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Which Community Chest was the best? (don't speak about CC4 yet!)

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There were 3 grand pieces of community's work with a lot of levels. I think all of them are very varios according to the quality.

But which is the best in your opinion? Tell us!

I think, the third one is amazing! Previously I think there aren't any good levels after MAP16, but I was wrong: I've found only 2 levels which wasn't as good as the other ones. All of the maps are creative, custom, nice and gives a great feeling. The other 2 WADs were a bit dissapointed for me.

PS.: CC4 may be even better, but because this is unfinished yet, don't speak about that.

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The third had the best overall quality, but the second had some really creative individual levels, mainly maps 24 and 29, which are my favorite maps in the series.

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