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Doomsday 1.9.7 released

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After 7 years of development, a new stable version of the Doomsday Engine has been released. Some of the changes/new features are:

  • New supported operating systems
  • Working multiplayer
  • HacX and Chex Quest support
  • Fmod support
  • Hot-swapping between supported games
Download it for your chosen OS here, and check the release notes here.

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KuriKai said:

  • Fmod support

  • Wasn't Doomsday GPL? Oh nevermind. I suppose it's a separate package plug in?

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    I don’t understand how to compile it in Linux. The README files are nearly empty, and the documentation in the wiki is not very clear.

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    entryway said:

    Yes, there is a bug with the sky in HUGE areas in 1.9.7. Another example, I am aware of is Whitemare Map15.

    Deng team didn't get around to fixing it before release.

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    well, it looks pretty good compared to 1.8.whatever.
    Now I just need to figure out how to compile vanilla ACS scripts, since I still haven't managed to do that ever since I got Windows 7 x64.

    EDIT. what is the DDay team's position on ACS btw? Are you sticking with vanilla? If so, it might be in your interest (as well as mine of course) to make a new ACC for modern systems that is specific for Vanilla ACS.

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    You can use Randy's ACC with /h to produce backward compatible bytecode.

    Actually, your best bet is to use it from within SLADE 3. Then just click on the compiled BEHAVIOR lump to see if its type changed from "Compiled ACS (Hexen)" to "Compiled ACS (ZDoom)" or "Compiled ACS (Enhanced)".

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    We've been through this already. It doesn't work. It outputs as another format than regular ZDoom, but it's not outputting as Hexen/Vanilla. It outputs as "Enhanced". And neither Vanilla nor Doomsday accepts that.

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    kristus said:

    Wasn't Doomsday GPL? Oh nevermind. I suppose it's a separate package plug in?


    entryway said:

    7 fps on epic.wad map05 (with all effects disabled) and HOMed sky

    Renderer performance was never the focus of this release. We accept this is an issue on large/complex maps and intend to address it with a complete renderer rewrite.

    I'll see what the issue is with the sky...

    kristus said:

    EDIT. what is the DDay team's position on ACS btw? Are you sticking with vanilla?

    We plan to dynamically translate Hexen's bytecode into new Doomsday Script source files and then relegate ACS to a translator plugin.

    Gez said:

    Randy's ACC with /h to produce backward compatible bytecode

    As kristus says, it doesn't work. I can vouch for that.

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    DaniJ said:

    We plan to dynamically translate Hexen's bytecode into new Doomsday Script source files and then relegate ACS to a translator plugin.

    What does that mean?

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    It means that initially at least, we won't be implementing support for any of ZDoom's extended ACS functionality. That will come later when we get around it.

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    Graf Zahl said:

    On what hardware?

    DualCore Intel Pentium E5200, 2533 MHz
    NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT

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    I had noticeable slowdown on my own maps with this as well actually. The lowest drop I got was 10fps, which happened when there were a throng of Afrits in my view.

    My system is:
    ATI Radeon 5970
    Asus Crosshair IV Formula
    AMD Phenom II x6 1055T 2.8ghz
    Windows 7 x64
    8gb ram.

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    DaniJ said:

    We plan to dynamically translate Hexen's bytecode into new Doomsday Script source files and then relegate ACS to a translator plugin.

    Awesome! Does this mean it will be possible to make mods with custom content like in Eternity?

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    Not sure what you mean by that. But I am pretty sure that has been possible for a long time.

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    Indeed, Doomsday has had map modding and custom content creation features almost since inception.

    It's just that in most cases, they aren't as powerful as other major ports today.

    Though a couple of small, but important components, of Doomsday's XG have been, and are, somewhat broken for near the entire 1.9 series, due to the vast ammount of and ongoing rewritting and because Doomsday Script will superseed.

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    entryway said:

    epic.wad map05 HOMed sky

    A temporary workaround for this map is to enable rend-dev-sky-always 1 via the console. This will disable the use of GL depth stencilling for masking the sky geometry and the sky will always be drawn (even if its not in view).

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    DaniJ said:

    As kristus says, it doesn't work. I can vouch for that.

    To avoid hijacking this thread, I continued this elsewhere.

    jHeretic does not seem to support self-referencing sectors. Curse of D'Sparil E3M1 suffers from this, as reported by theleo_ua.

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    As as been stated over the years, support for all rendering hacks was removed in the 1.9 betas.

    Support hasn't been re-instated yet.

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    I get this error when I try to start one of my maps in Doomsday:

    P_CreateTIDList: MAX_TID_COUNT (200) exceeded.

    It refers to too many things have been given a tag. This is an old Hexen limit and honestly I am surprised to see it left in in something like Doomsday.

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    • 2 weeks later...
    printz said:

    Oh no, does FMOD mean that sounds will be limited like in ZDoom? :(

    What do you mean?

    Doomsday has several audio plugins, not just FMOD; have a look under the sound menu in Snowberry.

    Dday 1.8.6 also used FMOD, on Windows. However it was removed for a while during the rewrite.

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    Vermil said:

    What do you mean?

    I mean that you can't play more than several instances of the same sound in ZDoom, which makes it feel like Windows UI theme sounds, rather than Doom. Doom is a game often with overpopulation, it's natural for it to be noisy too (and I know why ZDoom chose to have limited sounds, they were technical reasons due to how its fmod works). Does Doomsday act the same now?

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    Doomsday makes no special effort to prevent cacophony, the only limiting factor is the number of available virtual sound channels on the host system (and chosen audio driver plugin). In addition to this is a logic which stops multiple sounds being emitted from a single mobj at the same time (this behavior is user-optional with cvar sound-overlap-stop).

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    DaniJ said:

    In addition to this is a logic which stops multiple sounds being emitted from a single mobj at the same time

    That's how vanilla (the true) Doom acts, right?

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    printz said:

    That's how vanilla (the true) Doom acts, right?


    Though DaniJ made a slight mistake. That feature isn't in 1.9.7 ('stable' build 425), but rather was added in 'unstable' (a.k.a svn release) build 430.


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