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Rumour: Doom 4 postponed "Indefinitely* (Officially refuted)


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Source: http://kotaku.com/5851953/doom-4-indefinitely-postponed-following-rages-disappointing-launch

Kotaku sources are saying that after RAGE's issues and poor reviews, Doom 4 is being postponed indefinitely. Zenimax and Bethesda are reported to now have "a serious lack of confidence in the project management at id."

Confirmation of this isn't yet made by Zenimax and Bethesda.

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If this is true, I'm a bit annoyed naturally, but I think it's a good thing if it means resolving bugs. Now, if "Indefinitely" means five years, I'm really going to be pissed.

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Sounds like a clever way to instill consumer confidence. By appearing to be solemnly taking a look at what they did wrong, id(or Zenimax/Bethesda) exude an air of seriousness about their dedication to not screwing up DOOM 4. PC people especially who read this might say, "Well I had lost all hope, but since they're acknowledging their fuck-ups, I'll pre-order DOOM 4 after all."

Public Relations 101.

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If true, it seems a bit disproportionate to abandon development of the game just because of Rage's problems and failures. How about learning from the mistakes and making a better game than Rage that's also free from it's technical issues?

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A large proportion of the problems with Rage (not all, but most) were on the drivers' side. Rage was a testbed for a number of underused features which had been somewhat neglected because there hadn't been much need to bugfix and optimize them. Rage made these wheels squeak and they got oil. A game using the same engine but released later would therefore magically avoid most of these problems because, well, they will have been resolved on the hardware vendor side in the meantime.

Therefore, it doesn't make sense to postpone the project because of that.

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Remember people, postponed does not mean cancelled or abandoned.

I would imagine this merely means that the main team will not move over to Doom 4 after Rage's release as previously planned.

I would hope that means they are sticking with Rage, supporting it and maybe getting some top quality DLC out or something. It would be the right thing to do, instead of running back to the safety of their most recognisable brand.

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AirRaid said:

postponed does not mean cancelled or abandoned.

<technicality Nazi mode>

But "indefinitely postponed" implies there's no plans or intention to continue work on it, either ;). If you bought a new car and the dealer told you you could own it in an indefinite time period, would you be pleased?

</technicality Nazi mode>

Anyway, it's all bullshit until the news is confirmed officially.

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No. Just no.

We have already been through 2 E3's and 2 Quakecon's without seeing anything from Doom 4 and it was at least implied that we would see something from the game at the next Quakecon instead. If we won't see anything from the game for a third Quakecon because of this crap then I will be pissed.

Speaking of being pissed, I am stunned by just how boring Rage actually is. Its not really a bad game, the combat is fun. But that's the problem, only a portion of the game in spent shooting stuff in first person. The rest of the game is just about traveling between places and doing dull quests for bland boring characters and NPC's.


I really hope this news isn't true and that we will all see a great Doom 4.

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Uh yeah they're going to "indefinitely postpone" Doom 4 because of a game that has sold over a million copies in just over two weeks and maintains an 82 at metacritic. The consensus is clearly that Rage is a horrible mess.

False rumor.

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Quote from Twitter:

RT@DCDeacon: Re: DOOM 4 rumor, games are done when they are done and no title under development at id has been postponed - indefinitely or otherwise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rumor or not, shouldn't come as surprising hearing this if the sales numbers don't make right.

Indefinitely is just another way of saying Carmack's old saying, "it's done when it's done", which could be 5 years or longer.

id should feel lucky themselves remaining as a LLC, no obligations and whatnot to analysts or financial releases to the public. It's time for id to learn a thing or two about business. Take heed and understand why franchises like COD are so successful. It amuses me that id has actually survived for this long by generating most of their revenue from licensing engine technology. I doubt it can keep up the business this way though unless it commits to renovate itself fast.

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eargosedown said:

after RAGE's issues and poor reviews

Rage is a bad video game. I hope Carmack takes his time and thinks about making Doom 4 how it should be made: no mechanical graphics and no allusions to the story of Half Life 2 wtf? (authorities in Rage...) and no Quake 4-similar enviroments and at last: no Duke Nukem Forever reference (the graphic of Rage). They need to work hard and independent like in the 90ties, because Rage is so bad. ID software needs to overhaul everything.

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Deeforce said:

Rage is a bad video game. I hope Carmack takes his time and thinks about making Doom 4 how it should be made: no mechanical graphics and no allusions to the story of Half Life 2 wtf? (authorities in Rage...) and no Quake 4-similar enviroments and at last: no Duke Nukem Forever reference (the graphic of Rage). They need to work hard and independent like in the 90ties, because Rage is so bad. ID software needs to overhaul everything.

Wow. Of all the games you could have gone with to criticize the fairly unoriginal story, you go with half-Life2?

I Also don't see the link to DNF.

And on top of that, Carmack is the technical lead. He's a programmer. You need to be directing your rage (heh) at Tim Willits.

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I like how Carmack was "Surprised" by the amount of Rage's PC users... Knowing that PC was what made ID such a success....and if the rumor is true, then they are just plain stupid. Doom 4 is what will make them or break them.

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Faunus said:

I like how Carmack was "Surprised" by the amount of Rage's PC users... Knowing that PC was what made ID such a success....and if the rumor is true, then they are just plain stupid. Doom 4 is what will make them or break them.

Yeah, learn to read. But also, I think id got past their "make or break" thing about.. 15 years ago?

Edit: In fact, fuck it, this thread is no longer needed.

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