fiend-o-hell Posted April 4, 2012 Let me know if this version is better... The helmet now has a gradient effect going on and I beat it up a little more. Also I took off those end characters from the title so it can read and contrast better against the rest of the graphic. 0 Share this post Link to post
fiend-o-hell Posted April 6, 2012 Great! Updated the thread's front with the new improved titlepic. On another front, I went ahead and poked those unknown status mappers with a stick (PM'd them) so they can update us on their whereabouts. Should be hearing from them shortly (I hope)! 0 Share this post Link to post
Death Egg Posted April 7, 2012 I'm not sure if I'll continue on my map... it's sitting on my hard drive and is about 5-10% complete, but I kind of ran out of ideas for it. I may get back to work on it though. 0 Share this post Link to post
fiend-o-hell Posted April 8, 2012 Let me guess... Cacophobia. Have to admit I chuckled at the screen shots. The texture combinations are just so... diverse. The architecture looks interesting too. I can't help to admit that I actually want to play this just out of what you have done in the visuals department. 0 Share this post Link to post
Acid Posted April 8, 2012 Hmm, I'm not too good at layouts, so I'll probably post a demo soon and ask for feedback before completely reworking the map. 0 Share this post Link to post
Acid Posted April 8, 2012 Ehh, might as well. Tell me if I'm going overboard :P 0 Share this post Link to post
MajorRawne Posted April 9, 2012 Will comment on peoples' progress shots when I get a chance. Just checking in. Fiend, my Arachnophobia map "Nightmare in Spiderland" is about 60% of the way through its alpha build, but there are a lot of large and highly detailed areas that require a limit removing port. Not too many impressive-looking screenies to be honest, it's not my best-looking map so far due to so many vast open areas. Wish we could have custom monsters tbh, the chaingun spider would have been awesome, and my swamp would look more like a swamp with custom undergrowth, but it looks ok without that stuff. We seriously need the intermission music from Scythe X. EDIT: The map looks like shit, but compare the version from a couple of weeks ago with the new one. I cannot estimate how many hours I have spent on this map. 0 Share this post Link to post
Retog Posted April 10, 2012 MajorRawne said:Will comment on peoples' progress shots when I get a chance. Just checking in. Fiend, my Arachnophobia map "Nightmare in Spiderland" is about 60% of the way through its alpha build, but there are a lot of large and highly detailed areas that require a limit removing port. Not too many impressive-looking screenies to be honest, it's not my best-looking map so far due to so many vast open areas. Wish we could have custom monsters tbh, the chaingun spider would have been awesome, and my swamp would look more like a swamp with custom undergrowth, but it looks ok without that stuff. We seriously need the intermission music from Scythe X. EDIT: The map looks like shit, but compare the version from a couple of weeks ago with the new one. I cannot estimate how many hours I have spent on this map. Looks cool!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Acid Posted April 10, 2012 Retog said:Looks cool!!! Did you really have to quote all the images to add two words? :P 0 Share this post Link to post
fiend-o-hell Posted April 10, 2012 @BloodyAcid: I'm not gonna say mixing a ton of differing textures together can't be made to look plausible in some way, but that last shot you present just seems underdeveloped. Try playing around more with placing separate obstructions of differing texture types in foreground/background placements to improve transitions. Use lighting to your advantage by downplaying or emphasizing certain textures and to better blend them together. Create crevices or height variations in the ground to separate the flat transitions. In the walls create tunnels or windows to add more variation to the space. I think the point I'm trying to get across is to transition your textures better in order to achieve a more pleasant kinda of ugly ;). @MajorRawn: This really looks great! I especially like that room's detailing and that awesome looking road. Can't wait to have a go at it! 0 Share this post Link to post
MajorRawne Posted April 10, 2012 Thanks chaps, I was so pleased with your comments I've added a nightmarish cavern called the Cavern of Dreams. By the way, "the road to heaven" is the name given to the road leading to a prison camp which IIRC correctly dates from WW2. While it might seem tasteless to use it in this game, I was so touched by its simple poignancy I had to use it somewhere. 0 Share this post Link to post
Retog Posted April 10, 2012 BloodyAcid said:Did you really have to quote all the images to add two words? :P I forgot to delete the pictures before I posted. Sorry about that haha. 0 Share this post Link to post
MajorRawne Posted April 10, 2012 Bagsy the fear of meat map. This will mean three maps in a row will be mine - can we space my contributions out a bit? 0 Share this post Link to post
Acid Posted April 10, 2012 Here's an updated shot :D Total progress: 20% ish 0 Share this post Link to post
fiend-o-hell Posted April 11, 2012 @MajorRawn: Oky'doke. I'll give you Carno and move slots around to better distribute maps that carry your namesake. @BloodyAcid: Looking better! Keep it up! I like where you are going with the idea of using side pillar thingy's to break up the monotony of a single dominate texture. Also switching over to a more consistent, repeating texture set helps make things seem more seemly than they really are. 0 Share this post Link to post
MajorRawne Posted April 11, 2012 BloodyAcid: Looking better mate. :) Fiend: I asked to switch map slots before I played the carnophobia map. It's extremely difficult and might put people off if it was only map 2; also, the start area alone (which I've just added) probably makes this more suited towards a hell episode, so maybe something like map 20-21. Just to be clear, these are my maps in order of hardness, with "easiest" first: * Hydrophobia * Arachnophobia (toned this down a bit since it's only map 7) * Agoraphobia * Map 29 yet to be started (my plan was a fast paced, cathartic blast through hell, but since Carnophobia is so hard, I'll have to ramp things up a bit) * Carnophobia EDIT: Map 29 is now DEMENTOPHOBIA, the fear of insanity or going insane. (Chose the new map theme just for the name alone) 0 Share this post Link to post
Acid Posted April 11, 2012 Haha, Carnophobia was the hardest. That map was started from too long ago, and I've (somewhat/barely) improved on my layouting skills :P 0 Share this post Link to post
fiend-o-hell Posted April 12, 2012 @Major: Updated the slots to better reflect the level of difficulty of your levels. On another note, man I really got to start my other PANO map- Batophobia (fear of tall buildings)- one of these day. I've had this idea about climbing & climbing a hellish like skyscraper for the longest time now. 0 Share this post Link to post
MajorRawne Posted May 23, 2012 Hi everyone, I am working on converting a very old base style map called FEAR.WAD into a modern version with more rooms, better traps, more routes and more details, in a similar vein to the 1994 TUNE UP megawad. The updated map's official title is "THE HOUSE THAT FEAR BUILT", and the .wad file is called RAWNFEAR. Not only is this an update of an ancient map, it also contains a few mods to the original Doom maps, no copies or anything, just a few visual reminders. Unfortunately I cannot find a phobia name for "fear of the past". That's ironic, because I think I've got that phobia ;) After reading the amazing Masters of Doom, I realise my mapping style would have been rejected by id Software for being too "realistic"/mundane as opposed to being abstract and fast-paced, so rather than go the way of Mr Hall, I am trying to retain the original flavour without bogging down on making recognisable rooms. ORIGINAL OPENING ROOM MY OPENING ROOM NEW COMPUTER ROOM (with a section inspired by Computer Station E1M7, not shown) 0 Share this post Link to post
fiend-o-hell Posted May 23, 2012 I havn't read MoD myself, but judging from your brief statement of it, I'd say the word 'abstract' describes Doom in a lot of ways- not the least of which is the level design- so I'm not surprised that id would enforce this abstraction law for all their maps. I was a little confused Major; is this a NEW map or is from the set you already proposed. Try finishing up the previous maps or at least get them to a playable alpha stage before moving on. I want to stress quality over quantity here- so If you can- try adapting this new maps to one of your previous slots. Also, are you working off of a base for this? This is ok, but do check the mod permissions for the map and make sure to pm me the map and readme file. The level itself looks a little on the conventional side, so it'd be interesting to see what you do to it. 0 Share this post Link to post
MajorRawne Posted May 23, 2012 Fiend - I agree, I am overcommitted with maps for this project and if my current job carries on with these ridiculous shifts (the days are not longer than usual, just awkward hours) I cannot fulfil all my commitments to Doom and other things. So I'm looking for a new job, again. I took this new map on to try a few ideas out and see if I can re-build an existing map quickly. Permission is given in the original text file. My water-themed map is basically ready for an alpha playthrough, so give me a few days for that. EDIT: Here is the "colour text" (background story) for "The House that Fear Built" aka RAWNFEAR.WAD. You find yourself being dragged back... back... into a past that you've spent your whole life running from. The echoing torment of lost love; the pain of a mis-spent youth; all the failures you can never change. It's all here, waiting for you. Your mental discipline, provided courtesy of the United Earth Colonial Force through weeks of training and hypnosis, simply does not seem to help as you are dragged down into the icy waters of your mind. You pick yourself up and draw your pistol as the man walks towards you... a grotesque distortion of a human being, leaking blood through his leering mouth. There is something wrong with his eyes. Something terrible is going to happen. You blow the man's head to pieces with a couple of well-placed shots. Whatever else is wrong, you've still got your skills. Hoots and howls echo along miles of corridor, through rooms that have sat, dark and brooding, for all these years, waiting for you to return; waiting for you to give meaning to their empty existence. As you look around, you realise that you've been here before. Claustrophobia squeezes your heart. Blood doesn't seem to be reaching your brain. You grey out and feel dizzy before you realise you aren't dying. What's happening to you is mental, not physical. You are remembering. Bitterly, you reload your pistol, cursing all those times you said you wished you could change the past, to live it again knowing what you know now. Something out there in the darkness was listening to your wishes, and has decided to grant them. You've been here before. The place looks different somehow. Its sense of grim, hopeless menace has increased. The emotions infused in this place - given strength and substance by your own emotions - have gestated and finally matured, and now this place has brought you back, to show you what it has become. This place existed before you, yet it remembers nothing before the brutality you brought here all those years ago. It sees you almost as a child sees its parent, but there is no love here. Love is gone; love is dead. There is only malevolent pride. This place is going to crush you and rejoice in your death, even though your death will condemn it to an eternity of nothingness. You are tied to this place by the memories you tried to suppress. Go, now, into the rooms. Slaughter everything that moves. These are not people. These are not demons. They are fragments of memory from a time when you hated yourself. Every sound leaves echoes. Silence those echoes, and be complete. Fight your growing horror. Hold on to who you are and there is a chance that you might make it - you just might! Fight for your future, that you might be free at last. 0 Share this post Link to post
fiend-o-hell Posted May 25, 2012 Wow, if that was supposed to get me pumped up to play your wad, well it worked Mr. I wouldn't mind reading one of yours books one of these days haha! 0 Share this post Link to post
MajorRawne Posted May 25, 2012 Thanks! This is off topic, but if you want to know what else is keeping me occupied, here's a taster of something I'm working on for the Black Library. (I'll need to take this down fairly quickly, so let me know what you think!) “Now, Arch-Magos! Fire the Bastard Cannon!” Reactors whined as they built up a charge. The whine became a scream and the scream climbed almost beyond the threshold of human hearing. The Leviathan began to lurch so badly, the Lord Militant General thought it and everything within would fly apart. One of the officers was yelling, but Abastus couldn’t hear what the man said, and couldn’t take his eyes from the sight of the approaching brood of Titans. Someone started screaming as if in terror. “For the Omnissiah and all Mankind!” Arch-Magos Valus shouted. The Emperor’s Wrath bucked like a quadruped throwing its rider. Nearly everyone on board was thrown to the floor, many badly injured by the fall, though no-one was killed. The Bastard Cannon’s gaping maw began to draw in matter as it charged. The sparkling dance of firelight became a swirling hurricane trapped in place, harnessed by the mightiest of human technology. Static charge built up for half a kilometre from the Cannon, frazzling equipment and causing hair to stand on end in ridiculous fashion. The enemy Titans were closing. They had detected the build-up of energy and were headed straight for the Wrath, weapons already tracking towards the Leviathan. Then the Emperor’s Wrath opened fire. The end of the world had come, and it was heading straight for the leading Titan. Bolt after bolt of sun-bright energy blasted out of the Bastard Cannon’s maw, each bolt longer than the Leviathan was tall. Silence came with each burst of fire as the bolts seemed to suck more than just oxygen into themselves. Men on the ground screamed and rolled as their armour and equipment burst into flames. Almost the entire Chaotic horde flung itself into the dirt as the Emperor’s thunderbolts passed above them. The renegade Titans had no such capability. Shot after shot punched into the Titan with the crocodile’s head. So mighty were the impacts that the Titan went down like a man caught in the barrage of an assault cannon. Some of the bolts which had hit the Titan slashed straight through and out the other side, continuing on towards the Plague God’s siege towers and the blighted city beyond. Even as the Titan hit the ground, its reactor was going critical. Ammo stocks were exploding throughout its frame. When the reactor finally breached – a matter of seconds – a new star seemed to have landed on the planet. The explosion erupted in multiple detonations as the reaction fed itself upon the tanks and siege guns caught within its radius. A mushroom cloud seemed to pull itself into the night sky where stars burned and starships duelled; on earth, so in heaven, the war was fought with weapons of incalculable power. Two of the oncoming siege towers were blasted apart, the detonations so ferocious that shrapnel beheaded unlucky warriors five kilometres from the blast point. Still – still – some of the Bastard Cannon’s firepower travelled onwards into the enemy-held capital. Buildings erupted or simply melted. Whole streets were incinerated. Dug-in troops were engulfed as rapidly as those in the open, for there was nowhere to hide from the Emperor’s judgement. No sound was audible through any of this. There was simply no way for any living being to process it. Neither man nor alien could make sense of the destruction, even as the Titan fell and the city was destroyed in a spreading ripple of fire. The expanding wave of plasma which burst from the downed Titan swept across its two brothers, collapsing shields and blackening armour. Heraldry which had hung from gun-arms since the Siege of Terra burned up and flaked away. Followers of the Dark Gods, some newly converted, some ancient and maleficent, most simply too terrified to live any other way, were incinerated in their hundreds. Tanks melted or burst as their ammunition cooked off. Space Marines who had been young when their Primarchs were still loyal were torn apart or grievously wounded, barely sustained by their power armour. Sound gradually returned through the long seconds that followed. Those who had not been permanently deafened heard the crackling of flames, the clapping of distant destruction as the city fell down. Then the screaming started, accompanied by the groans of those who were semi-conscious or too wounded to cry out. Abastus gaped at the destruction his order had wrought. An army was on its face before him, its figureheads battered or destroyed, its base collapsed. Only small knots of Space Marines and their capering daemonic allies continued to fight. In the distance, waves of fire continued to spread as the city just kept falling. “Holy shit,” said the Lord Militant General. 0 Share this post Link to post
MajorRawne Posted May 25, 2012 New in-editor shot of The House That Fear Built (fear of the past). Area under construction. 0 Share this post Link to post
fiend-o-hell Posted May 28, 2012 Again, nice read Major. You really have a knack for writing and I would encourage you to peruse a career in writing if you aren't doing so already of course. I read a good chunk of the black library back when I was fervently into DoW and 40k. I can't say I can count Dan Abnett's Titan amongst them, so I really don't know much about those ultimate 40k war machines, but your short story provides a bit of insight into what they are capable of. As for your map, glad to see things are progressing! 0 Share this post Link to post
Acid Posted May 30, 2012 Sorry, I'll be taking a leave for the next three or four weeks. Gotta concentrate on my finals 0 Share this post Link to post
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