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Is it true that Doom3 will be more realistic?

The Unknown

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Yes, we have to live w/ it, but doom3 will most likely be much more realistic. It won't exactly be a doom64 kind of sequel. I am, as you seem to be, still all for the find-the-key slaughterfest except with new monsters/weapons and a better graphics engine, but ID realizes that only a small audience would buy the game if they stuck with that.

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Damn something happened.Who the hell wants to play a Doom game whit more Realism???Aren't all todays game realistic?I love Doom/2/64 and i will hate Id if they have realism in it >:-(.

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If it gets more Realistic then i can kiss Doom3 goodbye...Doom is Doom and nothing else.

Don't worry, it won't be more realistic than Super Mario Bros. 1/2/3.
BTW. --> Word on the street is, that ID will even put elements from those games in DooM. Such as huge mushrooms, dark castles and a horney princess.

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Here's a kicker, but did you ever stop to think that the reason that Doom isn't very realistic might just be because of certain limitations and not designer intent? Do you think that if Carmack was able to turn out something like the Quake engine at the time then he wouldn't have in favor of what Doom turned out to be like? You can't just say that Doom isn't meant to be realistic when you take into consideration that features (such as weapon reload) that would have made it more realistic had never been used before and wouldn't be used for years afterwards.
Doom 3 will be more realistic, and I'm glad it will be. I want to be immersed in the setting, and simple 'find the key take it to door' puzzles and goofy 'shoot without thinking' scenarios just aren't going to do that.

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I actually think it'll be kind of refreshing to have a more realistic Doom.

I mean think about it; instead of dashing around, smacking down demons with your double-barreled shotgun like it's some kind of chore, you can actually be afraid of them again.

I'm looking forward to having the bejesus scared out of me by a zombie I didn't notice, franticaly shoving shells into my shotgun as three imps converge on me, and fighting running away from demons that aren't impeded by desks or short railings.

Just keep in mind that there are varying degrees of realism.

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That attitude drives developers to make crappy games.

Then EVERYONE's bitching around the Internet saying "Oh, no! The developers pull out the same crap all the time!".

Please. DooM was intended to have bullet holes, sideckicks, destructable walls, storyline, scorched walls, breakable monitors, inventory, and a lot more.

Technology and time killed those features, but something's obvious, id at first aimed for a MUCH more ambitious project.

I hope they have the cash, time and experience to do it now.

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Yeah Zaldron, that is true.

That is why comments like "its not doom" annoy me.
Doom Was Like that due to limited technology and Time.

I wish everyone else would realise this.

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If it gets more Realistic then i can kiss Doom3 goodbye...Doom is Doom and nothing else.

Don't worry, it won't be more realistic than Super Mario Bros. 1/2/3.
BTW. --> Word on the street is, that ID will even put elements from those games in DooM. Such as huge mushrooms, dark castles and a horney princess.


BTW, The Unknown- Nope, Doom3 is going to use the same engine as the original beta test.. there is also word that they might use the Wolfenstein engine. Oh, they might also port it to the atari 2600! Kid, just look around, answers are everywhere, posting stuff like this, im surprised you arent getting attacked by mutant lizards.

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Kid, just look around, answers are everywhere, posting stuff like this, im surprised you arent getting attacked by mutant lizards.

Mmmmh, I can fix that. Give me 3 minutes.

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yeah, Doom3 will be very realistic...

-you will be assigned an office at UAC
-will go to school/work/whatever everyday from 7 to 15
-come home to wife and kids
-get paid
-get drunk occazionally
-sleep for the night
-fight demons during the day
-repeat forever

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oh, yea, and Lut broke the 3000 barrier and nothing happened ! I was expecting at least a "Moderator assistant" title...oh, well...

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Moderator? He?

That's pretty much like setting me as "X-treme Skateboard Veteran".

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I wonder if deadnail keeps reading this forum. Afterall, he REALLY is a moderator...

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A moderator who hates the forum software. Mmh, weird.

Well, afterall, Ling loathed the old one.

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Yeah, that's pretty weird.
It still surprises me sometimes that we now use different forum-software when almost everybody was against it =)

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