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Odamex Saturday Nitro #25 - Staph1 FFA

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Odamex Nitro would like to dedicate this session to one of the lead developers, Dr_Sean. He showed up from nowhere about a year ago and started fixing Odamex bugs like a madman. Before he became a full-time Odamex developer, he and some of his work buddies worked on a 6-map deathmatch set called staph1.wad. It may only be 6 maps, but these 6 maps are fantastic for large or small games, and do not get old fast being rotated. Thanks for all your hard work Sean.

WAD: Staph1
Maps: 6 (map01-06)
Mode: 10 player FFA
Fraglimit: 100
Server: CoffeeNet - DTX1 & MWI1
Date: Saturday, February 11th 2012 @ 8pm EDT

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This mapset really is fantastic, gives off a great oldschool vibe with newschool polish. Can't wait to catch it this weekend.

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staph1 is one of my favorite "oldschool" mapsets and takes me back to the late 90s/early 00s when everybody was churning out original map sets to play on csdoom and early ZDaemon. One of my absolute favorite releases from last year. I will definitely be there

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