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Back from the dead...........

The Unknown

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Well have i missed something while i was dead?well i know everyone here hates me but that is ok.Zaldron is it true i need a damn P3 1 Ghz pc?I have only a Duron 800,256 MBsdram,Soon a geforce3 card? Will it work or do i need to upgrade the damn computer?

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You're stupid to buy a Doom3 computer now. Most likely you'll need a 2GHz+ machine for the game. You don't really need anything faster than 800MHz until that game comes out.

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Lut is right. Don't worry about getting a faster computer right now just for doom 3. We don't know when to expect doom3 and I firmly believe it will be well over a year before we can even get a definite due date for the game.

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