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"Fantasy" FPSs

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Which fantasy shooter (I don't know what else to call them - shooters set in a medieval-like setting?) is your favorite?

1. Heretic
2. Hexen
3. Hexen 2
4. Other

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Which fantasy shooter (I don't know what else to call them - shooters set in a medieval-like setting?)

Stabbers, maybe?

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Theif is really cool too. That should've been included as a result.

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Which fantasy shooter (I don't know what else to call them - shooters set in a medieval-like setting?)

Stabbers, maybe?

Why stabbers? Most of these FPSs are about using magic spells and shoot destruction from magic weapons - and even the more "physical" weapons aren't used to stab with all that much - more like beating up some monsters with 'em or chop them to pieces.
"Zappers" would be a better choice, though still not good

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I never played hexen, I got it, but I also got winxp a week later =\

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Ultima Underworld, fool. The original first-person stabber.

Are you calling me a fool?
I haven't tried Ultima Underworld so I wouldn't know..."fool".

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I have to say the Thief series by Lookingglass Studios.

Thief 1 is vert well made.
It´s actually quite scary sometimes.

If I have to choose between Heretic and Hexen, I would choose

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Why stabbers? Most of these FPSs are about using magic spells and shoot destruction from magic weapons - and even the more "physical" weapons aren't used to stab with all that much - more like beating up some monsters with 'em or chop them to pieces.
"Zappers" would be a better choice, though still not good

How about...."speller/stabbers" then?

BTW, Hexen 2 kicks.

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BTW, Hexen 2 kicks.

Hmm, I have only tried the demo - if the full game has equally shitty starting weapons and the same shitty Quake1 feel to it, then I'm afraid that I'd disagree with you cren.

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Sounds good - maybe I should try and pick up a copy of Hexen 2.

What I hated about the demo was that your starting weapons were really useless combined with the way the player movement worked, so it takes a LOT of practice to get through the first hub level without taking too much damage in the demo.

But I did like many of the concepts though :-)

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Oh, it's a little difficult, but you get better weapons along the way. Mana is somewhat scarce, but there should be enough Kraters of Might. I use them all the time, no problem. Just beware the 4 Horsemen.

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Ahh, Hexen and Thief II are by far my favorite Fantasy RPGs. Good thing one of them is getting a sequel, at least.

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Hmm can the Thief series be qualified as FPSs?

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Maybe we should change the S in FPS for something more general, like "First Person Games". Afterall none of them is strictly about shooting anymore...

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Hexen gots my vote.the second choice would be Hexen2.

mmm i can't think of any other fantasy FPSs.except the poll choice,there is thief sereis and witchaven.any game else?

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Rune with the camera zoomed all the way in. Same with Blade.

Mmmh, Legends of Might & Magic, and a bunch of HL mods.

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