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Klooni - Doom remade on an advanced Wolf3D engine

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I just found this awesome "port" of Doom while browsing for Doom videos on youtube.
Basically it is an advanced Wolf3D engine that simulates Doom. As I have read in the readme, the engine is also completely customisable from grounds up, which would interest me as someone who likes to create all kinds of own games on different engines.

I played it for a while and I totally enjoy it. You just have to change the mouse speed the way you are you used to and it pretty much feels like the real doom.

Download: http://www.kfhgames.com/download.php?file=36a894243acef86d3ae0c1eb2fe487fb

This is the video I found:

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I didn't have the patience to watch this for the whole hour it takes, so someone tells me: does he ever stop messing around with the menus and get to shut up and play?

Or maybe it's just a menu simulator and there's no game at all?

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Looks pretty cool as far as Doom in a Wolf3D-like engine goes-- certainly the best I've seen-- but I probably wouldn't have any reason to really sit down and play this. I could probably load up some 1994 wads that look and play pretty similar. If the engine actually had some sort of advantage over Doom (say it could run with lower specs), it might have some sort of real value. Right now it just seems like Doom for people who play Wolfenstein 3D, but don't actually like the real deal.

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EarthQuake said:

I could probably load up some 1994 wads that look and play pretty similar.

There always have been such wads and mods, and, with the exception of Doom II itself, they were never highly regarded, quite the opposite. Of course, it didn't help that WolfenDoom was made by King ReOL, and Auferstehung...well...never mind.

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Gez said:

Hmm...I had a much earlier project in mind, maybe it was not actually called Wolfendoom. The description was more or less "King REoL treats you like dirt while revealing you the secrets"...."wolfenstein-ized a mini episode"... hmm, gotta look in the memory hole ;-)

Edit: here it is:


disregard the idgames datestamp, this thing is at least from 1995 (had it on my Doomania CD and some simtel shareware CDs).

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Gez said:

so someone tells me: does he ever stop messing around with the menus and get to shut up and play?

12 minutes in all I can say is eventually, no and yes.

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Demakes like this are pretty cool when they're done right. This one seems like whomever made it did a really good job because they managed to capture the "Doom" feel with a much more primitive engine. The maker even managed to give the levels themes you'd see in normal Doom 1, like sewer or warehouse, which is pretty neat.

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So it's something that you would get if you took all of the graphics from Doom and replace it's engine with the Wolfenstein 3D engine? Interesting! Maybe I should try it out someday!

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hex11 said:

There doesn't even appear to be any source code for this thing...

The source code I had got from one of the Wolf3d modding sites had that licence with the "educational use only" clause, and definitely no GPL notices at the top of each source file ;)

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I'm not someone who goes chasing after license violations. My POV is more like: no source = non starter. It is of no practical use to me.

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I really like it. It's nice to play a Wolf style game in the Doom universe and it's impressive from a technical point of view.

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Awesome, and even better, that if what the commenter says is true, it requires Doom2.wad to play, so copyright infringement is averted. And like all Wolf3d levels, it has a mysterious feel to it that's impossible to emulate in anything more realistic, such as Doom.

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You know, I could've sworn I've heard about Klooni months ago, but forgot about it until I saw this thread.

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That's because the Doom engine is awesome, king of the FPS games. But translating the game to other engines feels much less satisfying, even with more technically advanced ones like Quake. And Wolf3D engine feels ridiculously rigid and sluggish for someone used to Doom. I'm talking about the player movement and controls, but even the level design limitations get old very quickly. I tried to play some of the original mission Wolfendoom stuff and just couldn't finish. But some of the other Wolf3D-inspired maps that actually used height variations with a touch of Wolf3D were pretty cool, like this one for example:

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rf` said:

I've yet to see Doom in Rise of the Triad. (We've seen vice-versa and it was AWESOME.)

The only problem would be rigging the engine so that you can hold the amount of weapons you can hold in Doom and trying to add ammo pickups, because IIRC, there's no ammo pickups in Rise of the Triad.

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hex11 said:

And Wolf3D engine feels ridiculously rigid and sluggish for someone used to Doom. I'm talking about the player movement and controls, but even the level design limitations get old very quickly.

Klooni actually supports WASD movement and thus makes it feel pretty close to doom in my opinion.
But you are right, the original controls of Wolf3D are super clumsy.

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You don't need WASD in Wolf3d. Just use the mouse, and only the mouse. But make sure it's sensitive enough...

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Heh, I don't even own a mouse. Doom plays excellent without it, and even Quake manages passably (no DM though, too much rocket-jumping).

It's ironic that an older game needs mouse more than Quake.

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You can die much easier in Klooni, and there is less health sprouted around as well.

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Mr. Chris said:

You can die much easier in Klooni, and there is less health sprouted around as well.

So it's more like Wolf3D than Doom then. :P

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