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First WAD you have ever played?

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I downloaded this wad soon after I got doom:

Also, this video actually made me want to tinker around with the doom engine and thus led me to play doom.

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Krispy said:

One of those guys yells' "So ein Mist!" when he dies.

Haha yes, I noticed that too when I first played or watched it. ;D
It`s so weird when you are used to play everything on english and suddenly you hear someone yelling stuff in your mother language (at least mine). Some Wolfenstein Mods with their broken sounding german sentences were very entertaining because of this.

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My first WAD was Nazi Auferstehung. Awesome, huh?

Lemme guess. While you were high on some nasty crack made with washing powder and aspirin and the nasty vodka you usually drink, you randomly watched a video about Doom and then one with Auferstehung, and you thought "DAMN! I GOTTA HAVE THAT!". The rest, as they say, is legend.

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I won a game of Trivial Pursuit way back in the day when I heard the syllables ge sta po. And learned what it meant at the same time.

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Maes said:

Lemme guess. While you were high on some nasty crack made with washing powder and aspirin and the nasty vodka you usually drink, you randomly watched a video about Doom and then one with Auferstehung, and you thought "DAMN! I GOTTA HAVE THAT!". The rest, as they say, is legend.

Some of us just love shitty content, even if it's for a game we've never played before. :P

Anyways, I'm pretty sure my custom .wad was the old Simpsons one. It's the earliest memory I have of playing anything custom.

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IWAD: Doom1.wad
PWAD: The first one I really remember was "Cleimos" (or perhaps "Cliemos") -- it was an early Doom 1 episode replacement with sort of a space resort theme.

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Doom 0.99 shareware and if we're talking about custom PWADS "Knee Deep in DEU".

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First PWAD i remember loaded was Galaxia.wad and a strange "Alien Doom", not the famous AlienTC, but another bizarre one, a replacement of episode 2 of Doom and with new graphics. The level design i found very cool (still today), lots of curvy walls, traps and damaging floor, strange texture choice for doors, etc. It not came with a textfile (i grab it from a disk with other doom related files like Doomcad and DEU 5.1, first editors i use) so i dont know who create this wad. There were 3 files, alienlev, aliengfx and aliensnd. Still today i load sometimes and have a quick run, even think on recreate some of the levels and do a modern version of it. First time i played them was in 1995.


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I don't remember what the first wad I played was, but I definitely remember playing Barneystein. The first Doom wad was probably just some crappy level I picked up on a local BBS.

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Alien TC for Doom1, was included in a cd sold with a newspaper, along with other wads. A wolfenstein TC for doom1, Doom Must Fall TC (inspired by the fighting game by Epic megagames One Must Fall) and some other stuff.

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And my first non-vanilla wad I've played was harmony. I wonder what was it doing on a dvd with a magazine.

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A series of puzzlemaps simply called Alfred. Had the potential to put me off custom WADs for good, but then I found Memento Mori, Darkening and the Aliens TC.

After that I was hooked, and Alfred is actually pretty nifty when you suss out the levels.

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I must have discovered the first bunch of WADs in the CD of a UK magazine (was it pc gamer? I don't remember, I can't even find the CD) and I can't remember which one I had run first, there were some maps from Mark Klem with names like mkhalls and mksomethingelse. I remember one with a river outside and building inside, from the same author possibly. Then I started making and playing my own maps, some of them deleted forever :)

p.s. I just remembered when I had seen the filenames of these wads (mkhalls, mk3, mkmines), before I tried to play them, I was telling some classmates that I found those WADs and misinforming them that they might be doom levels with Mortal Kombat graphics and sounds, just because of the filename :)

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ClumsyDoomer said:

Scythe. That's it.
But in my first 3-4 dooming years I was playing only old awesome iwads :) still really like them.

Scythe is brilliant **

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Hmm, Alien Vendetta after watching some of Tatsurd's videos.

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Twilight Warrior was mine, except me and my brother didn't know how to play it right since we used Doom95. But still, good memories :)

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