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Really old DOOM web sites.

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Do any really old, abandoned DOOM web sites still exist? Maybe some of the first to feature news, or reviews of custom WADs. If they don't exist any more, what happened to them?


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This is actually a mirror (originally it was on an .edu site):
Anyway, it's one of the earliest "big" Doom Internet websites that I found in 1995 (I mean other than FTP sites like ftp.cdrom.com and a few Usenet newsgroups).

This one is still at the same location as always:

Most geocities sites are gone, but some have been mirrored, for example:

Much newer (late 90's), but very good PWAD reviews:

Predates source ports:

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There's this very well known doomer who mirrored the first webpage that he saw back in the 90's. It is (or was?) one of the oldest surviving pages as of a few years ago, but I can't for the love of me remember his name, let alone the name of the author, though I remember the page actually showing a tiled background, so it was ancient but probably not like 1993-ancient.

Any ideas?

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Urchlay said:

Was source to this ever available?

Not so far as I know, it was shareware. I have the distribution files if anyone's interested.

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GreyGhost said:

I have the distribution files if anyone's interested.

I found a pfme.zip you posted to an old thread. The binary is so old, it's not even ELF. I may try to install Slackware 1.0 in a VM and see if it runs...

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Doomworld sprang forth from three other websites, among which Linguica's Functional Entropy and my own Mordeth site. The latter one is still available, and still contains all the pre-Doomworld general Doom news updates in the archives. This dates back to August 1997.

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Uh... Doomworld?

This site has been around for, what, 14 years now? 3 different decades? Just go to the main page and look at the projects section... it's a goddamn time capsule.

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kmxexii said:


I still miss those guys... they've designed the best looking flamethrower I have ever seen in a Doom wad.

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I remember visiting a webpage for Doom way back then that i can't recall. It had a ton of wad links with short reviews alongside them. I think the site background used the green vine texture (maybe?) from the game. After links started dying on the site i stopped going there, then the site's name domain faded into into the back of my mind. I wouldn't mind seeing it again for nostalgia's sake.

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No, Doomworld. You ARE the demons.

And then Doomworld was a really old DOOM web site.

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Doom Depot. Though I can't say it's that old, it was really good. Went down unfortunately.

R.I.P. Doom Depot

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hex11 said:

And I guess this is the salvaged Mr. Doom website:

exactly this one. it was the first i thought of when i saw this thread. i found several classic DM wads via that site, good to see it's still around.

some technical info here: http://www.trilobite.org/doom/doom_metrics.html

then, the already mentioned doom underground, which introduced me to some classic megawads like hr, requiem or mm2. i remember browsing that site, reading the review of hell revealed and wondering if it's really that hard.

speaking of hell revealed... yonatan's site, pretty old and abandoned.

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Triple_sSs said:

I remember OldDoom, it was a pretty cool older site I think. Too bad it shut down a while back.

There's a mirror of the site here if you're interested.

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