "Black" is ascociated with darkness, nighttime, death, and the devil Africans dont complain because were used to it, but really its wrong 0 Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted March 9, 2002 Recently, a woman was raped by a black man at a bus stop in the Baltimore, MD area. A police officer sent a memo out to all other officer's in the area that they should be on the look out and stop any SUSPECTED black males. He was later forced to resign just because he used "black male". I personally think it's bullshit. I mean come on, what else is he supposed to do? Say, "Be on the lookout for someone with a very dark tan."? It was a black male that did the crime, yet the officer can't use that in a message to other's without getting creamed. Rape is rape. What do you think? What if it had been a caucasian in a mosly african area? Would that have made sense to "be on the lookout for a caucasian man?" Of course not. In many american communities, it is assumed that any african out at night is getting himself into trouble, and thus its okay to stop any "black males you see and investigate. most civil rights leaders today have sold themselves out to useless crap, so i understand your comment, but PLEASE dont think that there are no problems facing Africans in america today, and that theres "nothing to complain about." If you think that your living in fantasy 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted March 10, 2002 Teh terms white and black are offensive because "white" is associated with good, "light" God and justice, "Black" is ascociated with darkness, nighttime, death, and the devil You know, in some parts of Asia (if not all of Asia) it's the exact opposite. I don't recall the specifics, but I'm told that black is considered a pleasant colour there. Personally, I don't see the colour black as representing evil. To me, black symbolizes the unknown which isn't bad - just mysterious. White on the other hand is a dull, boring colour in my eyes - even more boring than grey! And I don't give a rotten thumb about what others say about my favorite colour - they have their views, I have mine. I understand that some christian fundamentalist arseholes would use their views on colours against "African Americans", but I still think it's bullshit to associate black with something bad - black is a pretty colour imo and I'm honest when I say that I think that your skin colour is prettier than mine - the real skin colour of the whites are more like pink (a laughable skin colour). I realize that we only refer to ourselves as whites to "glorify" ourselves ('we' being the whites), now that I view it in"light" of your post above. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis` Posted March 10, 2002 No problems facing africans eh? The "africans" have gotten their own tv stations where they are able to cut down whites during their tastless comedy shows and call us crackers and such, but if we use the term "black" it's racist. Now I do understand all "african" people don't act and talk like they do on the tv stations, but why are they allowed to get away with it? They were mistreated over the years. The newer generations act like they were slaves as an excuse to do things other people cannot. I think it's bullshit 0 Share this post Link to post
Captain Skippy Posted March 10, 2002 heh, racial stuff pisses the shit out of me, metaphoricaly speaking. if they got a black history month, why not a native american history month??? 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted March 10, 2002 I remember Chris Rock saying that blacks were more prejudiced than whites, because...whites can hate blacks, but blacks can hate whites and niggas 0 Share this post Link to post
JavaGuy Posted March 10, 2002 Black pride equals great school club idea. White pride equals great Nazi slogan. Well, geeze, I had something impotant to say, but I can't quite seem to figure out what it was. Anyway, why Black Pride? This whole Black Pride thing could be seen as making up for the whole oppression and slavery thing. Hey, sorry, but I didn't have a hand in it. In my school, racial diversity is a huge thing. And so I do get a lot of shit for being White. However, my best friend is African American and we get along fine. He doesn't have "Black Pride". He's just got pride in being nice as hell to everyone he knows. He could beat the crap out of half the school, but he doesn't get angry at people that could make mother Teresa snap. Anyway, I'm not saying we should have white pride, I'm just saying we should have human pride in general, and then maybe we look at each other the same. Or maybe we should forget pride altogether and crawl back into the fucking swamp we came from. 0 Share this post Link to post
Captain Skippy Posted March 10, 2002 heh, that reminds me, at my school we had an assembly not to long ago, most of the fucking thing was for some school club about african culture. when it was over, i wasnt appluading cause i liked it, it was horrible, i was applauding cause it was over. oh well 0 Share this post Link to post
Captain Skippy Posted March 11, 2002 heh, not really racist, im just sick and fucking tired of them bitching about how they were all stolen, a lot of them was bought from their rulers, and hell, when youre neighbor hood is beginning to get to turn into a dump, and your old one from where you move is turned into one, you get kinda agitated. im not racist, im individualist. oh, and at my school they let the black people say nigger, nigga, whateveridontgiveafuck, but lo and behold if a white person was to say it, their a nazi, they get oss or some this, oh well, rapists are rapists, shoot them all on site 0 Share this post Link to post
Tobester Posted March 11, 2002 in my experience, and my area (ghetto of dayton, ohio ;), black people are more racist than white people. when I was in elementary school, white people were the minority. I still beleive in the "we should all fuck until were all ugly grey bastards" idea. but im not racist or anything. I like the idea of "Human Pride" over "black pride" and "white pride" 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted March 11, 2002 Thsi subject is main news in England at the moment, years ago a black youth called Stephen Lawrence was killed by a group of white guys. The ensuing uproar caused many things to change, the Metropolitan Police in London was deemed to be racist at it's core and many changes were called for, the most important one being an end to the Stop and search policy, which was deemed to target mainly black youths. Now A BLACK leader has called for police to fight rising gun crime by using stop and search tactics more often., things seem to be going full circle :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis` Posted March 12, 2002 in my experience, and my area (ghetto of dayton, ohio ;), black people are more racist than white people. That's everywhere. Haven't you ever watched BET? Example: "Yo man I was walking down da street and a white boy walked by I was like Get outta my way cracka!" Crowd: HAHAHAHAAH(Jump around like retards) AHAHAHAA. Now if a white person where to do this: "Anyway I noticed black people..." Man is removed from stage and arrested 0 Share this post Link to post
Vominus Posted March 12, 2002 This racist stuff is all just a bunch of crap. If someone is offended because someone else is referring to his race by calling it a color, then you need to go drown yourself in pool of camel semen or find something better to whine about. The fact that black people can get away with saying "n***er" is absurd, but it also proves a good point: The only thing that matters in the end is the context of what's being said. If I haphazardly refer to an African as a "n***er" (which I wouldn't out of respect), I could get myself in a lot of trouble, but I wouldn't mean anything by it. Oh bah why am I even bothering with all this... it's not like I can change anyone's mind. I'm just sick of the racist issue. There are bigger and more important issues these days... That bit about the cop is ridiculous, of course. 0 Share this post Link to post
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