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Moments of Doom! - Book now in development!!!

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Vermil said:

Somewhat OT: Does ZDoom have a camera mode where the player is just a camera with no hud weapon or hud?


Here's a few console commands:
r_drawplayersprites 0 -- stops drawing HUD sprites (weapons, but also stuff like the targeter in Strife)
screenblocks 12 -- full screen view without HUD
crosshair 0 -- disables crosshairs if using any
show_messages 0 -- disables messages

Here's something you can put in your ZDoom autoexec.cfg:

alias	savescrn	"set ep_screenblocks $screenblocks; set ep_crosshair $crosshair; set ep_show_messages $show_messages"
alias	cleansrn	"savescrn;hidescrn;wait;screenshot;wait;resetsrn"
alias	hidescrn	"r_drawplayersprites 0;screenblocks 12;crosshair 0;show_messages 0"
alias	resetsrn	"r_drawplayersprites 1;crosshair $ep_crosshair;screenblocks $ep_screenblocks;show_messages $ep_show_messages"
Then you just need to bind a key to cleansrn and it'll make clean screenshots before resetting your HUD settings to what they were.

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This is actually an old one that I did a while ago (Plutonia MAP32):

(full size)

Question: You obviously want high resolution screen shots. I assume this means that eg. Chocolate Doom screenshots aren't allowed?

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Vermil said:

Somewhat OT: Does ZDoom have a camera mode where the player is just a camera with no hud weapon or hud?

take all


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@fraggle - Depending on the actual shot. The minimum resolution is just to make sure that the printing quality is fine. If you do a screenshot in chocolate or vanilla with only 320x200 because you want to show off how big pixels have been in the 90's, feel free to do it. But if you want to show off a certain map or project, please stick to the minimum resolution.

BTW, please remove the weapon from the shot, and add a small description letting us know what we see and which map that is, that will keep the whole thing interesting later :)

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Here are redone images of INVADE2 and HELL2PAY.

Here is a shot of the final area from Lainos's Object "34": Sonar, a vast underwater trench with bio-luminescent fauna that features a new boss brain, a creepy cave, and the ruins of a sunken city.

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Plutonia 2 Map10

I was really amazed when you hit the switch to lower the floor. It gives you the illusion that the spaceship is rising and about to take off.

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@kmxexii - Thanks, much better :)

@Ed - Oh yes, I can remind myself as well how amazing this has been. Some of that tricks have been brilliant, I always asked my self "How the hell did he do that?"

@PeachFreak - Please read the rules, no SBAR, no HUD, no WEAPON.

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peach freak said:

There, fixed it. Is what most people do just take a screenshot in th midst of a weapon change?


Enter the following in the console.

printz said:

take all



Enter 'Makecam 0' (1 will turn it off) in the console.

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peach freak said:

There, fixed it. Is what most people do just take a screenshot in th midst of a weapon change?

Don't know about other posters, but I hid my weapons exactly your way.

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Another way to hide weapons is to set your starting health to zero with dehacked. That way you can wander around the map without waking the monsters. That may or may not be desirable, of course.

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peach freak said:

There, fixed it. Is what most people do just take a screenshot in th midst of a weapon change?

Thanks again, but there is still a problem: The resolution. It should be a least 1024 x 768 - this has something to do with the printing quality. Would you mind adjusting it again? Sorry for bothering, but sometimes life's easier if you read the rules ;)

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Ultimate Star Wars Doom by Matt Falk (levels & textures), Mike Caithness (sprites), David Biggs (compilation) et al.

A mod from 1995 that with a simple Dehacked modification really feels like blasting your way through Imperial installations and not just Doom. The pictured level was made in 1994, uses only Doom textures, but the layout manages to look very non-orthogonal and Star Wars-y.

Note: image is a link (large thumbnail) to a 1280x1024 image.

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The stone doesn't seem too much stars wars tech like though, they could've used the flat texture CEIL5_1 for the flooring as it is the closest looking texture to the black metal flooring used in the empires installations/deathstar/capital ships.

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Avoozl said:

The stone doesn't seem too much stars wars tech like though, they could've used the flat texture CEIL5_1 for the flooring

If you mean the nearby CEIL texture, well to me it still looks like plastic rather than brick.

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scallianos Threshold Of Pain

he inspired me to make my own 15-level wad, not enough is done to make a thread though even if a year has passed since i started
this wad of scallianos, is fucking amazing

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Feel free to also post screenshots of cool and great maps in general btw, also other stuff like (in)famous editing shots, editors, tools or whatever. It's totally up to you how this is ending.

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Please keep em coming... I don't have even nealy enough shots to fill the book.

Maybe also take a look through the Cacowards or stuff like that to get an idea. Also historical shots from Doom (or precedessors, alphas, whatever) is highly welcome.

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