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Requiem 2

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Diabolic showed me some excellent work for my old Doom II Mega Wad but I have no more use for him... he has been released from our team and in conjunction I am going to be looking for some more aspiring 3D Editors and Graphics Artist that are willing to put forth a lot of dedication to our next project. Best regards

Diabolic, if you want to work on anything Doom related then do not ask for my help or any others here because they dislike you. I have a lot more respect then what you take me in for and that pisses me off that you think your better then most people but now you lay shattered by my fingertip. Not very wise of you now… is it?

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Originally posted by TheRequiem
...but now you lay shattered by my fingertip. Not very wise of you now… is it?

Er. Don't mind me, but that was a very.. um.. How do I say this?


Hello, moron, I don't care what he said or did, you "shattered" a bunch of fucking text. CONGRADULATIONS! I HOPE THEY GIVE YOU A FUCKING PLAQUE FOR IT TO. Do you feel better now? Too bad that shattering him doesn't add 4 inchs to your penis, otherwise you might have became a real man.

As for that other dude who likes to steal shit without permission, yah, um, you're a fucking wanker. I mean, usually I would jump at the chance to piss AdamW off because, well, he pisses me off all the time by stealing my records and claiming to be the first one to do it. ;) But you know, you don't steal other peoples work when they say you don't have permission, it's just fucking pathetic. If you're too lazy to do your own work with your own ideas, then by all means, GO PLAY WITH SOME FUCKING LEGOS.

/me out.

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Yes. Ling, please make Fredrik a moderator. It might make him easier to have around. As it is now, he's impossible.


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No, this forum doesn't need a moderator. I think there's nothing left to be gained from this thread.

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