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Big Doom fan

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I have been a Doom fan since 1995. When my brother first bought Doom, I didn't like it much because it was different. But after seeing him play it for a while, I saw how good it is.
My brother and I both first bought Doom for the Genesis 32X. Yes it is missing many levels but it's still awesome. The second version of Doom that I bought is for the Sony Playstation. The PS1 Doom included both the original Doom and Doom II. That was especially awesome.
Doom II is my favorite and when I bought a PC in 1999, I bought Doom II for it. I bought the original Doom for my PC in 2000. I also bought Wolfenstein for my PC the same day that I bought Doom. Wolfenstein is a great game but Doom is better.
After buying an Atari Jaguar dirt cheap at KB Toys, I bought Doom for it on Ebay. It is great except that it has no music. I prefer the Jaguar Doom to the 32X version because it has at least 7 or 8 more levels than the 32X has.
My least favorite version of Doom is the one for the Super Nintendo. My brother bought the SNES Doom for $65 when it first came out. But I waited until it was lowered to $20 before I bought it. The controls are bad. Playing the SNES version irritates me.
After playing Doom and Doom II, I bought several other First Person shooters. I hoped that they would be Doom equals but I was wrong. The Doom games are my all time favorite games.

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The SNES Doom port was pretty awful. Although I had seen others play Doom on the computer a couple times, I didn't get into the series until I rented a Playstation when it first came out in 1995. When I played Doom on that, I was floored by the graphics and atmosphere. Death match gave me countless hours of fun with my friends, and I even made a 50-foot link cable so we could play in different rooms of the house.

I remember later getting the computer versions, but not liking them as much because of the mood-killing midi rock music. It just seemed so inappropriate to me after playing with the dark and creepy tone set in the PSX versions. I've read the reverse happens with those that started with the computer versions, where they generally prefer the midi rock music.

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SNES Doom was pretty cool from a technical standpoint. It's really pretty remarkable that they were able to squeeze the game to fit on that system anyway, though of course if you do a face-value comparison the SNES version will come up short to the original or pretty much any other port.

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I remember buying Doom SNES used when I couldn't get my PC to play the shareware's audio correctly (I believe Doom 2 worked correctly). The fact you couldn't just to a episode at an entry skill level angered me.

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I started with Doom under DOS and prefer the original music, but there's really something to be said for the atmosphere in the Playstation port. I really wish they'd been able to fit more sounds in, as playing with the PSX port's alternate sounds gets too monotonous too quickly, and some of the switching around of the monster sounds can be annoying. There was something kind of magical in whatever concoction of reverb filters and such that they used, though. Maybe an alternate version of Perkristian's sound pack is in order to properly achieve what PSX doom set out to do? :p

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esselfortium said:


It's funny because it's true, also I'd imagine an enormous fan like this to go like "doom-doom-doom-doom"... you know? the sound it makes? yeah? Okay, I'll shadapp-a

anyway, rjohnson1971, welcome home! from the funny number in your nick I deduce you're one of the genuine doom old timers, someone who understands that doom is about memories, adventrue, exploration and NOT ABOUT SLAUGHTER MAPS.

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While we're at Doom console music: I'm still having pipe dreams about making a new Doom 3 mission pack with classic Doom gameplay and architecture, and background music taken from PSX Doom (the "In Hell" mission pack being the inspiration)...

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I really like the sophisticated feel that Doom 64 has. I think it's a port unlike any other.

It's definitely a port unlike any other, since it's not a port.

Anyway, you may not be able to save in SNES Doom. But have you tried the "restart level" option or tried getting killed and restarting the map? You start the level with pretty much everything you had when you entered that map initially. But it resets the health to 100, which is generally good, and the armor to 0, which is not so much.

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Yeah Doom64 was technically a sequal to Final Doom on the PSX. It holds a special place for me in that I lived near where the crew worked on the game. During the release launch, they held a preview/contest in six locations around the country. One of the locations was at a local bar & grill I would frequent a lot. They had about 25 monitors hooked up around the main dining area, each with an N64 running Doom64. They also had a giant Doom64 box display about 5-feet long set up. I eyeballed that and wanted it immediately.

Anyway, the first challenge was a speed run of the first stage. I smoked everyone easily as the other participants were casual players, while I was a competitive gamer (I won the Blockbuster World Video Game Championship II contest in my area just a couple years prior, but lost on the random drawing to go to the finals). I was given a Doom64 exclusive T-shirt (which I still have).

For the next contest, they brought a memory card around to each console and loaded up 'The Spiral' on 'Watch Me Die!' mode with default ammo. They had us all start the stage and announced the last one still alive wins the contest. It wasn't but a few minutes later while I was strafe-firing rockets into a Mancubus that they informed me everyone else was fragged. They didn't know what to give me for the 2nd prize, so I pointed to the display box and said "I'll gladly take that". The tournament director gave me the thumbs up, so I made haste for the exit with the box :) Sure enough, some of the crew stopped me at the door thinking I was stealing it. They were a little dumbfounded when the TD told them it was okay for me to take it. Needless to say, I quickly loaded it into my car before they changed their minds :D I still have the box to this day as well, but it's been faded in a couple spots by ultraviolet light damage (bummer).

Aside from all that, it is my favorite of the Doom series for any platform. I know it's hit-or-miss for other folks, but I took to it immediately and have a lot of fond memories, including winning a world-wide contest for the fastest finish of Hectic on Watch Me Die mode with default ammo. Later on my record got beat by a few seconds, but winning the initial contest was sweet victory.

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