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Parental Units (Or, why my dad is so great.)

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Listen to why I hate my dad and tell me why your parents suck too. This is another huge fucking post, long life story to get off my chest, so put on a pot of coffee and light the cigarettes up.

For as far back as I can remember, I have hated my dad. He treated my family (i dont cosider him family) very poorly. I was abused mentally and physically by him, not to mention what he did to others. Lets start.

Heres a basic description of him. During the time he lived with me, he was a 6'0, 675 pound (no exageration whatsoever) freckled behemoth. He has more diseases than I have letters in my full name (Toby Neal Collins Jr.), and I'll name off the ones I can remember: Hepatitis a thru d (supposedly the listing goes up to the letter m, but I dont know for sure), AIDS, diabetes, a few different forms of venerial disease, gohnarhea and chlymydia (i think), and some others. He's only been married twice, currently going on his soon-to-be-third marriage. While married to my mother, he cheated on her four times in a 12 year span, which explains most of the diseases. when I was 9 years old, he took me, my best friend, and my best friend's mom fishing. he fucked her next to the lake while my best friend and I watched 20 feet away. that christmas, he spent all of our rent money to buy bikes for my best friend and his sister, and pay the bitch's rent. we almost got evicted that month.
when my mom threatened to call the police on him, my dad pulled a large handgun out and said he would kill my mom if she did that. A month later, when my dad cashed in our tax return, he told us he spent it on bills. He actually paid my best friend's mom's rent again, bought her some appliance, and spent the rest on hookers. A few years later, my dad met a woman on a local BBS who he began cheating with, and one day drove us over there to help move a bunch of her furniture and shit. that same year, when my uncle got arrested, my uncle's gf moved into our house. my mom wanted to visit her mom in california, but because my dad couldnt fit in seats on a greyhound, my mom wouldnt fly, and I was still in school, my mom and my siblings went alone, while I stayed with my dad and my uncle's gf.
After we sent my mom away on the greyhound bus, my dad gave me a speech about how i was getting older and I was going to need more responsibility so he was going to give me a mission to complete each day. I was 12 or 13 then, but I was smart enough to know my dad was trying to get me out of the house. Every day or every other day, depending on his stamina, he'd give me $10-$20 dollars and send me to the arcade (making sure to ask how long XX amount of dollars would last me at Putt Putt) or send me to the Air Force Museum (making sure to ask how long the imax feature of the day would last). Most of the time I wouldnt come straight home; When you suck at cruisin USA and get tired of Area 51, a walk can be just as fun. eventually one day, my dad gave me $40, hoping to keep me at the movie theater all day, but instead I took my bike and a road atlas, took a 5 hour bike ride down to cincinatti (60 miles from my town), saw a reds game (they lost, but I cant remember the other team), and biked home. AFAIK my dad never found out about that, because he was asleep when I got home that day. when I woke up in the middle of the night, I walked downstairs to find him fucking my uncle's gf on the dining room table (brand new table). I walked back upstairs, and the night my mom came home a week later, she woke up and found the same scene. That was the last night my dad was ever in my house. 3 months later my parents were divorced.

I had some other shit to add to this, like how my dad is collecting welfare etc., and the incident last night that made me decide to post this, but writng has brought back a few memories and some tears and shit so ima calm down now.

post why your parents suck, too.

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Fuck. I hate when this happens. I'll bitch about my parents being gay because they expect me to get all A's, and try not to let me use the computer on weekdays, and won't let us get cable TV or play football for a real team...

But then I'll hear my friends tell about how much worse off they have it, like my one friend at school told me about how her parents refuse to let her leave the house except for school and extra-curricular activities like the school play, so she lied about activities and was going out with people, etc, and they found out so they got really pissed and like locked her in her room and took away her TV and phone and her dad said he hated her and he wasted his life raising her.

And then I'll come on here and see things like this, and I'll feel guilty, because I'll realize that I do have relatively great parents who actually do care for me (although they really make it seem otherwise at times).

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*Really worked up*
That....PRICK...should be sent to the dirtiest jail in all of the USA!
I hate arseholes like that!
/Me smashes a lot of furniture in frustration.

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Damn, that's horrible. Your life must have been a pain. Wish you better luck with it in the future.

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Some people just shouldn't be allowed to breed! My parents were good, dad worked all his life until he dropped dead after a good (her words) sex session with my mom, he went to the toilet, came back and dropped dead , what a way to go! cool, mom's now dead, both sadly missed, I think they did a good job raising me and my siblings, we all turned out ok, had good jobs, married , home owners and nice kids. I been happily married 7 years(actully been married 27 years :)My daughter brings my grandson to be looked after 3 days a week, so she must have been happy with her upbringing to entrust her only child with us, son is 20 and earning potloads of money, director of 4 buisnesses and won't leave home so he must be happy here :)Bad parents make my blood boil, when I started out to read your post Tobester I was ready to insert glib comments about "parents are not taught how to do it" etc, "we do our best" etc, but, no, that guy deserves to die, and I feel your pain, honestly

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My parents don't suck. True, my dad isn't the best parent but he at least tries to do his best. He just tends to get aggressive over pitiful things (kinda like me :-P) and he's just so annoyingly stubborn sometimes, refusing to see reason while it's obvious that he's wrong, but generally, he's ok.

My mum is in my eyes a brilliant mother, a bit strict at times, but generally a nice lady with a lot of self discipline, who managed to bring up four kids.

If there's one thing I'm unhappy about in regards to my parents is that they dislike computer games; they find it totally ridiculous to sit and shoot at pixels - but this is all typical for that generation of people (fodders is a really rare kind). They are also slightly oldfashioned in regards to so many things (but I feel that they have begun to improve).

But I find that my parents are brilliant parents whenever I remember some of my old classmates' parents (Who allowed their kids to do almost everything they liked) and especially when I read about drug addict/drunkard parents who either don't care about their kids or beat them.

I'd like to see you dad hung by his thumbs and shot (at the very least!) - that sort of people are responsible for everything that's wrong with this world!

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yeah my parents do suck.
but i think because of their religious beliefs they dont abuse us or cheat on each other, though they do have corperal punishment.
but that sucks tobester, people shouldnt be treated like that.

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I can't say I my parents are bad at all, though my mom is a little crazy and unreasonable with all of us at times. However, I've dealt with my friends abusive parents and watch from a distance where I can do nothing about it while my friends suffer. It makes me feel like total crap. I have no sympathy for abusive parents, and I think they should be cast into the darkest pits of hell for a good thousand years or so. And if they pulls out a gun on their spouse, hurt the family, and cheat all at once, they can burn a bit longer.

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ok, imma make a list which im sure many teens have:
1. pressed religious beliefs
2. corperal punishment (hittng, if ya dont know)
3. ecpect more of me (im a c student and i try as hard as i can to get that and they want more)
4. i can look how i want-christ's sake, im forced to get a haircut with the rply "when youre 18 you can look how you want. its my body!
5. i get blamed for everything wrong, and if i deny it it must have been the cat
6. they like my sister more than me
7. im just a bum as my mom says
8. im worthless as my dad says
9-10000000000000 manymanymany more annoying as hell things

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Originally posted by fodders
Some people just shouldn't be allowed to breed!

then you guys wouldnt be blessed with my charming presence ;)

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Originally posted by xooz98
the fat guy with diseases gets laid and i dont


/me kills self

Heh...exactly what I was thinking. It sucks how I can be such a good friend to girls, yet I can never get a girlfriend. Meh...but thats an entirely different topic.

As for my parents, my mom was way to leniant on me, so now I have completely no sense of responsibility or discepline. Add that with my parents not pressing any religion on me, and that makes me one Godless Couchfuck. Also, my mom is a feminist and ex-hippy, which has probably affected me in many ways.

As for my dad, he has some serious anger problems. His main problem being that he never released his anger on his children, so its all bottled up and stuff now. His constant grumblings can get really annoying.

Yeah...nothing bad, but when I think about it, I'm surprised we've all managed to stay sane.

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Originally posted by Stitches
but my dad doe3s like doom

Heh. If it weren't for my dad, I probably wouldn't be playing Doom right now. Back when I first got Doom, my mom hated it cause it was violent, blah blah blah and 8 year olds should not be playing that kind of stuff etc etc. So she made me get rid of it, but instead of doing that my dad made the Doom directory hidden so I was still able to play it. Eventually she just stopped caring anymore =)

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Heh, man, Tobe, that blows. How could your uncles gf even get to the dick of a 600 pound man anyway?

Well anywho, my parents are good people, so I won't bother you describing them.. This thread has inspired me, though. Expect a new religion politics thread within half an hour.

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So she made me get rid of it, but instead of doing that my dad made the Doom directory hidden so I was still able to play it. Eventually she just stopped caring anymore =)

Heh, my dad kinda did that.

When I was like 6 years old I used to rent a lot of SNES games to play and whichever parent was taking me to the rental store would accompany me as I looked at the shelves. I remember once looking at the package for some violent game (may have even been doom, but I'm not sure), and my mom said "no, that game has too much violence", to which I replied "What's wrong with violets?" O_o

Anyway, next time my dad and I stopped by a blockbuster, after looking at the movies he picked up a game and asked me "what's this"? It was Mortal Kombat, and I said "that game has violence I think". Then my old man says "Violence exists, might as well learn to deal with it now", and put the game in my hands :p

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Originally posted by Archvile64
Heh. If it weren't for my dad, I probably wouldn't be playing Doom right now.

Yeah, same here. I used to watch my dad play it all the time. He wouln't let me play because of the violence and such, so he passworded it on Quickmenus. I figured it out pretty easily though. It was 'doom'. :p

I still didn't play it though, because I thought it was to scary...I mean a 3d game? Dying in it would be almost like dying in real life!

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Heh, that happened to me the first time I ever played Doom. I managed to work my way up to E1M7 on HMP (cause it was the default skill), but there I got surrounded by Imps and taken down to 2% health. I quit ASAP because I was scared of what would happen if I died. Heh. But I was seven or eight at the time, you have to cut me some slack :P

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Damm I feel sorry for ya Tobe. Having to live with shit like that.

Now that I think about it my parents are good. They put up with all my shit. They are strict and everything but I should be greatful.

AH! Parents who treat their kids like shit by doing this kinda crap deserve to be shot.

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Heh, man, Tobe, that blows. How could your uncles gf even get to the dick of a 600 pound man anyway?

I've joked about this many times. It requires a magnifying glass and a sling to hold the fat up and out of the way.

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My parents are okay. I've had my gripes with them, but know that I know more about them, I know that both my parents are products of their respective upbringings.

My dad's parents got divorced after his dad came back from the War. My dad lived with his mother, her two sisters, and their mother. He rebelled early and often, and between adventures with his friends and occasional trips to San Fran to see his dad, he came out okay for a guy raised by five older chicks. Add on his stint in Vietnam and the year afterwards spent trying to repair his body and salvage his arm, and his self-driven education and ambition, and you've got a guy who's been there, done that, knows how to deal with things (whether you like his technique or not), and takes shit from others very poorly.

My mom has had four dads. Seriously. Her real father was a hard worker who dropped dead from a heart attack when my mom was in high school. Her mother then fell in love with a guy who turned out to be manic-depressive: he was in a "manic" period when he courted and married her, and after a month of marriage he hit a "depressive" period and killed himself. My grandmother then somehow fell in love with a guy who had kids from a previous divorce; this guy was an asshole who abused and cheated on my grandmother, and ignored my mom and her siblings in favor of his owned spoiled spawn. She decided to leave that asshole the night of my parent's wedding, and went to stay in their apartment while my folks were on their honeymoon.

My mom was raised Hardcore Catholic, and it shows. She was also the "gifted" one in her family, getting the best grades and the highest scores on all the standardized tests. The result is: she expects A LOT from her own kids. She makes plans for us over the top of our heads (every science fair project any of the three of us has ever done has been her project) and goes nuts if we ever don't meet her expectations.

I am dearly afraid of what my own kids will think of me, if I ever have any. :|

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I'm already turning into my father. It's scary, when I think about it. I've got my mom's genes and my dad's personality. :|

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Heh...exactly what I was thinking. It sucks how I can be such a good friend to girls, yet I can never get a girlfriend. Meh...but thats an entirely different topic

They think you're gay. Just show 'em otherwise :) It is otherwise, isn't it?

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update on my dad

he got a job

dunno what it is yet

but that means he has to start paying child support.


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Hm, his new job is probably drug trafficing or something.

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