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Evilution vs. Plutonia


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I know there's probably been a bunch of threads like this already, but I haven't seen any recently. Basically, which Final Doom WAD do you prefer: Plutonia or Evilution?

Overall I like Evilution more. The levels less monotonous then Plutonia's, and I really like the music. Plutonia's great as well, though; It has more challenging levels and better textures.

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Processingcontrol said:

I know there's probably been a bunch of threads like this already, but I haven't seen any recently. Basically, which Final Doom WAD do you prefer: Plutonia or Evilution?

Overall I like Evilution more. The levels less monotonous then Plutonia's, and I really like the music. Plutonia's great as well, though; It has more challenging levels and better textures.

Haven't played much of both, to be honest.

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Plutonia wins by a fair margin in my opinion. I like the general gameplay more than Evilution's, and the fact that the maps were authored by two people rather than a larger crew seems to give it more overall consistency, opposed to the mish-mash of conflicting styles all throughout TNT. The (ab)use of brown textures everywhere does start to rub me the wrong way if I try to play several maps in a single sitting, though I still prefer Plutonia's brown onslaught to the general ugliness that I associate with much of TNT's design.

The only TNT music that I can remember off-hand is the MAP01 track, to be honest. I don't place nearly as much value on the soundtrack as on the levels themselves, but I guess I can give Evilution kudos for including new music at all.

Anyway, I might bitch and moan about both components of Final Doom at times, but I really do appreciate the good points of each.

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I'm probably the only person who likes TNT more than plutonia. And that's simply because TNT was the first doom IWAD I have ever played, and that was back when I was 5 and still living in Europe.

If that fact was never there, I would go plutonia, hands down.

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Heh, my first doom experience was from Evilution too. I wonder if nostalgia goggles makes me like it more...

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Better music, some very interesting maps, and unlike Plutonia, it actually has a plot. The whole thing with the "giant ship coming from the deep space made of bones and flesh dropping millions of demons in the moon's surface" sounded very interesting. I just missed seeing a map inside the said ship.

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Plutonia all the way. Better level design and architecture, better gameplay, better texture usage and nicer new textures, more challenging, etc...

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Vordakk said:

Plutonia all the way. Better level design and architecture, better gameplay, better texture usage and nicer new textures, more challenging, etc...


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Plutonia Plutonia Plutonia Plutonia Plutonia.

Evilution's got some really great bits, but there's some crap thrown in there too. I've got a personal build that I slimmed down to 21 maps, and playing through it is a rather satisfying experience. :P

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Plutonia overall, i find a large amount of TNT maps pretty dull and boring to be honest, plutonias definitely more challenging and interesting to me.

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Marnetmar said:

Dead Zone

Really? That's like my favorite TNT level.

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Xaser said:

Plutonia Plutonia Plutonia Plutonia Plutonia.

Evilution's got some really great bits, but there's some crap thrown in there too. I've got a personal build that I slimmed down to 21 maps, and playing through it is a rather satisfying experience. :P

Oh yeah? Well I have a personal build that I slimmed down to MAP21!


Damn, this would've been slightly funnier if MAP21 was Habitat like I thought before I checked the wad.

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40oz said:

Really? That's like my favorite TNT level.

Same here. Out of both megawads that has to be my fave level.

With response to the topic, I'd also say Plutonia is my preferred part of TNT. Mostly because some levels in Evilution really are bad, like "Habitat".

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I might have to say TNT for this one, I've gotten the furthest into it than Plutonia. Plutonia sorta bores me after awhile. Both are good IWADs, but I'm learning towards TNT.

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I like both, but I prefer TNT:Evilution. It is not too hard, has more variety in theme and style and it features my-all-time-favourite-map
PHARAOH. Yes, the yellow key is missing, but there are workarounds and patches for this.

In my Eyes Plutonia _is_ a little bit more professional and it _is_ harder, but I simply had more fun playing thru TNT:Evilution and that's what counts.

BTW: How can people judge IWADS, which they haven't completed? :-)

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I've only played through all of TNT once.

I've tried to play through it again, I've really tried, but I just can't bring myself to play after MAP04.

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I prefer Plutonia to TNT, but I only played them once and awhile ago at that, so I can't really make any solid opinions. Plutonia just looks and feels better to me, even if it plays rough.

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For me, Plutonia unfortunately is affected by the passage of time. It looks solid on its own, but it's no longer anything special after I've played so many PWADs that imitate it. Kinda like this effect.

TNT has more variety so it's harder to imitate, but some areas felt rushed and forgettable. I liked the music -- not too much -- and I really like some levels in it, notably MAP20 (which is too huge to comprehend OR survive) or that map between 10-20 with many mountains, caves and cliffs -- notable for the tension it built, and my disappointment on finding a simple exit instead of a boss in it.

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Plutonia for me. The levels are of a consistently good quality, with a cool jungle theme that is a breath of fresh air.

TNT has new music, some of which is good, but some of which is annoying and repetitive. The levels can be quite ugly and mishmash too.

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esselfortium said:

Oh yeah? Well I have a personal build that I slimmed down to MAP21!


Damn, this would've been slightly funnier if MAP21 was Habitat like I thought before I checked the wad.

hahahaha i always make that mistake

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Yeah so plutonia has better overall consistency, design, flow, and it has certainly stood the test of time much better than Evilution.

But Evilution has one thing that plutonia simply cannot replicate. Sheer epicness. Plutonia is the working man's megawad. Reliable, dependable, consistent. Evilution doesn't manage these things always very well, but when it does get it right, it gets it right in a big way. Maps 20 and 21 are particularly good examples of this. They may not always be pretty, but they create a sense of adventure that plutonia just never seems to get to. The music is pretty amazing too.

Plutonia is like watching your favorite show on TV. You know what you are going to get, and you know it will be good. Evilution is like going to the movies. Sometimes crap, but occasionally you get gold. And the experience is more engaging and more epic.

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I prefer TNT. TNT got a lot of nicely designed tech-base map. One map I like most is map18(Mill) and map13(Nukage Processing). Map18 is very beautifully designed, same as map13. Map13 have a fun cyberdemon fight, the music "Death Bells" really suits the atmospher well. TNT also got new musics, the music which I like most is map04, map18, map20 and map31.

Plutonia sucks! First of all there's too much brown, this leds to most maps ugly designed. And how about the music? it seems that most of them are wrongly choosen, they are also used music from Doom and Doom 2! I give an example, map29 reused E1M1 music. I found this music not suitable for the atmosphere at all. Map11 used the bunny music, which I found it horrible to listen at.

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TNT has nice themes, good new music and a few genuinely good levels.

Plutonia is properly fun for the most part and has a nice consistent, albeit singular, theme.

I prefer Plutonia, definitely.

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plutonia for gameplay, tnt for visually appealing tech bases and great music in some parts.

the boring part, plutonia has the same theme through the whole wad, while some of tnt's maps are endless, confusing and with weaker opposition than plutonia.

of both final dooms, i've played plutonia far more often than tnt. doesn't mean tnt is bad, i just prefer shorter, intense action over wondering where the hell to go.

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I have finished both ones several years ago and probably forgot them. Maybe I was already exposed to much better WADs (Requiem, Alien Vendetta and others) at that time. Final Doom reminded me of some ugly, very big and confusing maps with strange designs.

Few days ago I decided to play these two again to remember how things where back then. I started with Plutonia and left it after few maps. I tried TNT and now I am in level 21. TNT caught my attention more easilly from the first levels. The design only seems to be spoiled at later levels. Larger maps with seemingly random themes, too much searching, I am starting getting tired. But what I played so far was quite ok if we forget some horrible designs and some harsh made later levels. Oh, I also realized why I was stuck in the Pharaoh secret levels so many years ago. Well, I was still stuck and typed "give yellowcard" in the console of Zdoom to continue.

I loved the design of the first levels more in TNT and there is also some great music in several of the maps. Even the larger confusing randomly designed maps, at least have some weird originality. It's fun to have a look at history and how things were back then.

When I finish with TNT I will give a second try to Plutonia just for the comparisons.

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