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Miscellaneous demos (part 2) [please post in part 3 instead]

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Welcome to the Miscellaneous Demos thread!

This thread is the place to post your demos on maps and wads that haven't so far attracted a great deal of attention from the demos community.

If your demo fits into a pre-existing thread, then it is better to post it there. Megawads and episodes, for example, usually get their own threads.

Note also that this thread is for unassisted (non-TAS) demos. There is also a thread in this forum for Miscellaneous TAS demos.

If you're looking for older miscellaneous demos, check out part 1 of this multi-thread.

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I hope you won't kill me for noticing one leftover struggler - an imp in bridge section. I'll try and see if I can get anything faster nevertheless... sometime.

Uhhh and is a new thread actually necessary? The post that was problematic to move ended up being moved after all anyway, or am I missing something?

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Oh I noticed their might be an Imp there but I didn't care since the map can't be legimately maxed with Cybs in the cages and no secret.

You need to play more aggressively like rushing into Mancs near end like I did and such.

Also the amount of times I fell into pits was hilarious, to be fair your demo annoyed me since you were too defensive but that's just me :) Go Rambo and hope you survive.

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NJDOOM1 E1M8 Demon Pit "UV Max" in 1:53
This one is debatable, you can't kill all the demons in the death exit room, so I would class them as optional kills. Also only 2 out of 6 secrets are possible unless I've missed something. Feel free to point it out if I have.
The number at the end represents the percentage kills.

n1j8-153 (61).zip

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Base32 by Caleb "Radromity" Sizemore

UV Pacifist in 0:22

Exploiting a major map error. Probably can be done in something like 0:10 if you can run quickly around the demons and get straight to the exit.


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NoobBait said:

No punching needed if you telefrag them :)

You could've posted that a little bit sooner, ya know. :p

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j4rio said:

You could've posted that a little bit sooner, ya know. :p

I thought maybe you just liked punching them :D

Memfis said:

E4M1 UV-Max in 1:25

I love this wad, awesome to see new stuff on it.

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No probs on that memfis
I would have done this last night but it was too late, anyway heres a pacifist for the same map in 0:20

Also great work on DOT Map07, J4rio that was just plain mental


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Something interesting I found in my demo folder: ten uv-maxes for Ultimate Simplicity recorded with ZDoom 2.1.7 on 26-27 April 2011. I think I decided to use such an outdated engine because I thought that this wad is not fully compatible with ZDoom 2.5.0. IIRC, later it turned out that I was wrong... Or maybe not, I don't remember...

1      Aegis Power Plant         1:45

10     Power Core                6:11 
11     Refinery                  3:19
12     Courtyard of Ruin         4:06
13     Abandoned Mine Shaft      2:52
14     The Wastelands            5:10

X01    Delirium                  1:18
X02    Aegis Power Plant         1:26
X03    Waste Processing          2:03
X07    Twisted Way               2:29  


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