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Requiem 2

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I recently spoke with some members of the previous 1997 "Requiem" Mega Wad and got permission to design and open a database for a sequel. It's an idea and if I can get enough applicants then I might be able to work something out.

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Right on, I figure if I can get ten people to design a level or two using some new textures that resemble the old Requiems and/ or even some of the old Requiems we could probably spit this thing out within 3 months or so and have one helluva sequel. Although, I doubt I will get many more. However, if I do not get a few more people here and there I will post this in the General section to get a little more attention or even send in some news on it. I'm sure they'd post something about it; the old Mega Wad is a legend. I'll leak this out to a few places and I can almost guarantee it would take off within a month or two.

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If it all goes ahead, I'd be happy to do a few maps for it, although I'm not sure how many, since I'm already trying to do 3 projects at once :/

Should be at least 3, maybe up to 7 or 8.

Oh and I doubt it will be finished in 3 months time, especially if you want it to be as good (or better) than the original...

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Erm, who exactly did you talk to? Because you didn't talk to me and I don't think you talked to Adel, and we were the two who mainly got the thing released. I certainly don't think you talked to the original moderator, whose name i've unfortunately forgotten, because he disappeared entirely about five years ago. And I doubt you talked to Iikka, who made a lot of the textures. So I really don't think you've talked to anyone in a position to give you 'permission' to do jack shit, to be frank :). As an original level author and one of the people who actually worked on pulling the thing together and getting it released, I don't think I agree with the idea of a Requiem 2. I just don't think there'd any continuity. You wouldn't be able to get many/any of the original designers, the project lead wouldn't be the same, I highly doubt you'd get permission to use the textures, and you can't really design on a Requiem 'theme' because there wasn't one, it's just a set of random levels really. All this leaves is a semi-popular 'brand name' which you'd pretty much be applying to an entirely unrelated project in an attempt to gain more publicity.

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I went into the readme of the old Requiem and sent e-mails off you wise bitch. Then I proceeded to e-mail everyone and got 3 replies that said I had permission (I have no idea who, it was a few months ago) but I had 17 user unknowns or something returned. I'll do it anyways with or without your permission because I don't like you and you can't do shit about it and if you try, I will degrade your wasteful life.

Fredrik, the Oblivion HQ team is currently doing a bunch of Unreal work that I am unfamiliar with. That is probably why I am here in the Doom community and I doubt TheRequiem wants any part of this since he’s obsessed with some other shit. May I ask where you got 40 members from? We have about 8 or 9 really dedicated members so get it right before you talk because you just made an ass out of yourself.

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Also, I don't need any of the original designers there are plenty of new talented level designers out there (As you can see there are already people who will design levels). This is not going to be a big thing anyways but rather a Mega Wad Sequel that will be worked out in chats or forums. It probably wont even have a web page unless I can work out something with my team. You can either join or leave me alone and stop giving me problems because it's not worth it to you or me.

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Could you at least be smart enough to post the names of the people that responded? He is "bothering" you because Requiem is a classic and doesn't need your bullshit lame attempts at a sequel to ruin its good name.

From experience with Adel, I don't think he'd want anyone continuing the series unless the original authors were involved.

Another point: think Strain 2.

Yet another point: you lamers never finish anything with decent quality.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa. If only three people gave you permission to do it, and none of them are even going to work on it, then I'm not so sure I want to be a part of this, especially now that Adam's not in favor of the idea.

I'm probably gonna be designing levels for some other things, anyway, so I'm probably out.

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Your attempt to manipulate Diabolic and me is useless. I have no part of this so do not include my signature group, or me, which is more dedicated to "more important things". Not only was that a useless attempt or whatever but we have never released anything to the Doom community. Only Unreal and Quake III so if you have a problem with this idea blame Diabolic. If your saying we have never released anything decent I'm guessing you were pertaining to this forum so you called Slayers and Anarches work less then subtle and they have both released high-quality work.

I think that you let your loud mouth do the work before you thought about it.

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This is also a useless attempt on your part so if I were you, I would let it go and work on a project already in progress or something because I WILL NOT support this idea in any way whether you need a web page or level editors. Best regards

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hah, this is ridiculous. Why do you have to name the megawad Requiem2? It's not like the original Requiem had a theme you can follow or anything.

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There wasn't any major theme but it was still really fun to play and quite honestly, I wouldn't mind to see another Mega Wad like Requiem. I just won't have anything to do with it so if you guys want to work this out and get something going, I will keep an eye out for it.

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So basically you're asking for another community driven megawad.

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Hmmm... as I said, "if it goes ahead"...
And it's probably not a good idea to call it 'Requiem 2'. Just to say it's inspired by Requiem is enough, IMO.

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Originally posted by Diabolic
Also, I don't need any of the original designers there are plenty of new talented level designers out there (As you can see there are already people who will design levels). This is not going to be a big thing anyways but rather a Mega Wad Sequel that will be worked out in chats or forums.

Diabolic, no offence but you and your collegue don't seem to get the point. Nobody here objects to you wanting to create a new 32-level megawad, but they are objecting to you using the name "Requiem". Whatever megawad you make, it isn't a sequel to Requiem because 1) nobody from the original crew is involved, and 2) there is no theme to be copied because there never was one in the first place.

And besides, making 'sequals' that have nothing in common but for their name is an exclusive right reserved by id Software :)

So, why not just create this megawad under an original name? That way you don't piss people off.

Also, don't bitch at people just because they don't agree with you. I don't like reading that kind of posts, and you should know what can happen then.

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Diabloic, your ignorance and lack of respect for the people who made the original requiem is quite interesting. All you really do give a shit about is cheap selfpromoting, which you hope to gain by using a well establish and highly regarded title. If requiem had a theme in the first place, it could make sense to see a sequal. Sure, you could go on and smack together some half crappy stuff in a few months, but it would never be accepted as a true sequal by anyone given the attitude you've displayed already. Unless you get a green light from all of the main guys behind requiem you have no right whatsoever to go ahead with this. I doubt you'd ever find enough people willing to work with you to have a project like this completed anyway (3 months...ROFL), and in this case that pleases me. Sorry dude...you already crashed. Now run away before you burn.

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To make Requiem 2 you would need to have: Extremely skilled mappers, extremely skilled musicians, and extremely skilled texture artists..

I'm looking around. Do you see any? I don't.

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First off, no pretentions. I have never contributed anything game data wise in terms of Doom to any project. I wish I could, but I frankly don't have the time to get thhe skills dialed: I hold down a job and a demanding BA and MA course at uni, and I usually only get through all three by posting here and at other places and playing, of course, a wee bit of Doom.

From a relative 'outsiders' point of view, then, trust me when I say how silly it looks to be arguing over this thing at all.

One: I'm pretty certain you can't force the guy to not use the name Requiem, unless you've copyrighted it.

Two: Why does it matter if he wants to use it anyway? It's not going to degrade the original because anyone who will bother to download and play it will doubtless know the original anyway and differentiate. Really, Doom is simply not that big a thing anymore if he releases something crappy it's gonna make you all look bad.

I understand why you wouldn't want him using the name, but I think it would be nice rather than crushing him to let him have a go, after all you're not planning to do Requiem 2 are you? At the end of the day the most important thing for the community is to release new material IMHO.

Diabolic: I hope you do get the permission you are after, but I think if they absolutely insist on it, you must leave the name Requiem alone. Heh, I'm sure you can find another good name. Good Luck.

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Pritch: I'm glad dat SOMEONE finally said it for me! I agree wit ya 150% You, slayer, and mordeth seem to have hit da nail directly on da head! Although, Diabolic ain't exactly comin' off as friendly here!

................ wait a second...... did I just see MORDETH post! HOLY SHIT!!! Dis calls for a celebration....

/me sacrifices a virgin TO Mordeth.... in my own special little way!/


Fodders: Play nice! :)

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"I went into the readme of the old Requiem and sent e-mails off you wise bitch. Then I proceeded to e-mail everyone and got 3 replies that said I had permission (I have no idea who, it was a few months ago) but I had 17 user unknowns or something returned. I'll do it anyways with or without your permission because I don't like you and you can't do shit about it and if you try, I will degrade your wasteful life. "

From this little perch over here, the above post appears stunning in its rudeness in response to an (I trust) original Requiem author. No hesitation and offer to "talk about it", no signs of considering a compromise, just a flat-out "go to hell" and a sort of challenge to fight. How could Diabolic expect to get support that way? Pritch, I don't think Diabolic was unduly "crushed" here, he got the responses he might well expect, what with his hyper agressive mode.

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I told no one to take it seriously... he is stubborn. I certainly wouldn’t mind doing work for the project or whatever but I have been designing and experimenting with Unreal ED. I think there comes a time for every project to be recognized but the release of Doom III is not far off so why even begin a new Mega Wad now?

I think in order to sustain the respect for the Mega Wad; maybe it should be done with the next addition of Doom? Best regards

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Hmm,well it seems if a little more respect was shown at the outset you could indeed have had many people on your side or willing to work on maps for you.It does seem more than a little presumptuous at such an early stage to think that you'd be able to put together a MegaWad to do justice to Requiem! A working title of something like 'Tribute to Requiem' would have been more respectful and then I'm sure if it was good enough it would indeed become known as Requiem2.
It wouldn't stand-up in a court-of-law just to say you recently spoke with some members of the Requiem team,you need proof,if you have the proof people can but respect your position.No proof and people can only think you're trying it on...Also I think many people here would love to sample some of your work,again if it's up to Requiem's standards I'm sure you'd have great support!
Oh and I know you don't give a shit,but the point is...many people here DO!......

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Diabolic: Sorry dude, I think I'll probably have to pull out now, due to the generally negative response you're getting here. I also thought you had permission from some major Requiem members, but it seems you didn't. I think, after MaimTown and Underworld, I want a break from doing projects, so I can do some cool stand-alone levels, in whatever dang theme I feel like doing at the time...

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