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NOVA: The Birth - v1.1 release now on idGames!

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Phobus said:

I can't remember if it's MAP03 that I'm thinking of (the one with the little cubby holes in the walls for some items), but it has far too much ammo.

First there was not enough ammo, and now there's too much!? Great...

I'm afraid work on Castle Bloodletting has been pretty much non-existent lately, due to school. Hopefully I will find some time in the near future to work on it, but in the meantime, I'm afraid that my mapping is more or less on hiatus.

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Here's a few Midis I've been working on recently.

It could well work for a level, but I think it would be pretty good for the story screens, maybe. Not sure, I'll let you guys decide on this.

Almost finished (?), I might add some parts or edit.


Here's another midi, unfinished, that I've somewhat given up on. Maybe somebody else could take it up and do something cool with it.


On that note, how's everybody's maps coming along?

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Glad you like it.

Just now finished the final version of it.

You can either use the one I posted first, or use this one. I think the second part of this one could possibly be remade into its own tune, but I think they go together very well. It's about 2 minutes longer.


now to uhh... slowly finish my map.

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Interesting second version, got a few thoughts on it. The change past the 3:00 mark is too big of a shift for a single level, since the mood goes from exploratory/devious evil to menacing/approaching evil, and that change may not fit where the player is at in the level. I think you could cut off the part past 3:00 and make it its own song, since it sounds great and would go well for something MAP28/29.

I do want to use version 2, since I like a lot of the little changes (like the bass-focused part), although I would like it to end right before the 3:00 mark. Also, if you could, could you bring the flute back in? You replaced it with the synth in this version, and IMO it makes it feel a bit cheesier/out of place, giving me the feeling of a demented castle instead of a haunting cavern.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I have done nothing on this project since my last post, 2 maps, one pretty much done and the other only has uv difficulty and still awaiting feedback from it.

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my only thoughts regarding this project is that an entire megaWAD is clearly too ambitious for the level of turnout.

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Here is something I made back in february, I want to remake this for this project to make it look a lot better and have the rooms actually have stuff in them.
If you have time please give me some thoughts on the gameplay, at the moment I am thinking about removing some of the current monsters on UV, putting some monster closets in and giving much more room in the lift section (monsters often blocked the way down the lift on speedruns which was frustrating)
I think I can turn this into a cool level but let me know if there is anything really bad in it I shouldnt keep, the visuals are just random textures in each room currently but I will try going for a techbase feel

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Cleaned up the first midi I posted to the thread (added pitch shifting to bass track, cleaned up a little bit for lead guitars).

Somebody use this, damn it! It's effin' awesome.


I'm going to make another map later on this week.

not much to say really: It's completely flat(in terms of geometry) room-door-room One-way-to-go with (mostly)symmetrical formations of monsters.

For sure you could use the basic layout to make a new level, but I would say scrap all the things on the map and go from there, maybe smoothen out the flow a bit so there's stairs and lifts and more inter-connected and open areas.

However, I can't say much on that considering how few levels I've managed to complete, but that's my two cents.

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I have to go with Paul D on that level nub_hat, as it's pretty un-salvagable... or rather, there's nothing that you could do to change that level that you can't do from scratch.

There's almost no health in that whole level, the strongest weapon in a level with 400 enemies (without finding the secret near the start) is the goddamn shotgun, and most of the fights can be solved by door hugging/corner shooting. And as Paul pointed out, there's almost no height variation, or details in the walls, so it plays very... boringly. The only good thing about it is that it's somewhat fun to speedrun since you get to zip past so many baddies, but it's not playable otherwise.

With the harsh words out of the way, I say go for it and try and make another level. Use some more height variation, different textures, monster closets, balance health & ammo, little details spread around and so on. I'm pretty sure you can make something more exciting, and I'm interested in seeing what you come up with. If you ever need inspiration, just look at any wad you like and see what they do well.

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dobugabumaru said:

There's almost no health in that whole level, the strongest weapon in a level with 400 enemies (without finding the secret near the start) is the goddamn shotgun,

In his defense, there's a secret rocket launcher. Oops, I can't read.

But honestly it shouldn't have been a secret in first place.

Alwaysdoomed said:

@paul D The map i made was renamed Sensorium by kildeth but it was orginally called wakawaka.


Can you re-post it here?

I remember the file for "wakawaka" had a broken extension and didn't work

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Hmmm...I might submit a map if that's alright. :) I'm still relatively new to mapping, so this sounds like a nice little opportunity for some experience.

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Sure thing.

I'm not 100% sure what everyone is up to, or specifically where kildeth is right now (I think a page or two back he posted that he would be pretty inactive for an extended period), but it is always nice to see more people interested and more maps in the making.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I actually sat my lazy ass down in front of Doom Builder tonight and did a little work on Castle Bloodletting. I'm going to try to stop being such a bum and actually get work done on it when I can, instead of just wasting my free time on lesser things. Here's hoping I can get this map in a playable state sometime soon...

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On an entirely unrelated note:

Yo, so I had a dream about a doom level last night.

I'm gonna make it.

Also, I'm working on another midi, It's coming out really cool so far.

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@ EvilNed01: Those screens look pretty good! I'm sure Kildeth would be glad to have you aboard, as we are suffering from a lack of finished levels at the moment...

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That's a great composition Paul, really haunting & somber, with just a hint of beauty. I too wonder what kind of level would fit with it.

Also, EvilNed, feel free to post any of those maps up so we can look at them. I'm sure any new contributions are welcome here.

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Welcome aboard EvilNed and Obsidian! Amazed to see that there's still interest in the project, I thought it would be dead here for sure! I'd be contributing more but I've been really busy with studies and everything else so I've had to put some things to the side for awhile.

To be honest, I didn't think in the beginning (a year ago now?) this project would stretch out for this long, nor did I anticipate that there would be serious interest in making this a full 32-map megawad. This project was originally just a place where new mappers like myself could share our works and perhaps contribute to the creation of an eventual wad of compiled works if things went particularly well, and even then the length of said wad was going to be based on interest, not necessarily 32 maps, which was set as the upper limit rather than the actual goal: sharing maps and helping to teach eachother to make Doom levels through discussion and showcase, something that I believe has already been well accomplished.

That being said, I feel kinda bad that I couldn't have helped this project more. If I'd known that there was going to be this much continued interest, I might have thought twice before suggesting it, which would probably be worse as then NOVA wouldn't exist at all. :) I have to admit, I was originally creating the alphas not only as a running progress report but as semi-finished wads so there would be something to upload to id-games in case interest in NOVA did suddenly die out, which clearly hasn't happened.

I guess in the end I have to admit that I was being a little crazy thinking I could lead a Doom wad project like this given my inexperience. :P That being said though, what's done is done, and all this loyalty to the project makes me want to get back into it myself. I'll try to participate more in the meantime and get back to finally finishing Sensorium which was nearly finished structurally last time I worked on it, as well as check out any new levels and midis and offer feedback on them where I can. That and make a new alpha with all the updates I still need to catch up on. I'm sure I can find time to do all that.

But anyway, thank you to everyone for your continued interest in the project and patience during my lengthy departure, it's good to come back and see there's still enough enthusiasm to keep this on the second page of the forum. Hopefully I'll be able to provide more updates and get this thing moving a bit faster.

That's all for now :)


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I'd be glad to see what a finished sensorium is like, I received the original from alwaysdoomed and considered editing it myself, except then I didnt.

I'll post the map I saw in my dream in a few days.

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kildeth said:

...That and make a new alpha with all the updates I still need to catch up on...

That should be pretty good to see, as I've not been keeping up with all of the individual submissions throughout the thread. I've been quite tempted to check out walter's scraps and see if there's anything I fancy making out of one/some of them for this, just as something different for me to try in mapping.

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