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First WAD you have ever played?

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This shit:

I don't remember exactly the first ever PWAD I played, but this was definitely one of them (and the first one that stuck in my mind). It came as part of some Shovelware crap, a set of two floppy disks containing 40 'Extra Levels' -- the idea was to lob them all in the directory and use the included batch files to play a WAD (labelled rather unhelpfully as 'Extra1' through 'Extra40', instead of using the WAD names -- the WAD featured in the video was 'Extra12').

Many of them were shitty Deathmatch WADs (as seen above), and most of the others were barely acceptable SP experiences, although at the time, it was a case of "NEW LEVELS FUCK YEAH" so I didn't seem to give too much of a shit about quality.

One or two of them were pretty good though.

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I think my first WAD was Aliens TC but it was like 17 years ago so it may have simply been the first one that had an impact on me. I remember it being scary.

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I discovered source ports only in 2008 and my first PWAD is 1 Monster Megawad. Guess why :).


It is the first wad in "Doom Levels" list of a Russian dooming site because the list is sorted alphabetically.

Also, pamela.wad which somehow ended up on my Doom 2 installation brought from no-one-knows-where. After I had discovered how to use PWADs I noticed it in my Doom folder and launched...

Not sure which one is actually the first.

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First .wad I ever played was called Area 51 and featured a new sky and a few other textures, plus some new sounds (off the top of my head, a shotgun and punching sound plus the 'footfall' sound from Hexen, can't remember if there was anything else). It was one large level and pretty tough at the time. I was late-to-the-party (as usual) so I guess it'd been out a while.

Following that was an excellent level called Tunnel Run. That was amazing.

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Some random map from Maximum Doom. I used to wonder why there were so many empty maps, until I realised later they were deathmatch maps! I even used to use DeepSea to populate them with monsters for my own entertainment.

The first megawad I played was probably one of the Memento Moris or Requiem, downloaded from DoomWadStation.

So many years of playing Doom with Doom95 as a kid before I discovered Legacy, then JDoom and finally ZDoom which is now my port of choice. :P

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The Dwango wads on the Maximum Doom cd i bought,always remembered it for the Metallica and Megadeth midi music it had :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
ASD said:

Can't remember the name, played it in 2005. It was a one-level Doom1 wad which had custom music. It started in a dark hellish cave and then there was a series of high GRAY -textured buildings in toxic. The map was bright and large, and one thing I remember well is a helipad on top of a building. Does anyone else know this map and help me to find it? Found it from a random site that had other maps like hex2.wad for Doom2, a gothic map that had exit behind the player and a chess mod for Doom.

bak2frnt.wad http://www.elvenminstrel.com/games/wads/screenshots-bak2frnt.htm
Found that week ago from a random Google image search. Wow, it feels nostalgic to see that website again even if it was only 7 years ago. From that site I found the other maps I played after bak2frnt including that hex2.wad. The next pwads I played after those were possibly uaclabs.wad and the RRWARD maps.

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i can't even remember the first wad i played. it was some random thing i downloaded from the beginning of the old /idgames archive, maybe around 1998 but i don't know for sure. it had a number in front of it (that was the same reason Fava Beans and Aloha999 were some of the first i played). i remember that it was very dark and fairly empty. it might have been 11SPACE.wad but i don't remember.

i think that the Trinty college level was one of the first as well, though i seem to remember playing it with Doom textures.

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I've not been playing doom long. Only a year or two, in fact. I think I remember the first wad I played was Action DOOM.

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It's been so long since I first got into playing custom wads that I can't remember my first played. It was probably a novelty wad of some sort.

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The first pwad I ever successfully loaded up and played (which back in 95 was a huge achievement for me) was some nameless music replacement pwad that put classical music into doom. The map had this extremely tall corridor and used STONE3 for the walls. I was quickly killed by a sgt. as I stood there gawking in amazement.

I then started playing through the 01-09 pwads on the D!Zone disk looking for more doom levels; and quickly realized that was a poor way to find good levels. I started jumping around and the first wad that I actually remember as being good was tibet.wad

I then quickly moved onto yakworld, aloha?, and the other pwads that were recommended on the inside cover of the Demon Gate cd (I wonder if I still have that disk?). Good times....

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  • 9 months later...

Neith. I thought it was great. I was very impressed with the new textures. Either Neith, or Latos (whatever it's called, something with an L, kind of a big doom1 techbasey level). Don't know, it was a little while ago, and around the same time I got doom builder and discovered these forums. I might have made my own level before playing a pwad. I was limited at the time due to my lack of awareness of source ports. I was young and dumb, but everything was so new and fun!

Edit: shit, this was an old thread. But I did not do the gravedigging! I swear!

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I believe my first one was some single-map wad. I don't remember what its name was, though.

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I still have original WADs directory, so old stuff should be easily found...

Alien Vendetta, been on HD since 16.12.2011.


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Hard to remember now. When I first got into Doom I didn't have an Internet connection, so any WADs I would have got would have been from friends. Icarus sticks in my memory as probably one of the first I played. I also played MDL which my friend Tom Robinson made. I remember him trying to explain 3 Guyz With Gunz and being terribly confused.

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Vilecore for Doom 2, Herian 2 for ZDoom, and a levelset for UD that a name with "5" and "Project" that I never see mentioned on Doomworld, or in the archive. It was amazing and I wish I still had it.

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Hectic said:

Mars War.

It surprises me how many people had first played Marswar. For me, it was a close 2nd.

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