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"Come now all web designers who work in this land..."

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Hey'a fellow webmasters,

Kinda a multi-parter wondering by me:

1. What web design software do you use, this goes from Dreamweaver to Notepad?
2. What are the main graphics tools you use, be it Photoshop, Flash, Fireworks, Freehand, or Paint?

3. If you use a backend language and database, which ones do you use, PHP, MySQL, ASP, ColdFusion, PostgreSQL, etc?

Thought I should also mention what I used, lol.

I do most of the design for the current R! World, http://www.myrworld.com, in Dreamweaver 3. I find it's the best way to come up with the actual design in a practical way. Then I went back with Notepad to fix and modify anything I couldn't do by hand. I did most of the CSS using Dreamweaver and the newer stuff in Notepad. The JavaScript is either mine or stuff I ripped from other people, with all credit given.

The PHP I coded for the most part in PHPCoder and for quickies I went into Dreamweaver's coding environment or good ol' Notepad.

The graphics are primarily done in Flash 5, although I have been known to make use of Freehand 10. I do need a good bitmap editor, however, like Fireworks or PSP.

As for the backend, I run on a Linux/Apache pairing with PHP 4 as my coding and MySQL as the database. I also plan to integrate an XML based Flash IM, and other assorted things. The IRC server I run is Hybrid 7, I believe.

Just curious,

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Hey'a fellow webmasters,

I'm not quite a webmaster but I'm heading that direction. PWS and coldfusion aren't on my compie for nothing.

1. What web design software do you use, this goes from Dreamweaver to Notepad?

Dreamweaver, HomeSite, Notepad.

2. What are the main graphics tools you use, be it Photoshop, Flash, Fireworks, Freehand, or Paint?

Photoshop 6 for the most part. Fireworks for anis. I have flash but I'm not too good with it.

3. If you use a backend language and database, which ones do you use, PHP, MySQL, ASP, ColdFusion, PostgreSQL, etc?

None right now. I'm learning though.

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Might as well put in my two cents.

The current Doomworld design was designed by me, almost entirely from scratch, using a few influences and ideas from a test design created by a Telefragged graphic designer.

The story of the Doomworld redesign actually starts in November 2000, when I decided that I was tiring of the curvy design and wanted something different. One weekend out of boredom and curiosity I created a sample layout which can be seen here. It looks quite a bit different from the finished product, but some of the stuff there is in the final design, most obviously including the "top story" table.

I didn't really think much about a redesign for a long time afterwards, until sometime in mid 2001 when I contacted a graphic designer asking for his input into the matter. He created another design which I liked some aspects of and really didn't like others. You can see in the top parts the beginnings of what eventually became the masthead for the site. I also liked the the look of the middle table beneath it, so I stole it for my own uses.

Using ideas from the two previous design concepts, I started making my own new design last summer, and pretty much completed by mid-August 2001, as can be seen here.

However, other stuff such as school intervened, and I didn't think much of the redesign until a long weekend in late January when I polished up and finished most of the stuff left to do, including writing systems for managing the source ports, utilities, music page, and so on.

Then I again let it fallow until March 11, when I decided on the spur of the moment to complete the Doomworld redesign by the 13th.

The graphics were made / modified in Paint Shop Pro 4.0. The blueish monster graphics to the left of the logo are taken from a few different sources:

* Cyberdemon from a scan of the painting for the Doom 2 box
* Imp from a scan of the painting for the Doom box
* Mancubus, spider, bunny head, baron sketch from hi-res scans of the Book of id which was included with the id Anthology
* Cacodemon from the cover of the AD&D book it was stolen from
* Icon of Sin from Doom 2, obviously

The HTML and CSS were both written entirely by hand by me using Textpad.

The PHP was also written entirely by hand, using Textpad. The news creation/modification/display system was written entirely from scratch on the afternoon of March 12th, because I was displeased with the way that the old one worked, and it didn't do everything that I wanted it to do.

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1. Notepad, Textpad sometimes
2. Paint Shop Pro 6 and sometimes 7
3. I use some PHP on my site

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1. Netscape Composer, Notepad.
2. Mr. Photo, MS Paint.
3. Hmm, I'm no web master! Why did I press the button!?

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Originally posted by the_Danarchist
We used flamingtext.com in our webclass...

That explains it, I guess... ;)

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all the damn polls have X's by them... this is getting really sad.

as for the flaming text, you can make better flaming text in about 5 minutes if you use photoshop.

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