Zolfien-Toil! Posted March 13, 2002 Greetings all! I am new to the forum of doom world, and what a better way to greet you all with some special news... http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/19149/ Click the link! (alright i dont know how to link it so dont click, copy and paste it!) Or if your too lazy here is the whole article.......... Prey Lives..Again? [Mar 11, 2002 : 03:12 pm] 264 Comments - Maarten Goldstein From the rumor department at Evil Avatar comes word that the infamous Prey project from 3D Realms is in fact still alive. Supposedly Human Head Studios (Rune) is now working on the title, using the new DOOM tech no less. The game had it's fair share of problems when it was in development at 3DR several years ago, and was cancelled. Here's a Prey FAQ from back in 1998 if you don't remember/know what this game was supposed to be all about. We couldn't get official confirmation or denial from 3D Realms. I think this is full of bs.. why would id liscence there brand new engine to a company they dont even know very well, only the trusted ones such as Raven gets the privlidge of using it. If you dont remember about Prey or never heard of it check the Prey FAQ that hasnt been updated for many years... http://www.3drealms.com/faq/preyfaq12.txt 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted March 13, 2002 HumanHead is composed of ex-Ravenites, actually. Besides the engine has been working for ages now, I'm pretty sure there are other companies already signing up for it. It's just that they're in a media blackout because none of them can publish the game before Doom. No reason to pimp your game if you can't even release it legally. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted March 13, 2002 2.6 What are the System Requirements? ------------------------------------- * 3D Realms has not announced any official requirements yet. An estimation is: } - Pentium 166 Processor or greater } - 32MB RAM } - Supported 3D Card } - 28.8 Modem for TCP/IP Games Well, outdated would be the good word. I saw some movies of Prey years ago that I thought looked quite promising - but of course, moving from something that resembles the original Quake to the DOOM tech basically means redesigning everything. 0 Share this post Link to post
Katarhyne Posted March 16, 2002 Did you ever read the Prey storyline? What was up with THAT? Gyeh. I'm just not very interested, sorry. 0 Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted March 17, 2002 the prey engine was the first portal engine attempt like ive said all along the doomX engine will becomw what prey was supposed to be, in every way quake didnt make it. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted March 25, 2002 I think Descent 3 was. I know there were two different engines for interior and exterior map portions. 0 Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted March 25, 2002 Originally posted by FlatHead 2.6 What are the System Requirements? ------------------------------------- * 3D Realms has not announced any official requirements yet. An estimation is: } - Pentium 166 Processor or greater } - 32MB RAM } - Supported 3D Card } - 28.8 Modem for TCP/IP Games Well, outdated would be the good word. I saw some movies of Prey years ago that I thought looked quite promising - but of course, moving from something that resembles the original Quake to the DOOM tech basically means redesigning everything. Not at all, Prey's level designs and gaem design in general will fit right in with dooms engine. by the way, the final version of the faq lists MUCH higher system requirements 0 Share this post Link to post
Lengis Posted April 9, 2002 Zolfien-Toil! said:I think this is full of bs.. why would id liscence there brand new engine to a company they dont even know very well, only the trusted ones such as Raven gets the privlidge of using it. If you dont remember about Prey or never heard of it check the Prey FAQ that hasnt been updated for many years... http://www.3drealms.com/faq/preyfaq12.txt What u just said is bs. id is very familar with 3drealms aka Apogee. Apogee used to publish many games developed by id back in the old days like Commander Keen, and Wolfenstien. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted April 9, 2002 Yes, Scott Miller is directly responsible for Carmack & Co leaving Softdisk publishing to start id Software. And I'm guessing they're still pretty close. But ! You have replied to a thread that had been dormant for two weeks. And thus, thou shalt feel my wrath. Thread closed. 0 Share this post Link to post
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