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Try my DOOM quiz (Heretic uploaded)


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I don't mind. To be honest, it wasn't so much the interpretation as it was that I just don't like thimbles. I mean really, whose idea was it to make it one of the Monopoly tokens?

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DuckReconMajor said:

I remember I was upset when that guy who was making mini versions of the Doom 2 levels renamed Gantlet "the thimble". Sure, I guess the id guys could have been stupid and misspelled "Gauntlet" but the real definition

gant·let1    [gant-lit, gawnt-] Show IPA
Railroads . a track construction used in narrow places, in which two parallel tracks converge so that their inner rails cross, run parallel, and diverge again, thus allowing a train to remain on its own track at all times.

seems much more feasible.

As far as I know, that railroad term is derived from the word "gantlet" in this expression, which I think is even more fitting, considering that huge symmetrical section which constitutes most of the map. The monsters on either side lay punishment upon you as you run through the middle.

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Are you sure? I'm almost positive I got that one.

I'm really embarrassed I forgot about Pluntonia's Hunted, Caughtyard, NME, and The Sewers. And in TNT, Power Control (I was almost sure it was called Power Station or Power Plant), Wormhole, Stronghold, Storage Facility, Redemption, Dead Zone, Crater, Deepest Reaches, Mill, Quarry, and Lunar Mining Project. I remember replaying those maps many times. The rest of those mapnames however, I'm sure I wouldn't have guessed without thoroughly replaying them recently.

Also no way I'm taking a Hexen test. All I know is that the first level is Winnowing Hall. I think there was a level called Wasteland or something but thats it.

I think a Doom 64 test would be fun, except at this point I'd probably study for it before you make it.

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I guessed MAP32 of Plutonia, as it's one of only a handful of the Final Doom levels that I know by name. I never finished the quiz or let the timer run all the way down though (I had like 8 minutes left with no chance of guessing any more, so I just closed the browser), so maybe it didn't record my results.

For the record, I remembered 82 map names before I abandoned the effort, with almost all of the missed ones being from TNT.

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117 out of 136. I did struggle a bit with Final Doom, even though I play the hell out of those. 9_6

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Turns out the stats have a problem with Plutonia level 32. It's still reporting 0%. Working fine for the rest of the levels though. Will be making Heretic, then Doom 64.

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Got Doom2, with the rest spread out in Doom1 and Plutonia. I don't play enough TNT

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I scored a lot better than I thought I would, but it's still a mediocre score considering all the time I've spent on these levels.

I wonder when did I stop paying attention.

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I got 98
I got all of Doom 2 and the majority of Doom. I got more TNT than Plutonia bizarrely, even though I play Plutonia far more. I remembered the bland names of TNT like 'Metal' as they were memorably boring names.

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I got 111 out of 136. Most of my misses were stupid misspellings like 'Shipping and respawning' instead of 'Shipping/respawning' and 'Mount Erebus' instead of 'Mt. Erebus', or my complete inability to spell 'Abattoire' or 'Caribbean'.

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I gave up after 64/136 and the funny thing is that I vagely remembered one of the maps in Plutonia was named something like sewers and typed it but showed up under the Ultimate Doom as E1M10, then I just remembered that E1M10 is an extra map the xbox version and couldn't understand why it was included in the quiz, so I tried The Sewers and got it. I also found out that id spelt hanger in Ultimate Doom incorrectly which I never really noticed before.

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Doomsfall said:

I also found out that id spelt hanger in Ultimate Doom incorrectly which I never really noticed before.

HANGAR (n.) - a closed structure to hold aircraft and/or spacecraft in protective storage.

Not a misspelling, but it certainly doesn't resemble a hangar if you ask me :)

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Why did you include Sewers, but not Betray?

Will Master Levels be included? How about the console exclusive levels as a different section (from Jaguar/3DO/GBA and PSX/Saturn Doom)?

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Heh, these are fun. 45/51 in Hexen -- better than I expected. The Deathkings levels really kicked me in the balls, but I managed to get all of vanilla Hexen except for Desolate Garden (that's the one I always remember as "the one that's Sacred Grove only not"). I stil have no idea how I managed to spell "Locus Requiescat" correctly, but... well, there we go. :P

Question: For the Heretic one, will we have to type in 'the' every time? :P

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Sorry I just used the DOOM Wiki. I'll add Betray. The Master Levels will be separate. For Heretic you won't have to type in 'the' everytime.

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